(0.42748075) | Col 2:23 | Even though they have the appearance of wisdom |
(0.42748075) | Col 3:17 | And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. |
(0.42748075) | 2Th 3:10 | For even when we were with you, we used to give you this command: “If anyone is not willing to work, neither should he eat.” |
(0.42748075) | 2Th 3:14 | But if anyone does not obey our message through this letter, take note of him and do not associate closely with him, so that he may be ashamed. |
(0.42748075) | 1Ti 4:1 |
(0.42748075) | 1Ti 5:8 | But if someone does not provide for his own, |
(0.42748075) | 1Ti 5:16 | If a believing woman |
(0.42748075) | 1Ti 6:3 | If someone spreads false teachings |
(0.42748075) | 1Ti 6:10 | For the love of money is the root |
(0.42748075) | 2Ti 2:21 | So if someone cleanses himself of such behavior, |
(0.42748075) | Heb 2:6 | Instead someone testified somewhere: “What is man that you think of him |
(0.42748075) | Heb 2:7 | You made him lower than the angels for a little while. You crowned him with glory and honor. |
(0.42748075) | Heb 3:13 | But exhort one another each day, as long as it is called “Today,” that none of you may become hardened by sin’s deception. |
(0.42748075) | Heb 4:11 | Thus we must make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one may fall by following the same pattern of disobedience. |
(0.42748075) | Heb 8:3 | For every high priest is appointed to offer both gifts and sacrifices. So this one too had to have something to offer. |
(0.42748075) | Heb 10:25 | not abandoning our own meetings, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and even more so because you see the day |
(0.42748075) | Jam 1:5 | But if anyone is deficient in wisdom, he should ask God, who gives to all generously and without reprimand, and it will be given to him. |
(0.42748075) | Jam 1:23 | For if someone merely listens to the message and does not live it out, he is like someone |
(0.42748075) | Jam 1:26 | If someone thinks he is religious yet does not bridle his tongue, and so deceives his heart, his religion is futile. |
(0.42748075) | Jam 2:14 |