Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 92:1-3
- Hidup Kita yang Benar [KJ.450]
1. Hidup kita yang benar haruslah mengucap syukur.
Dalam Kristus bergemar; janganlah tekebur.
Mzm 92:2
Mzm 107
Mzm 136
2 Kor 9:12
Ef 5:20
Kol 2:7
Kol 4:2
1 Tes 5:18
1 Tim 2:1
2. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!
3. Biar badai menyerang, biar ombak menyerang,
aku akan bersyukur kepada Tuhanku.
4. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!
5. Apa arti hidupmu? Bukankah ungkapan syukur,
kar'na Kristus, Penebus, berkurban bagimu!
6. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!
7. Bertekun bersyukurlah hingga suaraNya kaudengar:
"Sungguh indah anakKu, ungkapan syukurmu."
8. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!
9. Tuhan Yesus, tolonglah, sempurnakan syukurku.
Roh Kudus berkuasalah di dalam hidupku!
10. Dalam susah pun senang; dalam segala hal
Aku bermazmur dan ucap syukur; itu kehendakNya!Play - Pujian Malam Kunyanyikan [KJ.326]
1. Pujian malam kunyanyikan; syukur, ya Tuhan, padaMu.
Meskipun sinar surya hilang, Engkau tetap cahayaku.
Tiada sayang ibu-bapak yang menandingi sayangMu:
Tak putus 'ku Kau pelihara, Kau Sumber rahmat bagiku.
Mat 7:11
2. Dengan setia Kau menjaga, mengasuh dan membimbingku.
Engkau sertaku tiap saat, pun dalam susah dan keluh.
Sekarang tiba malam hari; tubuhku melepas lelah. Telah
Kautolong dari pagi: syukurku, Tuhan t'rimalah!
Mzm 121
3. Anug'rah yang Engkau berikan tak beralaskan jasaku:
jikalau dosaku Kauingat 'ku layak t'rima murkaMu.
Syukur, di dalam darah Kristus pengampunanMu
Tertera dan oleh pendamaian itu Kaubuat hatiku lega.
Mzm 130:3
Rm 3:23-25
Ef 2:3-10
4. Ya Tuhan, malam ini juga padaMu aku berserah.
Semoga 'ku bernyanyi pula ketika fajar merekah.
Dan bila Kau memanggil aku selagi aku terlelap,
Kiranya di depan takhtaMu sejahteraMu kukecap.
Mzm 5:4
Mzm 59:17
Mzm 92:3
5. Kutahu siapa 'ku percaya, baik siang atau malam pun:
Kau Gunung Batu kes'lamatan, landasan pengharapanku!
Sesudah hariku berakhir dan aku tamat berlelah, 'kan
Kusyukuri hari-hari yang t'lah kaub'ri di dunia.2 Kor 1:20-22
2 Tim 1:12
Mzm 62:3, 7
Mzm 95:1
Play - Yang Mau Dibimbing oleh Tuhan [KJ.379]
1. Yang mau dibimbing oleh Tuhan dan berharap tak henti,
akan mendapat pertolongan, bahkan di saat terpedih.
Tuhanlah dasar imannya, bukanlah pasir alasnya.
Mat 7:24-27
2. Apa gunanya tawar hati, hanya menangis tersedu?
Apa gunanya tiap pagi kita mulai berkeluh?
Jikalau kita bersedih, tambah berat beban salib.
3. Biar jiwamu kautenangkan, tabahkan hati yang sendu:
Yang Mahatahu kauandalkan, kasihNya cukup bagimu.
Tuhan telah memilihmu dan Ia tahu yang kau perlu.
2 Kor 12:9
4. PadaNya ada sukacita; nantikan saja waktunya.
Bila kau tulus dan setia, Tuhan menolong segera.
Ia beri berkat penuh yang tak terduga olehmu.
Mzm 16:11
5. Jangan kausangka bahwa Tuhan 'kan meninggalkan anakNya
dan bahwa hanya kemujuran tan dan bukti kasihNya.
Nanti bagimu nyatalah betapa agung maksudNya.Mzm 92
6. Tidak mustahil bagi Allah mengubah citra dunia:
orang yang kaya dipapakan, yang miskin jadi mulia.
