I. Introduction 1:1-4
II. The birth and childhood of Jesus 1:5-2:52
A. The announcement of John the Baptist's birth 1:5-25
1. The introduction of John's parents 1:5-7
2. The angel's announcement to Zechariah 1:8-23
3. The pregnancy of Elizabeth 1:24-25
B. The announcement of Jesus' birth 1:26-56
1. The introduction of Mary and Joseph 1:26-27
2. The angel's announcement to Mary 1:28-38
3. Mary's visit to Elizabeth 1:39-56
C. The birth and early life of John the Baptist 1:57-80
1. The naming of John 1:57-66
2. Zechariah's song of praise 1:67-79
3. The preparation of John 1:80
D. The birth and early life of Jesus ch. 2
1. The setting of Jesus' birth 2:1-7
2. The announcement to the shepherds 2:8-20
3. Jesus' circumcision 2:21
4. Jesus' presentation in the temple 2:22-38
5. Jesus' development in Nazareth 2:39-40
6. Jesus' visit to the temple as a boy 2:41-50
7. Jesus' continuing growth 2:51-52
III. The preparation for Jesus' ministry 3:1-4:13
A. The ministry of John the Baptist 3:1-20
1. The beginning of John's ministry 3:1-6
2. John's preaching 3:7-18
3. The end of John's ministry 3:19-20
B. The baptism of Jesus 3:21-22
C. The genealogy of Jesus 3:23-38
D. The temptation of Jesus 4:1-13
IV. Jesus' ministry in and around Galilee 4:14-9:50
A. Jesus' teaching ministry and the response to it 4:14-5:11
1. An introduction to Jesus' Galilean ministry 4:14-15
2. Jesus' teaching in Nazareth 4:16-30
3. Jesus' ministry in and around Capernaum 4:31-44
4. The call of Peter, James, and John 5:1-11
B. The beginning of controversy with the Pharisees 5:12-6:11
1. Jesus' cleansing of a leprous Jew 5:12-16
2. Jesus' authority to forgive sins 5:17-26
3. Jesus' attitude toward sinners 5:27-32
4. Jesus' attitude toward fasting 5:33-39
5. Jesus' authority over the Sabbath 6:1-5
6. Jesus' attitude toward the Sabbath 6:6-11
C. Jesus' teaching of His disciples 6:12-49
1. The selection of 12 disciples 6:12-16
2. The assembling of the people 6:17-19
3. The Sermon on the Mount 6:20-49
D. Jesus' compassion for people ch. 7
1. The healing of a centurion's servant 7:1-10
2. The raising of a widow's son 7:11-17
3. The confusion about Jesus' identity 7:18-35
4. The anointing by a sinful woman 7:36-50
E. Jesus' teaching in parables 8:1-21
1. The companions and supporters of Jesus 8:1-3
2. The parable of the soils 8:4-15
3. The parable of the lamp 8:16-18
4. The true family of Jesus 8:19-21
F. Jesus' mighty works 8:22-56
1. The stilling of the storm 8:22-25
2. The deliverance of a demoniac in Gadara 8:26-39
3. The healing of a woman with a hemorrhage and the raising of Jairus' daughter 8:40-56
G. Jesus' preparation of the Twelve 9:1-50
1. The mission of the Twelve to Israel 9:1-6
2. Herod's question about Jesus' identity 9:7-9
3. The feeding of the 5000 9:10-17
4. Peter's confession of faith 9:18-27
5. The Transfiguration 9:28-36
6. The exorcism of an epileptic boy 9:37-43a
7. Jesus' announcement of His betrayal 9:43b-45
8. The pride of the disciples 9:46-50
V. Jesus' ministry on the way to Jerusalem 9:51-19:27
A. The responsibilities and rewards of discipleship 9:51-10:24
1. The importance of toleration 9:51-56
2. The importance of self-denial 9:57-62
3. The importance of participation 10:1-16
4. The joy of participation 10:17-20
5. The joy of comprehension 10:21-24
B. The relationships of disciples 10:25-11:13
1. The relation of disciples to their neighbors 10:25-37
2. The relation of disciples to Jesus 10:38-42
3. The relation of disciples to God the Father 11:1-13
C. The results of popular opposition 11:14-54
1. The Beelzebul controversy 11:14-26
2. The importance of observing God's Word 11:27-28
3. The sign of Jonah 11:29-32
4. The importance of responding to the light 11:33-36
5. The climax of Pharisaic opposition 11:37-54
D. The instruction of the disciples in view of Jesus' rejection 12:1-13:17
1. The importance of fearless confession 12:1-12
2. The importance of the eternal perspective 12:13-21
