Results 121 - 120 of 659 for greek:2532 AND book:44 (0.002 seconds)
(0.96735060240964)Act 23:7

When he said this, an argument began between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, and the assembly was divided.

(0.96735060240964)Act 23:33

When the horsemen came to Caesarea and delivered the letter to the governor, they also presented Paul to him.

(0.96735060240964)Act 24:16

This is the reason I do my best to always have a clear conscience toward God and toward people.

(0.96735060240964)Act 25:2

So the chief priests and the most prominent men of the Jews brought formal charges against Paul to him.

(0.96735060240964)Act 26:30

So the king got up, and with him the governor and Bernice and those sitting with them,

(0.96735060240964)Act 27:28

They took soundings and found the water was twenty fathoms deep; when they had sailed a little farther they took soundings again and found it was fifteen fathoms deep.

(0.96735060240964)Act 27:35

After he said this, Paul took bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all, broke it, and began to eat.

(0.96735060240964)Act 28:9

After this had happened, many of the people on the island who were sick also came and were healed.

(0.96735060240964)Act 28:10

They also bestowed many honors, and when we were preparing to sail, they gave us all the supplies we needed.

(0.96677099827883)Act 28:27

For the heart of this people has become dull, and their ears are hard of hearing, and they have closed their eyes, so that they would not see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them.”’

(0.96189815834768)Act 2:17

And in the last days it will be,God says,that I will pour out my Spirit on all people, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.

(0.96189815834768)Act 14:15

“Men, why are you doing these things? We too are men, with human natures just like you! We are proclaiming the good news to you, so that you should turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and everything that is in them.

(0.9602769363167)Act 2:14

But Peter stood up with the eleven, raised his voice, and addressed them: “You men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem, know this and listen carefully to what I say.

(0.9602769363167)Act 2:29

“Brothers, I can speak confidently to you about our forefather David, that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day.

(0.9602769363167)Act 3:13

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our forefathers, has glorified his servant Jesus, whom you handed over and rejected in the presence of Pilate after he had decided to release him.

(0.9602769363167)Act 3:16

And on the basis of faith in Jesus’ name, his very name has made this man – whom you see and know – strong. The faith that is through Jesus has given him this complete health in the presence of you all.

(0.9602769363167)Act 4:13

When they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and discovered that they were uneducated and ordinary men, they were amazed and recognized these men had been with Jesus.

(0.9602769363167)Act 4:31

When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak the word of God courageously.

(0.9602769363167)Act 7:5

He did not give any of it to him for an inheritance, not even a foot of ground, yet God promised to give it to him as his possession, and to his descendants after him, even though Abraham as yet had no child.

(0.9602769363167)Act 7:34

I have certainly seen the suffering of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their groaning, and I have come down to rescue them. Now come, I will send you to Egypt.’