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(0.3099221)Act 1:21

Thus one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time the Lord Jesus associated with us,

(0.3099221)Act 1:25

to assume the task of this service and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.”

(0.3099221)Act 2:6

When this sound occurred, a crowd gathered and was in confusion, because each one heard them speaking in his own language.

(0.3099221)Act 2:30

So then, because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to seat one of his descendants on his throne,

(0.3099221)Act 2:37

Now when they heard this, they were acutely distressed and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “What should we do, brothers?”

(0.3099221)Act 2:40

With many other words he testified and exhorted them saying, “Save yourselves from this perverse generation!”

(0.3099221)Act 2:46

Every day they continued to gather together by common consent in the temple courts, breaking bread from house to house, sharing their food with glad and humble hearts,

(0.3099221)Act 2:47

praising God and having the good will of all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number every day those who were being saved.

(0.3099221)Act 3:11

While the man was hanging on to Peter and John, all the people, completely astounded, ran together to them in the covered walkway called Solomon’s Portico.

(0.3099221)Act 3:19

Therefore repent and turn back so that your sins may be wiped out,

(0.3099221)Act 4:19

But Peter and John replied, “Whether it is right before God to obey you rather than God, you decide,

(0.3099221)Act 4:25

who said by the Holy Spirit through your servant David our forefather,Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot foolish things?

(0.3099221)Act 4:33

With great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was on them all.

(0.3099221)Act 5:5

When Ananias heard these words he collapsed and died, and great fear gripped all who heard about it.

(0.3099221)Act 5:23

“We found the jail locked securely and the guards standing at the doors, but when we opened them, we found no one inside.”

(0.3099221)Act 5:24

Now when the commander of the temple guard and the chief priests heard this report, they were greatly puzzled concerning it, wondering what this could be.

(0.3099221)Act 6:3

But carefully select from among you, brothers, seven men who are well-attested, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this necessary task.

(0.3099221)Act 6:13

They brought forward false witnesses who said, “This man does not stop saying things against this holy place and the law.

(0.3099221)Act 6:15

All who were sitting in the council looked intently at Stephen and saw his face was like the face of an angel.

(0.3099221)Act 7:17

“But as the time drew near for God to fulfill the promise he had declared to Abraham, the people increased greatly in number in Egypt,