Zephaniah 3:20
- Zephaniah (Zephaniah 1--3)
Zephaniah is called by the Lord to prophesy
Great day of the Lord, The
Zephaniah preaches before Josiah
Sing, O daughter of Zion
Jeremiah 23:3
There is no Arts related to this verses.Jeremiah 31:8-9
There is no Arts related to this verses.Ezekiel 34:13
- The False Shepherds and the Good Shepherd (Ezekiel 34)
God, the true shepherd
My sheep wandered through all the mountains
Covenant of peace, The
I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep
(4 Pictures)
Related Topics:
About the Shepherd and His Flock ;
The Good Shepherd
Related Chapter:
Ezekiel 34
Ezekiel 36:24
- A New Heart and a New Spirit (Ezekiel 36:16-38)
And the desolate land shall be tilled
(1 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Ezekiel 36
Hosea 1:11
- The Prophet and His Marriage (Hosea 1:2--2:1;3)
- Hosea Preaching (Hosea 1)
Prophet Hosea and his wife Gomer
Mountain landscape with river valley and the prophet Hosea
Hosea weds a harlot
Romans 11:25-26
- Salvation for the Gentiles - Salvation for Israel (Romans 11)
Do not become proud, but stand in awe!
Do not become proud, but stand in awe!
Do not become proud, but stand in awe!
Do not become proud, but stand in awe!