Genesis 30:15
Numbers 16:9
seem <04592> [Seemeth it but.]
separated <0914> [separated.]
Isaiah 7:13
family <01004> [O house.]
insignificant <04592> [Is it a small.]
patience ...... why you are ..... patience <03811> [to weary.]
patience ...... why you are ..... patience <03811> [will ye.]
Ezekiel 8:17
trivial <07043> [Is it a light, etc. or, Is there any thing lighter than to commit, etc. for.]
putting <07971> [they put.]
So the Vulgate has, {applicant ramum ad nares suas,} "they apply the branch to their nose;" which Jerome explains by "a branch of the palm tree with which they adored the idols;" and it seems plainly to allude to the Magian fire-worshippers, who, Strabo tells us, held a little bunch of twigs in their hand, when praying before the fire.
Ezekiel 16:20
sons <01121> [thy sons.]
sacrificed <02076> [and these.]
eat <0398> [be devoured. Heb. devour. Is this.]
Ezekiel 16:47
short ...... more <04592 06985> [as if that were a very little thing. or, that was loathed as a small thing.]
depraved <07843> [thou wast.]
Ezekiel 34:18
not enough <04592> [a small.]
feed .................... drink <07462 08354> [to have.]