Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  1 Timothy >  Appendix 2 > 
VII. Conclusions 
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A. Scripture affirms that women are equal with men as image-bearers of God and in their personal standing before God and the church.

B. Scripture affirms that women are distinct in their femaleness from men in their maleness as created and ordered by God.

C. Scripture affirms a basic pattern of functional order applicable to the church in which men are given headship--the task of leadership, and women are to be subject to this leadership (as are men who are not designated leaders).

D. Scripture demonstrates that women have unique and significant ministries to fulfill along with men in the church because they are gifted with the same spiritual gifts as men. There are no gender distinctions in the distribution of spiritual gifts.

E. The office of elder is not open to a woman, but as with a man, she can exercise her gifts without holding this office.

F. The office of deacon is probably open to a woman--at least women fulfilled many of its functions in the New Testament church.

G. The Scriptures indicate that a woman may participate actively in corporate worship, but she is not to teach or engage in activities in which she has authority over a man or men in this sphere.

She may minister in church services or church-related meetings so long as her primary purpose is not to have authority that befits the office of elder/pastor. It is debated whether this prohibition regarding teaching the Scriptures or Bible doctrine extends beyond the confines of corporate worship or church-related meetings.

There are numerous spheres of leadership and ministry that are appropriate for women, limited only by situations where a woman would assume "headship"authority over a man or men. Such spheres include Christian education, outreach and evangelism, specialized pastoral ministries, church administration, a music ministry, a prayer ministry, a service ministry, and a writing ministry.

Perhaps two biblical guidelines would be helpful in evaluating particular situations:

a. Does our interpretation or application of a biblical passage in a given situation affirm woman's personal equality with man?

b. Does our interpretation or application of a biblical passage in a given situation affirm woman's responsibility of willing submission to man's headship responsibility in the home and church?

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