Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Joshua >  Exposition >  II. THE DIVISION OF THE LAND chs. 13--21 >  C. The land west of the Jordan chs. 14-19 > 
1. The rationale for the allotments 14:1-5 
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Eleazar the high priest, Joshua, and the heads of the tribes took the leadership in dividing this portion of the land (v. 1). These men determined the division of the land by casting lots (v. 2; 18:6). Apparently the casting of lots established the general location of each tribe within Canaan, but the population of that tribe affected the size of each tribe's inheritance (cf. Num. 26:52-56).167

"The people of God are not called to act on their own initiative and desire, nor to set their own goals. God has set the goals and issues the commands which lead to their achievement."168

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