Results 4061 - 4060 of 5114 for greek:2532 (0.008 seconds)
(0.3099221)Joh 7:51

“Our law doesn’t condemn a man unless it first hears from him and learns what he is doing, does it?”

(0.3099221)Joh 8:7

When they persisted in asking him, he stood up straight and replied, “Whoever among you is guiltless may be the first to throw a stone at her.”

(0.3099221)Joh 8:20

(Jesus spoke these words near the offering box while he was teaching in the temple courts. No one seized him because his time had not yet come.)

(0.3099221)Joh 8:25

So they said to him, “Who are you?” Jesus replied, “What I have told you from the beginning.

(0.3099221)Joh 8:29

And the one who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, because I always do those things that please him.”

(0.3099221)Joh 8:33

“We are descendants of Abraham,” they replied, “and have never been anyone’s slaves! How can you say, ‘You will become free’?”

(0.3099221)Joh 8:38

I am telling you the things I have seen while with the Father; as for you, practice the things you have heard from the Father!”

(0.3099221)Joh 8:53

You aren’t greater than our father Abraham who died, are you? And the prophets died too! Who do you claim to be?”

(0.3099221)Joh 9:2

His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who committed the sin that caused him to be born blind, this man or his parents?”

(0.3099221)Joh 9:18

Now the Jewish religious leaders refused to believe that he had really been blind and had gained his sight until at last they summoned the parents of the man who had become able to see.

(0.3099221)Joh 9:19

They asked the parents, “Is this your son, whom you say was born blind? Then how does he now see?”

(0.3099221)Joh 9:31

We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but if anyone is devout and does his will, God listens to him.

(0.3099221)Joh 9:35

Jesus heard that they had thrown him out, so he found the man and said to him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”

(0.3099221)Joh 10:1

“I tell you the solemn truth, the one who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs in some other way, is a thief and a robber.

(0.3099221)Joh 10:4

When he has brought all his own sheep out, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they recognize his voice.

(0.3099221)Joh 10:15

just as the Father knows me and I know the Father – and I lay down my life for the sheep.

(0.3099221)Joh 10:29

My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can snatch them from my Father’s hand.

(0.3099221)Joh 10:33

The Jewish leaders replied, “We are not going to stone you for a good deed but for blasphemy, because you, a man, are claiming to be God.”

(0.3099221)Joh 10:35

If those people to whom the word of God came were called ‘gods’ (and the scripture cannot be broken),

(0.3099221)Joh 10:36

do you say about the one whom the Father set apart and sent into the world, ‘You are blaspheming,’ because I said, ‘I am the Son of God’?