Yang Mahaadil Dialah dalam segala tindakNya.
1 Sam 2:7-8
Mzm 75:7-8
Mzm 113:7-8
Luk 1:52-53
7. Tetaplah kau di jalan Tuhan, setia dalam tugasmu:
dengan berkat yang tak berkurang dibaruiNya hidupmu.
Yang kepadaNya berserah tak ditinggalkan olehNya.Ul 31:6,8
Yos 1:5
Ibr 13:5-6
Psalms 95:1
- Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72]
The God of Abraham Praise /
1. Agungkan Allahmu, junjungan Abraham,
Yang takhta rahmatNya teguh, Sang Raja Am!
Yang Ada, Yang Esa, dipuji,
disembah di sorga dan di dunia selamanya!
Mzm 95-99
1 Tim 6:15-16
Mzm 69:35
Mzm 148
2. Agungkan Allahmu, Junjungan Abraham
dan sumber sukacitaku, tempat tent'ram.
Kutolak dunia dan harkat yang semu;
Allahku harta yang baka, Perisaiku!
Mzm 16:5, 11
Mzm 73:26
3. Terjamin janjiNya dan itu kupegang:
di sayap rajawalilah 'ku masuk t'rang.
K'lak tampak wajahNya, Kupuji kuasaNya
dan menyanyikan rahmatNya selamanya.
Yes 40:31
4. Di negeri baka bertakhta Pemenang
Sang Raja Damai Dialah dan Raja T'rang
Kekal kuasaNya di Sion yang cerlang
Bersama orang suciNya yang t'lah menang
Yl 3:17
Mi 4:7
Ibr 12:22-23
5. Yang sudah ditebus memuji Tuhannya,
"Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus terpujilah!"
Ya Allah Abraham, Kau juga Allahku;
'ku sujud dan penuh iman memujimu.Mat 3:9
Gal 3:8, 14, 29
Play - Muliakan Allah yang Esa [KJ.45]
1. Muliakanlah Allah Yang Esa di sorga maha tinggi,
sebab kekal selamanya selamat kita ini;
yang berkenan kepadaNya beroleh damai yang baka,
dendam pun tiada lagi.
Luk 2:14
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujian, hormat dan sembah terimalah, ya Bapa.
Engkaulah Raja semesta kekal segala abad.
KuasaMu tiada bandingnya di sorga dan di dunia;
Engkaulah Allah kami!
Why 4:11
Mzm 95-99
3. Ya Yesus Kristus, Penebus, ya Putra Tunggal Allah,
dengan darahMu yang kudus Kauhapus aib dan salah;
ya Anakdomba mulia, seruan doa t'rimalah dan kasihani kami!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Why 5:9, 11
4. Ya roh Kudus berkurnia, Penghibur yang terkarib,
kawananMu kuatkanlah di dalam Yang Tersalib,
supaya kami pun teguh terhadap goda dan keluh;
diami hati kami!Yoh 14:26
Rm 15:13
1 Kor 2:4-6
Play - Pujian Malam Kunyanyikan [KJ.326]
1. Pujian malam kunyanyikan; syukur, ya Tuhan, padaMu.
Meskipun sinar surya hilang, Engkau tetap cahayaku.
Tiada sayang ibu-bapak yang menandingi sayangMu:
Tak putus 'ku Kau pelihara, Kau Sumber rahmat bagiku.
Mat 7:11
2. Dengan setia Kau menjaga, mengasuh dan membimbingku.
Engkau sertaku tiap saat, pun dalam susah dan keluh.
Sekarang tiba malam hari; tubuhku melepas lelah. Telah
Kautolong dari pagi: syukurku, Tuhan t'rimalah!
Mzm 121
3. Anug'rah yang Engkau berikan tak beralaskan jasaku:
jikalau dosaku Kauingat 'ku layak t'rima murkaMu.
Syukur, di dalam darah Kristus pengampunanMu
Tertera dan oleh pendamaian itu Kaubuat hatiku lega.
Mzm 130:3
Rm 3:23-25
Ef 2:3-10
4. Ya Tuhan, malam ini juga padaMu aku berserah.
Semoga 'ku bernyanyi pula ketika fajar merekah.
Dan bila Kau memanggil aku selagi aku terlelap,
Kiranya di depan takhtaMu sejahteraMu kukecap.
