Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Joel >  Exposition >  III. A near future day of the Lord: A human invasion 2:1-27 >  C The possibility of forgiveness and restoration 2:18-27 > 
1. The Lord's gracious response 2:18 
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If the Israelites repented sincerely, Yahweh would be zealous to protect His chosen land from foreign invaders and have pity on His chosen people. This was His essential response.

"Beginning in Joel 2:18, Israel ceases to be the object of God's judgment and becomes instead the object of His blessing. In a similar reversal the hordes (locust and human) cease to be the instruments of God's judgment on Israel and become instead the objects of God's judgment. This reversal was originally foretold by God through Moses in Deuteronomy 30:1-9."24

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