Deuteronomy 13:10-11
stone <05619 068> [stone him.]
By this law, every Israelite was bound in conscience to inform against, to prosecute, and to assist at the execution of any one, even the nearest relation or friend, who attempted to persuade him to idolatry; yet it is observable that parents and husbands are not expressly mentioned in the list of those who were thus publicly accused.--Scott.
delivered ... from <03318> [which brought.]
slavery <05650> [bondage. Heb. bondmen.]
Deuteronomy 21:21
<0582> [all the men.]
purge <01197> [so shalt thou.]
Israel <03478> [all Israel.]
Deuteronomy 22:21
stone <05619 068> [stone her.]
done <06213> [she hath wrought.]
purge <01197> [shalt thou.]
Deuteronomy 22:24
stone <05619> [and ye shall stone.]
In these laws, the betrothed damsel was considered as the wife of the man to whom she was engaged, though they had not come together; and therefore the crime was adjudged adultery. But a charitable supposition is admitted in the damsel's favour, in case she was found in a solitary place.
violated <06031> [he hath humbled.]
purge <01197> [so thou shalt put.]
Leviticus 24:14
outside <02351> [without.]
heard <08085> [all that.]
congregation <05712> [let all the.]
Leviticus 24:16
misuses ............................... misuses <05344> [blasphemeth.]
As the word {nakav} not only signifies to curse, or blaspheme, but also to express, or distinguish by name, (Nu 1:17. 1 Ch 12:31. Isa 62:2,) hence the Jews, at a very early period, understood this law as prohibiting them from uttering the name Jehovah, on any other than sacred occasions. The Septuagint, which was made at least 250 years before Christ, renders it [Onomazon de to onoma Kyriou, thanato thanatoustho,] "Whosoever nameth the name of the Lord, let him die;" from which we see that the Jews at this time were accustomed to pronounce {adonay,} or Lord, instead of Jehovah; for in place of it the Septuagint always put [Lo Kyrios.]
Joshua 7:25
Why .... brought disaster ....... bring disaster <04100 05916> [Why hast.]
Israel <03478> [all Israel.]
burned <08313> [burned.]