Mzm 5:4
Mzm 59:17
Mzm 92:3
5. Kutahu siapa 'ku percaya, baik siang atau malam pun:
Kau Gunung Batu kes'lamatan, landasan pengharapanku!
Sesudah hariku berakhir dan aku tamat berlelah, 'kan
Kusyukuri hari-hari yang t'lah kaub'ri di dunia.2 Kor 1:20-22
2 Tim 1:12
Mzm 62:3, 7
Mzm 95:1
Ezra 3:10-11
[Ezr 3:11] Shouting His Praise
Fearless and faithful, trusting and true,
Loyal to Jesus, in all I do;
Seeking His glory, loving His laws,
Ready and willing to honor His cause.Refrain
So would I ever
Walk in His ways,
Bearing His standard,
Shouting His praise.Fearless and faithful, strong in the Lord,
Firm as an anchor, my hope His Word;
Over the conflicts, raging within,
Victory promised thro’ grace I shall win.Refrain
Fearless and faithful, earnest in prayer,
Living for others, their burdens share;
Cheering the lowly, poor and oppressed,
Pointing to Jesus, the Giver of rest.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 81:1
[Psa 81:1] Jesus Our Strength
I am Thine, my blessèd Lord,
Thou hast died for me.
All I have and all I am,
Now belongs to Thee;
Give me of Thy heav’nly store,
Grace to love and serve Thee more,
Let Thy blood, a cleansing flood,
Make me pure and free.Refrain
In Thy love and fullness wide,
All my imperfections hide,
Ever in my heart abide,
All in all to me.Oft methinks I hear Thy voice,
“I have died for thee;
What has thou today, My child,
Wrought in love for Me?”
Only little duties done,
Trials borne and victories won,
Small to show, yet this I know,
They were done for Thee.Refrain
Guided ever by Thy love,
All my way is bright;
Burdens Thou dost send me, Lord,
Borne for Thee are light.
While I closely cling to Thee,
What can harm or hinder me?
Every day a little way
Nearer Heaven and Thee.Refrain
So I’ll gladly journey on
Toward my heavenly home;
Walking in Thy strength alone,
Till the end shall come.
Then when Thy dear face I see,
This shall be my only plea:
I have tried—but Thou hast died,
Died, dear Lord, for me.In Thy love and fullness wide,
All my imperfections hide,
Jesus, Savior, Friend and Guide,
Let me dwell with Thee!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 81:1] Now To God, Our Strength And Savior
Now to God, our Strength and Savior,
Render praise and loudly sing.
In our fathers’ God rejoicing,
All your noblest music bring.Let the trumpet, far resounding,
This our festal day proclaim,
By our fathers’ God appointed,
When from bondage Israel came.I, Thy God, removed thy burdens,
When thou calledst, set thee free,
Proved thee in the thirsty desert,
In the thunder answered thee.O My people, hear My pleadings;
O that thou wouldst hearken now;
No strange worship shalt thou offer,
Nor to idols shalt thou bow.I am God the Lord Who saved thee,
And from cruel bondage freed;
Open wide thy mouth of longing;
I will satisfy thy need.But My people would not hearken,
Yea, they would not yield to Me;
So I left them in their blindness,
Their own counselors to be.If My people would obey Me,
Gladly walking in My ways,
Soon would I, their foes subduing,
Fill their lips with songs of praise.All the haters of Jehovah
Shall His clemency implore,
And the days of those that love Him
Shall endure forevermore.Yea, with wheat the very finest
I their hunger will supply,
Bid the very rocks yield honey
That shall fully satisfy.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 81:1] O God, Our Strength, To Thee Our Song
O God, our strength, to Thee our song
With grateful hearts we raise;
To Thee, and Thee alone, belong
All worship, love and praise.In trouble’s dark and stormy hour
Thine ear hath heard our prayer;
And graciously Thine arm of power
Hath saved us from despair.And Thou, O ever gracious Lord,
Wilt keep Thy promise still,
If, meekly hearkening to Thy Word,
We seek to do Thy will.Led by the light Thy grace imparts,
Ne’er may we bow the knee
To idols, which our wayward hearts
Set up instead of Thee.So shall Thy choicest gifts, O Lord,
Thy faithful people bless;
For them shall earth its stores afford,
And Heav’n its happiness.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 92:1-3
[Psa 92:1] How Good It Is To Thank The Lord
How good it is to thank the Lord,
And praise to Thee, Most High, accord,
To show Thy love with morning light,
And tell Thy faithfulness each night;
Yea, good it is Thy praise to sing,
And all our sweetest music bring.O Lord, with joy my heart expands,
Before the wonders of Thy hands;
Great works, Jehovah, Thou hast wrought,
Exceeding deep Thine every thought;
A foolish man knows not their worth,
Nor he whose mind is of the earth.When as the grass the wicked grow,
