1 Kings 21:20
found .... enemy ...... found <04672 0341> [Hast thou found me.]
committed <04376> [thou hast sold.]
doing <06213> [to work.]
1 Kings 21:25
Ahab <0256> [But there.]
firmly committed ... doing <04376 06213> [sell himself.]
Jezebel <0348> [whom Jezebel.]
urged <05496> [stirred up. or, incited.]
Isaiah 50:1
certificate <05612> [the bill.]
creditors <05383> [or which.]
sins <05771> [Behold.]
Husbands often sent bills of divorcement to their wives on slight occasions; and fathers, oppressed with debt, sold their children till the year of release. But this, saith God, cannot be my case: I am not governed by any such motives, nor am I urged by any such necessity. Your captivity and afflictions are the fruits of your own folly and wickedness.
sins <05771> [for your iniquities.]