Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Deuteronomy >  Exposition >  II. MOSES' FIRST MAJOR ADDRESS: A REVIEW OF GOD'S FAITHFULNESS 1:6--4:40 >  A. God's past dealings with Israel 1:6-3:29 > 
6. Moses' anticipation of future blessing 3:21-29 
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Moses encouraged Joshua, his successor, to take courage on the basis of all that God had done for Israel thus far, especially in defeating Sihon and Og (vv. 21-22). A better translation of verse 22 is ". . . for Yahweh [the covenant-keeping God] your Elohim [strong One], He[emphatic] is the one fighting for you."Israel's future success was certain because of Israel's God, not because of Israel's strength or wisdom.

Moses was so eager to see the Promised Land that he requested permission to enter it even for just a brief visit (vv. 23-25). Because of his sin, which the people provoked by their incessant complaining but which Moses did not shirk responsibility for, God did not permit this (v. 26). God did, however, allow Moses to view the land from a good vantage point (v. 27; cf. 34:1-3).

"In this section we also have one of Moses' prayers (vv. 23-29). These prayers contribute to a profile of Moses as a type or model figure that is anticipatory of later figures in the biblical tradition. The primary components of this profile show Moses as a suffering servant [here], teacher (see discussion of 5:22-33), intercessor (see ch. 9), and prophet (see 18:9-22)."44

God charged Moses with encouraging Joshua further (v. 28). It is much easier to live by sight than by faith in God's promises.

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