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The quality of wisdom that Proverbs presents is much more than the ability to apply knowledge to various situations in life effectively. It also involves submission to the way of God that is the order of life God has revealed as best for men and women. It is possible for people to think correctly and to speak and act wisely with no direct knowledge of divine revelation. However people of this type possess only limited wisdom.

The wise person is one who takes God into account. He realizes his own limitations and his need for divine guidance. He listens to and applies what God has revealed to his own life. The foolish person believes he does not need God's help. He closes his ears and his mind to God's revelation. He goes his own way. The wise person becomes a success eventually while the fool suffers destruction.

Proverbs begins with appeals to listen and submit to God's revealed wisdom (chs. 1-9). Then the writers cite particular cases of wise and foolish behavior to help us live wisely (chs. 10-31).

The Book of Proverbs deserves more exposition by preachers and Bible teachers than it gets.

"With the exception of Leviticus, it is doubtful that any biblical book is viewed with less enthusiasm by the preacher."218

One writer suggested these hermeneutical and homiletical guidelines for interpreting and proclaiming Proverbs.219

Hermeneutical guidelines

1. Interpret individual passages in light of the overall structure, purpose, and "motto"of the Book of Proverbs.

2. Recognize the various literary forms and devices (the "building blocks"of the individual passages or proverbs) as a clue to the context.

3. Beware of the erroneous assumption that proverbs are unconditional promises.

4. Realize that some proverbs are unconditionally true.

5. Interpret the Book of Proverbs in light of the historical-cultural context of extrabiblical wisdom literature.

Homiletical Guidelines

1. In seeking to apply a proverb, be sure to validate the application through the context of the Bible.

2. Utilize the characteristics and nature of proverbial wisdom as a foundation for graphic communication of timeless principles.

3. Explore the creative use of proverbial characters.

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