Exodus 25:22
speak <01696> [and I will.]
between <0996> [between.]
Exodus 33:7
tent .................... tent ............. tent <0168> [the tabernacle.]
{Eth haohel,} the Tent, not {eth hammishcan,} the Tabernacle, for this was not erected; but probably the tent of Moses, which was before in the midst of the camp, and to which the people came for judgment; and where, no doubt, God frequently met his servant. This situation, as well as the superior elegance, of a chief's tent, was one mode by which he was honoured.
distance <07368> [afar off.]
tent .................... tent ... meeting ........... tent ... meeting <0168 04150> [the Tabernacle of.]
seeking <01245> [sought.]
out <03318> [went out.]
Exodus 39:32
work <05656> [all the.]
Lord <03068> [according.]
Exodus 40:34-35
cloud <06051> [a cloud.]