When sinners flourish here below,
Then is there endless ruin nigh,
But Thou, O Lord, art throned on high;
Thy foes shall fall before Thy might,
The wicked shall be put to flight.Thou, Lord, hast high exalted me
With royal strength and dignity;
With Thine anointing I am blest,
Thy grace and favor on me rest;
I thus exult o’er all my foes,
O’er all that would my cause oppose.The righteous man shall flourish well,
And in the house of God shall dwell;
He shall be like a goodly tree,
And all his life shall fruitful be;
For righteous is the Lord and just,
He is my Rock, in Him I trust.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 92:1] It Is Good To Sing Thy Praises
It is good to sing Thy praises and to thank Thee, O Most High,
Showing forth Thy lovingkindness when the morning lights the sky.
It is good when night is falling of Thy faithfulness to tell,
While with sweet, melodious praises, songs of adoration swell.Thou hast filled my heart with gladness through the works Thy hands have wrought;
Thou hast made my life victorious, great Thy works and deep Thy thought.
Thou, O Lord, on high exalted, reignest evermore in might;
All Thy enemies shall perish, sin be banished from Thy sight.But the good shall live before Thee, planted in Thy dwelling place.
Fruitful trees and ever verdant, nourished by Thy boundless grace.
In His goodness to the righteous God His righteousness displays;
God my Rock, my Strength and Refuge, just and true are all His ways.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 92:1] Sweet Is The Work, O Lord
Sweet is the work, O Lord,
Thy glorious acts to sing,
To praise Thy Name, and hear Thy Word,
And grateful offerings bring.Sweet, at the dawning light,
Thy boundless love to tell;
And, when approach the shades of night,
Still on the theme to dwell.Sweet, on this day of rest,
To join in heart and voice
With those who love and serve Thee best,
And in Thy Name rejoice.To songs of praise and joy
Be every Sabbath given,
That such may be our blest employ
Eternally in Heaven.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 95:1
[Psa 95:1] Come, Christians, Join To Sing
Come, Christians, join to sing
Alleluia! Amen!
Loud praise to Christ our King;
Alleluia! Amen!
Let all, with heart and voice,
Before His throne rejoice;
Praise is His gracious choice.
Alleluia! Amen!Come, lift your hearts on high,
Alleluia! Amen!
Let praises fill the sky;
Alleluia! Amen!
He is our Guide and Friend;
To us He’ll condescend;
His love shall never end.
Alleluia! Amen!Praise yet our Christ again,
Alleluia! Amen!
Life shall not end the strain;
Alleluia! Amen!
On heaven’s blissful shore,
His goodness we’ll adore,
Singing forevermore,
“Alleluia! Amen!”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] Come, Let Us Tune Our Loftiest Song
Come, let us tune our loftiest song
And raise to Christ our joyful strain;
Worship and thanks to Him belong,
Who reigns and shall forever reign.His sovereign power our bodies made;
Our souls are His immortal breath;
And when His creatures sinned He bled
To save us from eternal death.Burn, every breast with Jesus’ love;
Bound every heart with rapturous joy;
And saints on earth, with saints above,
Your voices in His praise employ.Extol the Lamb with loftiest song;
Prolong for Him your cheerful strain;
Worship and thanks to Him belong,
Who reigns and shall forever reign.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] Come, Sound His Praise Abroad
Come, sound His praise abroad,
And hymns of glory sing;
Jehovah is the sovereign God,
The universal King.He formed the deeps unknown;
He gave the seas their bound;
The watery worlds are all His own,
And all the solid ground.Come, worship at His throne;
Come, bow before the Lord:
We are His works, and not our own;
He formed us by His Word.Today attend His voice,
Nor dare provoke His rod;
Come, like the people of His choice,
And own your gracious God.But if your ears refuse
The language of His grace,
And hearts grow hard, like stubborn Jews,
That unbelieving race;The Lord, in vengeance dressed,
Will lift His hand and swear,
“You that despise my promised rest
Shall have no portion there.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] Now With Joyful Exultation
Now with joyful exultation
Let us sing Jehovah’s praise,
To the Rock of our salvation
Loud hosannas let us raise;
Thankful tribute gladly bringing,
Let us come before Him now,
And with psalms His praises singing,
Joyful in His presence bow.For how great a God, and glorious,
Is Jehovah Whom we sing;
Over idol gods victorious,
Great is He, our God and King.
