Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  2 Samuel >  Exposition >  VI. DAVID'S TROUBLES chs. 9--20 >  C. David's Rejection and Return chs. 13-20 >  1. Events leading up to Absalom's rebellion chs. 13-14 > 
Absalom's murder of Amnon 13:23-39 
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References to two years (v. 23) and three years (v. 38) bracket this literary unit.

 Amnon's murder 13:23-29
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Absalom patiently and carefully plotted revenge on Amnon.

". . . As the sheep of Absalom would lose their wool (vv. 23-24), so David's firstborn, the potential shepherd of Israel, would lose his life (vv. 28-29)."223

Absalom finally killed his brother at Baal-hazor 15 miles north-northeast of Jerusalem two years later (ca. 985 B.C.). As Amnon's rape of Tamar reprised David's adultery with Bathsheba, so Absalom's execution of Amnon mirrored David's murder of Uriah (cf. Gal. 6:7). David's sons were chips off the old block.224

 The aftermath of Amnon's murder 13:30-39
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The writer may have devoted so much text to straightening out the rumor that Absalom had killed all the king's sons to stress God's mercy in not cutting off all of them. At first report David probably thought God had judged him severely, but it became clear that God had been merciful. Jonadab may have been a member of David's cabinet (v. 3). Evidently he and Absalom had hatched the conspiracy against Amnon to remove the heir apparent to the throne.225Jonadab knew precisely what had happened.

Absalom fled to his maternal grandfather (3:3) who lived in the kingdom of Geshur that lay northeast of the Sea of Chinnereth (Galilee).226There he stayed for three years (until ca. 982 B.C.). This sets the scene for the next crisis in David's family.

So far at least six consequences of David's sins against Bathsheba and Uriah have surfaced (cf. 12:10-11). First, the child that Bathsheba bore died. Second, Amnon raped Tamar. Third, Absalom broke off communication with his brother, Amnon. Fourth, Absalom murdered Amnon. Fifth, Absalom left the country and his family. Sixth, David had become an even more passive father. This family had become dysfunctional.

"Grace means that God, in forgiving you, does not kill you. Grace means that God, in forgiving you, gives you the strength to endure the consequences. Grace frees us so that we can obey our Lord. It does not mean sin's consequences are automatically removed. If I sin and in the process of sinning break my arm, when I find forgiveness from sin, I still have to deal with a broken arm."227

"When David sowed to the flesh, he reaped what the flesh produced. Moreover, he reaped the consequences of his actions even though he had confessed his sin and been forgiven for it. Underline it, star it, mark it deeply upon your conscious mind: Confession and forgiveness in no way stop the harvest. He had sown; he was to reap. Forgiven he was, but the consequences continued. This is exactly the emphasis Paul is giving the Galatians even in this age of grace [Gal. 6:7]. We are not to be deceived, for God will not be mocked. What we sow we will reap, and there are no exceptions."228

More Christians have probably memorized 1 John 1:9 than Romans 6:12-13. First John 1:9 deals with how to handle sin afterwe have committed it; it is corrective theology. Romans 6:12-13 deals with how to handle sin beforewe commit it; it is preventive theology. We need to pay more attention to Romans 6:12-13. The purpose of 2 Samuel 13 is to help the reader prevent this type of sin rather than help us recover from it having fallen. It is a strong warning against letting our passions lead us because of the consequences that will follow.

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