3. God's provisions for disciples 12:22-34
4. The coming of the Son of Man 12:35-48
5. The coming crisis 12:49-59
6. A call to repentance 13:1-9
7. A sign of Jesus' ability to affect change 13:10-17
E. Instruction about the kingdom 13:18-14:35
1. Parables of the kingdom 13:18-21
2. Entrance into the kingdom 13:22-30
3. Jesus' postponement of the kingdom 13:31-35
4. Participants in the kingdom 14:1-24
5. The cost of discipleship 14:25-35
F. God's attitude toward sinners ch. 15
1. The setting for Jesus' teaching 15:1-2
2. The parable of the lost sheep 15:3-7
3. The parable of the lost coin 15:8-10
4. The parable of the lost son 15:11-32
G. Jesus' warnings about riches ch. 16
1. Discipleship as stewardship 16:1-13
2. Jesus' rebuke of the Pharisees for their greed 16:14-31
H. Jesus' warning about disciples' actions and attitudes 17:1-19
1. The prevention of sin and the restoration of sinners 17:1-4
2. The disciples' attitude toward their duty 17:5-10
3. The importance of gratitude 17:11-19
I. Jesus' teaching about His return 17:20-18:8
1. A short lesson for the Pharisees 17:20-21
2. A longer explanation for the disciples 17:22-37
3. The parable of the persistent widow 18:1-8
J. The recipients of salvation 18:9-19:27
1. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector 18:9-14
2. An illustration of humility 18:15-17
3. The handicap of wealth 18:18-30
4. Jesus' passion announcement and the disciples' lack of perception 18:31-34
5. The healing of a blind man near Jericho 18:35-43
6. Zaccheus' ideal response to Jesus 19:1-10
7. The parable of the minas 19:11-27
VI. Jesus' ministry in Jerusalem 19:28-21:38
A. The Triumphal Entry 19:28-40
B. The beginning of Jesus' ministry in Jerusalem 19:41-48
1. Jesus' sorrow over Jerusalem 19:42-44
2. Jesus' cleansing of the temple 19:45-46
3. A synopsis of Jesus' teaching in the temple 19:47-48
C. Jesus' teachings in the temple 20:1-21:4
1. The controversy over authority 20:1-8
2. The parable of the wicked tenant farmers 20:9-19
3. The question of tribute to Caesar 20:20-26
4. The problem of the resurrection 20:27-40
5. Jesus' question about David's son 20:41-44
6. Jesus' condemnation of the scribes 20:45-47
7. Jesus' commendation of a widow 21:1-4
D. Jesus' teaching about the destruction of the temple 21:5-36
1. The setting and the warning about being misled 21:5-9
2. The need for faithful perseverance 21:10-19
3. The judgment coming on Jerusalem 21:20-24
4. The second coming of the Son of Man 21:25-28
5. The certainty of these events 21:29-33
6. The concluding exhortation to watchfulness 21:34-36
E. A summary of Jesus' ministry in Jerusalem 21:37-38
VII. Jesus' passion, resurrection, and ascension 22:1-24:53
A. The plot to arrest Jesus 22:1-6
1. The leaders' desire 22:1-2
2. Judas' offer 22:3-6
B. The preparations for the Passover 22:7-13
C. Events in the upper room 22:14-38
1. The Passover meal 22:14-18
2. The institution of the Lord's Supper 22:19-20
3. Jesus' announcement of His betrayal 22:21-23
4. Teaching about the disciples' service 22:24-30
5. Jesus' announcement of Peter's denial 22:31-34
6. The opposition to come 22:35-38
D. The arrest of Jesus 22:39-53
1. Jesus' preparation in Gethsemane 22:39-46
2. Judas' betrayal 22:47-53
E. The trials of Jesus 22:54-23:25
1. Peter's denial of Jesus 22:54-62
2. The mockery of the soldiers 22:63-65
3. Jesus' trial before the Sanhedrin 22:66-71
4. Jesus' first appearance before Pilate 23:1-7
5. Jesus' appearance before Herod 23:8-12
6. Jesus' second appearance before Pilate 23:13-25
F. The crucifixion of Jesus 23:26-49
1. Events on the way to Golgotha 23:26-32
2. Jesus' death 23:33-49
G. The burial of Jesus 23:50-56
H. The resurrection of Jesus 24:1-12
I. The post-resurrection appearances of Jesus 24:13-49
1. The appearance to the disciples walking to Emmaus 24:13-35
2. The appearances to the disciples in Jerusalem 24:36-49
J. The ascension of Jesus 24:50-53