(0.33043170634921) | Est 1:19 | If the king is so inclined, |
(0.33043170634921) | Est 2:14 | In the evening she went, and in the morning she returned to a separate part |
(0.33043170634921) | Est 3:9 | If the king is so inclined, |
(0.33043170634921) | Est 5:8 | If I have found favor in the king’s sight and if the king is inclined |
(0.33043170634921) | Est 5:12 | Haman said, “Furthermore, Queen Esther invited |
(0.33043170634921) | Est 6:13 | Haman then related to his wife Zeresh and to all his friends everything that had happened to him. These wise men, |
(0.33043170634921) | Est 7:3 | Queen Esther replied, “If I have met with your approval, |
(0.33043170634921) | Est 9:13 | Esther replied, “If the king is so inclined, let the Jews who are in Susa be permitted to act tomorrow also according to today’s law, and let them hang the ten sons of Haman on the gallows.” |
(0.33043170634921) | Ecc 5:8 |
(0.33043170634921) | Ecc 6:3 | Even if a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years – even if he lives a long, long time, |
(0.33043170634921) | Ecc 8:15 |
(0.33043170634921) | Sos 8:7 | Surging waters cannot quench love; floodwaters |
(0.33043170634921) | Isa 30:17 | One thousand will scurry at the battle cry of one enemy soldier; |
(0.33043170634921) | Isa 33:21 | Instead the Lord will rule there as our mighty king. |
(0.33043170634921) | Isa 55:10 |
(0.33043170634921) | Isa 55:11 | In the same way, the promise that I make does not return to me, having accomplished nothing. |
(0.33043170634921) | Isa 58:13 | You must |
(0.33043170634921) | Isa 62:8 | The Lord swears an oath by his right hand, by his strong arm: |
(0.33043170634921) | Isa 66:8 | Who has ever heard of such a thing? Who has ever seen this? Can a country |
(0.33043170634921) | Jer 2:31 | You people of this generation, listen to what the Lord says. “Have I been like a wilderness to you, Israel? Have I been like a dark and dangerous land to you? |