Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Titus >  Exposition >  II. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETTING THE CHURCH IN ORDER 1:5--3:11 >  C. The conduct of the saints 2:1-3:11 >  2. The behavior of all in the church 3:1-11 >  Individual responsibility 3:1-8 > 
Instructions 3:1-2 
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Several duties of all Christians follow. We should (1) be subject to governmental rulers and other authorities by being obedient to them and (2) be ready to do whatever is good. We should (3) slander no one and (4) be peaceable (Gr. amachous, lit. nonfighting), gentle, and considerate toward everyone (cf. 1 Pet. 2:23).

"The Christian must not adopt the arts of the agitator."69

"So far Paul has been concerned with the internal arrangements of the Cretan churches and the duties of their members to one another. Now he comments briefly on their relationship to the civil power and their pagan environment generally. The point he makes is that they should be models of good citizenship precisely because the new, supernatural life of the Spirit bestowed by [Spirit] baptism finds expression in such an attitude."70

"People who are ever fighting are wretched citizens and neighbors; people who are willing to yield in gentleness are admirable, especially when they follow the gentle spirit of Jesus."71

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