Deuteronomy 5:29
The language of the original is emphatic: {Mee yittain wehayah levavom zeh lahem,} literally, "Who will give that there may be such a heart in them?" They refuse to receive such a heart from me, who then can supply it?
<02088> [O that there.]
obey <08104> [keep all:]
[that it might:]
Deuteronomy 10:12-13
<03068> [what doth.]
revere <03372> [fear.]
<03212> [to walk.]
love <0157> [love.]
serve <05647> [to serve.]
God ....................... mind <0430 03824> [God with all.]
good <02896> [for thy.]
Deuteronomy 32:29
wish <03863> [O that.]
comprehend what <0995> [they would.]
Isaiah 48:18
only .... obeyed my <03863 07181> [that thou.]
prosperity <07965> [then had.]
Matthew 23:37
Jerusalem Jerusalem <2419> [Jerusalem.]
kill <615> [thou.]
How often <4212> [how.]
as <5158> [even.]
and ........... I have longed ................ but you would <2532 2309> [and ye.]
Luke 19:41-42
he wept <2799> [and wept.]
<3754> [If.]
<3588> [the things.]
But <1161> [but.]