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(0.60620720238095)Job 31:7

If my footsteps have strayed from the way, if my heart has gone after my eyes, or if anything has defiled my hands,

(0.60620720238095)Psa 32:2

How blessed is the one whose wrongdoing the Lord does not punish, in whose spirit there is no deceit.

(0.60620720238095)Psa 33:12

How blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen to be his special possession.

(0.60620720238095)Psa 34:8

Taste and see that the Lord is good! How blessed is the one who takes shelter in him!

(0.60620720238095)Psa 40:2

He lifted me out of the watery pit, out of the slimy mud. He placed my feet on a rock and gave me secure footing.

(0.60620720238095)Psa 41:1

For the music director; a psalm of David. How blessed is the one who treats the poor properly! When trouble comes, the Lord delivers him.

(0.60620720238095)Psa 65:4

How blessed is the one whom you choose, and allow to live in your palace courts. May we be satisfied with the good things of your house – your holy palace.

(0.60620720238095)Psa 89:15

How blessed are the people who worship you! O Lord, they experience your favor.

(0.60620720238095)Psa 112:1

Praise the Lord! How blessed is the one who obeys the Lord, who takes great delight in keeping his commands.

(0.60620720238095)Psa 137:8

O daughter Babylon, soon to be devastated! How blessed will be the one who repays you for what you dished out to us!

(0.60620720238095)Pro 8:34

Blessed is the one who listens to me, watching at my doors day by day, waiting beside my doorway.

(0.60620720238095)Dan 12:12

Blessed is the one who waits and attains to the 1,335 days.

(0.50517264880952)Psa 1:1

How blessed is the one who does not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand in the pathway with sinners, or sit in the assembly of scoffers!

(0.50517264880952)Psa 2:12

Give sincere homage! Otherwise he will be angry, and you will die because of your behavior, when his anger quickly ignites. How blessed are all who take shelter in him!

(0.50517264880952)Psa 40:4

How blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord and does not seek help from the proud or from liars!

(0.50517264880952)Psa 127:5

How blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! They will not be put to shame when they confront enemies at the city gate.

(0.50517264880952)Isa 30:18

For this reason the Lord is ready to show you mercy; he sits on his throne, ready to have compassion on you. Indeed, the Lord is a just God; all who wait for him in faith will be blessed.

(0.50517264880952)Isa 56:2

The people who do this will be blessed, the people who commit themselves to obedience, who observe the Sabbath and do not defile it, who refrain from doing anything that is wrong.