(0.57750575) | Rev 18:2 | He |
(0.57750575) | Rev 20:9 | They |
(0.57750575) | Rev 21:16 | Now |
(0.571701525) | Rev 20:4 | Then |
(0.54665116666667) | Luk 5:17 |
(0.54665116666667) | Luk 6:17 |
(0.54665116666667) | Luk 14:26 | “If anyone comes to me and does not hate |
(0.54665116666667) | Rev 8:7 | The |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 5:45 | so that you may be like |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 6:19 |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 8:26 | But |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 9:23 | When Jesus entered the ruler’s house and saw the flute players and the disorderly crowd, |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 10:1 |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 12:44 | Then it says, ‘I will return to the home I left.’ |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 14:12 | Then John’s |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 15:31 | As a result, the crowd was amazed when they saw the mute speaking, the crippled healthy, the lame walking, and the blind seeing, and they praised the God of Israel. |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 15:36 | he took the seven loaves and the fish, and after giving thanks, he broke them and began giving them to the disciples, who then gave them to the crowds. |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 16:4 | A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” Then |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 17:15 | and said, “Lord, have mercy on my son, because he has seizures |
(0.53680083333333) | Mat 17:18 | Then |