Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Revelation >  Exposition >  IV. THE EPILOGUE TO THE BOOK 22:6-21 > 
B. The testimony of John 22:8-11 
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22:8 John resumed addressing the reader, which he had not done since 1:1, 4, and 9. He affirmed the angel's words that the prophecy was genuine. He himself had heard and had seen the things that he had recorded (cf. Dan. 8:15; 12:5). He was an eyewitness of these things (cf. John 1:14; 19:35; 21:14; 1 John 1:1-3; 4:14).

John confessed that when he had heard and seen these things he reacted by worshipping the angel who revealed them to him (cf. 19:10). It was the revelation of the new creation that evidently moved John to respond this way a second time. John's strong reaction further attests the genuineness of the revelations that he had received.

22:9 This angel also rebuked John for worshipping him (cf. 19:10).788People should worship God, not His servants. The angel presented himself as a fellow-servant of John's; they both served God. He said he also served the other prophets besides John as well as all believers who pay attention to what God has revealed in this book. The specific mention of the prophets as a special group of believers here heightens respect for all prophecy and this prophecy in particular.

22:10 John received instruction from the angel to leave his book open. He was not to close it because the fulfillment of the events predicted was near, and people needed to be aware of them (cf. 1:11). God had told Daniel to seal his prophecy, evidently because there was more prophecy to come (Dan. 8:26; 12:4, 9-10; cf. Rev. 10:4). As an artist covers his work when it is under construction until it is complete, so God covered His picture of the future until He finished it.

22:11 The angel gave John this warning to pass along because the time is near (v. 10). This is a strong warning not to put off becoming a believer in Jesus Christ. It presents the hopelessness of the final state of unbelievers. When Christ comes, people will not be able to change their destiny. What they are then they will remain forever. People should not expect some second chance in the future but should make the decision about worshipping God now in the light of what they have read in this book.

"It is not only true that the troubles of the last days will tend to fix the character of each individual according to the habits which he has already formed, but there will come a time when change will be impossible--when no further opportunity will be given for repentance on the one hand or for apostasy on the other."789

"All four parts of v. 11 indicate with a tone of irony the fixity of state in which the good and the evil find themselves at a time when no further opportunity for repentance remains. The lesson is, Change while there is time.'"790

This verse does not teach that for some people repentance and conversion are impossible (cf. v. 17). It is a guarantee of personal responsibility for one's decisions (cf. Ezek. 3:27; Matt. 11:15; Rev. 2:7; 13:9; et al.).

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