Micah 1:2
nations <05971> [all ye people. Heb. ye people all of them. hearken.]
all inhabitants ..... sovereign ........ Lord <04393 0136> [all that therein is. Heb. the fulness thereof.]
sovereign ........ Lord <0136> [let.]
sovereign ........ Lord ....... majestic <0136 06944> [the Lord from.]
Micah 1:1
Micah <04318> [Micah.]
Jotham <03147> [Jotham.]
prophecies <02372> [which.]
Samaria <08111> [concerning.]
Micah 1:16
heads bald <07139> [bald.]
love <08588> [thy delicate.]
love ............. taken .... into exile <08588 01540> [for.]
Jeremiah 13:15
attention <0238> [and.]
arrogant <01361> [be.]
Lord <03068> [for.]
Amos 3:1
Listen <08085> [Hear.]
Israelites .................. clan <01121 04940> [against.]
up <05927> [which.]
Hebrews 3:7-8
as <2531> [as.]
today <4594> [To-day.]
you would listen <191> [hear.]
Do ... harden <4645> [Harden.]
as <5613> [as.]
testing <3986> [of.]