In His hand are earth’s deep places,
His the strength of all the hills,
His the sea whose bounds He traces,
His the land His bounty fills.To the Lord, such might revealing,
Let us come with reverence meet,
And, before our Maker kneeling,
Let us worship at His feet.
He is our own God and leads us,
We the people of His care;
With a shepherd’s hand He feeds us
As His flock in pastures fair.While He proffers peace and pardon
Let us hear His voice today,
Lest, if we our hearts should harden,
We should perish in the way;
Lest to us, so unbelieving,
He in judgment shall declare:
Ye, so long My Spirit grieving,
Never in My rest can share.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] O Come And Sing To God, The Lord
O come and sing to the God, the Lord,
To Him our voices raise;
Let us in our most joyful songs
The Lord, our Savior, praise.Before His presence let us come
With praise and thankful voice;
Let us sing joyful psalms to Him,
With grateful hearts rejoice.The Lord Our God is King of kings,
Above all gods His throne;
The depths of earth are in His hand,
The mountains are His own.To Him the spacious sea belongs,
He made its waves and tides;
And by His hand the rising land
Was formed and still abides.O come and, bowing down to Him,
Our worship let us bring;
O let us praise the gracious Lord,
Our Maker and our King.O come, let us sing to the Lord,
To Him our voices raise;
With joyful noise let us the Rock
Of our salvation praise.Let us before His presence come
With praise, and thankful voice;
Let us sing psalms to Him with grace,
And make a joyful noise.For God’s a great God, and great King;
Above all gods He is.
The depths of earth are in His hands;
The heights of hills are His.To Him the spacious sea belongs,
For He the same did make;
The dry land also from His hands
Its form at first did take.O come, and let us worship Him;
Let us bow down withal,
And on our knees before the Lord,
Our Maker, let us fall.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] O Come Before The Lord
O come before the Lord, our King,
And in His presence let us sing;
Let us in glad and joyful lays
The Rock of our salvation praise;
Before Him come with thankful song,
In joyful psalms His praise prolong.Almighty power the Lord maintains,
Exalted over all He reigns;
He holds the valleys in His hand,
He makes the mighty mountains stand;
To Him belong both land and sea,
Creator of the world is He.O come and let us worship now,
Before our Maker let us bow;
We are His sheep and He our God,
He feeds our souls in pastures broad;
He safely leads us in the way;
O come and heed His voice today.Take heed and harden not your heart
As did your fathers, nor depart
From God to follow in their ways;
For with complaints instead of praise,
With doubt instead of faith confessed,
They put His mercy to the test.Take heed that ye provoke Him not
As did your fathers, who forgot,
With erring heart, God’s holy ways
And grieved Him all their sinful days;
To whom in wrath Jehovah sware,
“My promised rest they shall not share.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] O Come, Loud Anthems Let Us Sing
O come, loud anthems let us sing,
Loud thanks to our almighty King;
For we our voices high should raise,
When our salvation’s Rock we praise.Into His presence let us haste,
To thank Him for His favors past;
To Him address, in joyful songs,
The praise that to His Name belongs.The depths of earth are in His hand,
Her secret wealth at His command;
The strength of hills that reach the skies,
Subjected to His empire lies.O let us to His courts repair,
And bow with adoration there;
Down on our knees, devoutly all,
Before the Lord, our Maker, fall.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] Praise The Rock Of Our Salvation
Praise the Rock of our salvation!
Praise the mighty God above!
