NET Bible ™ Features
NET Bible ™ Learning Environment feature list:
- Discovery Box: This is a NEW innovation that acts as your search agent and searches for relevant information about your search or the text under review. Check it out to complete your study references.
- Bible View:
View a chapter of the NET Bible® text, notes, various Bible versions, cross references (without popups), names of people in the chapter, paragraph titles in the chapter, and articles that discuss the chapter. Ex.: John 1
- In Bible View click on the audio icon
and listen to the New Testament.
- Click on the icon
pada Tampilan Alkitab, Tampilan Daftar Ayat dan Bacaan Ayat Harian untuk memisah tampilan antara teks alkitab dan catatan secara horisontal atau vertikal.
- Click on the icon
pada Tampilan Alkitab, Tampilan Daftar Ayat dan Bacaan Ayat Harian untuk merubah tampilan teks alkitab dan catatan seukuran layar atau memanjang.
- Click on the icon
pada Tampilan Alkitab, Tampilan Daftar Ayat dan Bacaan Ayat Harian untuk merubah tampilan teks alkitab menjadi per baris atau paragraf.
- Click on the icon
pada Tampilan Alkitab, Tampilan Daftar Ayat dan Bacaan Ayat Harian untuk membuka halaman ramah cetak.
- Click on the icon
pada Tampilan Alkitab, Tampilan Daftar Ayat dan Bacaan Ayat Harian untuk membuka halaman teks alkitab saja.
- Click on the icon
pada Tampilan Alkitab untuk membuka halaman teks alkitab dalam format PDF.
- In Bible View click on the audio icon
- Verse View: 'Compares the NET Bible® verse text with other translations found on the Internet including its commentaries, with "popup" cross references and word analysis with Strong's numbers. Ex.: John 1:1'
- Multi Verse/Passages: Allows you to look-up and display verse(s) in specific range e.g John 3:16; Rom 5:8-10; Rom 8:32; 2Co 5:19-21; 1Tim 1:15-16.
- XRefs/CrossReferences: These exist in the Bible View and the commentaries tab in Verse View (only in Verse View can you see each XRefs as a verse popup. John 3:16-17
- Strong View: 'Help you to find the definition of Greek/Hebrew word(s) via Strong's number.'
- Universal Search: 'Simply type the verse, passage, words, or Strong's number you want. The search will search the NET Bible® for the word as well as the dictionaries.'
- Double Click Search: Just double-click each word in the text e.g. (Jesus) and see what happen.
- Advanced Search: Simply search any specific word(s), phrase, partial words from Bible, Commentaries, Study Dictionary, Sermon Illustrations, Articles, XRef, Lexicon, Questions, Arts, Hymns, Resource. You can also search for materials related to the verses that you want through Verse References. ex. Matthew 1:1-17.
- Commentary: You can find the commentary/verse biblical interpretation from many resources.
- Dictionary View: Need explanation of word(s) in Bible? The Study Dictionary will help you.
- Study Maps System: You can get information (the visual image, the number of words in the Bible, google map) about the names of places in the Bible.
- Word Study: You can learn the definition of a word in general from many resources.
- Sermon Illustration: Get the illustration for your teaching/preaching.
- Arts: You can view the images that related to the person or history in the Bible.
- Resource: ...
- Daily View: Read Bible for one year, daily passages for everyday reading.
- Webmaster Tools:
that allow you to add this Ne
X t Bible™ study toolset to your website for FREE (future version -- not available in the version 1.0 beta). - Download: Provide NET Bible® text and notes in various modules for different bible study formats for download. Free and premium versions are available.
- Fonts: Download Greek and Hebrew fonts.
- Sitemap: Map of this site.
- TIPS: On the bottom of each page you will notice a TIP# and a Tip description. This will change for each page view so you can learn the program. To see all the TIPS click the ALL Tips link at the end of the TIP# line.
Suggestion and bug reporting system
We have set up a suggestion and bug reporting system so any user can suggest a change or leave us a comment about "whatever", be it ease of use problems or bug reports. You can register and then login in and then select settings and it will automatically enter your name instead of the name "anonymous" When you do this your can review your tickets by reporter and view the progress and comments we add to the ticket.