Zechariah 8:11
- The Lord Will Do Good to Jerusalem (Zechariah 8)
Return to Zion, dwelling in Jerusalem
Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you
There shall yet old men and old women dwell in the streets of Jerusalem
May you receive the same blessings that came to Judah and Israel
Isaiah 49:17-21
- The Lord Does Not Forget Zion (Isaiah 49:8-26)
Mother's love, A
And bind them on thee, as a bride doeth
Jeremiah 30:18
- The Restoration of Israel and Judah (Jeremiah 30)
A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping
You shall go forth in the dances
Girls will dance and be happy, and men, young and old, will rejoice, The