Come before His sacred presence
With a grateful song of love.Refrain
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
He is God, and He alone.
Wake the song of adoration—
Come with joy before His throne!Praise the Rock of our salvation!
Praise the Father’s boundless love!
Praise the Lamb, our expiation!
Praise the Spirit from above!Refrain
Praise the Rock of our salvation!
Jesus’ blood avails for sin;
Jesus, at the door of mercy,
Waits to let the wandr’er in.Refrain
Praise the Rock of our salvation!
Catch from yonder radiant clime
Strains by everlasting ages,
Echoed back in tones sublime.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] Sing To The Lord Jehovah’s Name
Sing to the Lord Jehovah’s Name,
And in His strength rejoice;
When His salvation is our theme,
Exalted be our voice.With thanks approach His awful sight,
And psalms of honor sing;
The Lord’s a God of endless might,
The whole creation’s King.Let princes hear, and angels know,
How mean their natures seem,
These gods on high and gods below,
When once compared with Him.Earth, with its caverns dark and deep,
Lies in His spacious hand;
He fixed the seas what bounds to keep,
And where the hills must stand.Come, and with humble souls adore,
Come, kneel before His face;
O may the creatures of His power
Be children of His grace!Now is the time; He bends His ear,
And waits for your request;
Come, lest He rouse His wrath and swear,
“Ye shall not see My rest.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 95:1] Sing To The Lord, The Rock Of Our Salvation
Sing to the Lord, the Rock of our salvation!
Sing to the Lord a song of joy and praise!
Kneel in His presence, lowly in thanksgiving!
The lofty psalm upraise!The land and sea are His, for He has made them,
The valleys of the earth, its rugged hills;
Corn-land and vineyards and the olive orchards,
All these His mercy fills.And we, His people, sheep of His own pasture,
Lambs of His bosom, whom His hand has fed,
Shall we not hearken to our kindly Shepherd
By Whom our feet are led?Oh, harden not your hearts, like those who wandered
The desert forty years to Jordan’s strand;
Humble and comforted, O chosen people,
Enter the promised land.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 100:1
[Psa 100:1] All People That On Earth Do Dwell
All people that on earth do dwell,
Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice.
Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell;
Come ye before Him and rejoice.The Lord, ye know, is God indeed;
Without our aid He did us make;
We are His folk, He doth us feed,
And for His sheep He doth us take.O enter then His gates with praise;
Approach with joy His courts unto;
Praise, laud, and bless His Name always,
For it is seemly so to do.For why? the Lord our God is good;
His mercy is for ever sure;
His truth at all times firmly stood,
And shall from age to age endure.To Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
The God Whom Heaven and earth adore,
From men and from the angel host
Be praise and glory evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 100:1] Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne
Before Jehovah’s awful throne,
Ye nations, bow with sacred joy;
Know that the Lord is God alone;
He can create, and He destroy,
He can create, and He destroy.His sovereign power, without our aid,
Made us of clay, and formed us men;
And when like wandering sheep we strayed,
He brought us to His fold again,
He brought us to His fold again.We are His people, we His care,
Our souls, and all our mortal frame;
What lasting honors shall we rear,
Almighty Maker, to Thy Name,
Almighty Maker, to Thy Name?We’ll crowd Thy gates with thankful songs,
High as the heavens our voices raise;
And earth, with her ten thousand tongues,
Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise,
Shall fill Thy courts with sounding praise.Wide as the world is Thy command,
Vast as eternity Thy love;
Firm as a rock Thy truth must stand,
When rolling years shall cease to move,
When rolling years shall cease to move.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 100:1] Ye Lands, To The Lord Make A Jubilant Noise
Ye lands, to the Lord make a jubilant noise;
Glory be to God!
Oh, serve Him with joy, in His presence now rejoice;
Sing praise unto God out of Zion!Not we, but the Lord is our Maker, our God;
Glory be to God!
His people we are, and the sheep led by His rod;
Sing praise unto God out of Zion!Oh, enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise;
Glory be to God!
To bless Him and thank Him our voices we will raise;
Sing praise unto God out of Zion!For good is the Lord, and His mercy is sure;
Glory be to God!
To all generations His truth shall endure;
Sing praise unto God out of Zion!Play source: Cyberhymnal