Matthew 23:16-22
blind <5185> [ye blind.]
who .... swears by ... temple ........ swears by ...... temple <3739 3660 1722 3485> [Whosoever shall swear by the temple.]
<2076> [it is.]
bound <3784> [he is.]
fools <3474> [Ye fools.]
or <2228> [or.]
bound <3784> [guilty. or, debtor.]
[or bound.]
or <2228> [or.]
And .... by ..... by ... and ...... in <2532 1722> [and by.]
by .... by ... throne <1722 2362> [by the.]
Isaiah 57:15
high ................... exalted <07311 04791> [the high.]
rules ........ dwell <07931> [that inhabiteth.]
name <08034> [whose.]
rules ........ dwell <07931> [I dwell.]
discouraged <01793> [with.]
humiliated ..... cheer up ... humiliated .... encourage <07307 02421> [to revive the spirit.]
Isaiah 66:1
heavens <08064> [The heaven.]
house <01004> [where is the house.]