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Psalms 150

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Psalm 150 1 

150:1 Praise the Lord!

Praise God in his sanctuary!

Praise him in the sky, which testifies to his strength! 2 

150:2 Praise him for his mighty acts!

Praise him for his surpassing greatness!

150:3 Praise him with the blast of the horn!

Praise him with the lyre and the harp!

150:4 Praise him with the tambourine and with dancing!

Praise him with stringed instruments and the flute!

150:5 Praise him with loud cymbals!

Praise him with clanging cymbals!

150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

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[150:1]  1  sn Psalm 150. The Psalter concludes with a resounding call for praise from everything that has breath.

[150:1]  2  tn Heb “the sky of his strength.”

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