Proverbs 9:9
Proverbs 12:1
loves ... loves <0157> [loveth.]
hates <08130> [he that.]
Job 34:10
understanding <03824> [understanding. Heb. heart.]
Far be it <02486> [far.]
Job 34:16
Job 34:34
understanding <03824> [understanding. Heb. heart.]
Psalms 119:98-100
commandments <04687> [through.]
always <05769> [they are ever. Heb. it is ever.]
teachers <03925> [than all.]
rules <05715> [for thy.]
discerning <0995> [understand.]
observe <05341> [because.]
Psalms 119:1
[A.M. 3560. B.C. 444. (Title.)]
This Psalm, which was probably composed by Ezra, is another of the alphabetical Psalms: it consists of twenty-two parts, answering to the number of the Hebrew letters; every part being divided into eight verses, and each verse beginning with that letter which forms the title of the part; that is, the first part of eight verses with [Aleph,] the second with [Bˆyth,] etc. It is an elegant, important, and useful composition; the chief subjects of which are the excellence of God's laws, and the happiness of those who observe them. ALEPH
blessed <0835> [Blessed.]
blameless <08549> [undefiled. or, perfect, or sincere.]
obey <01980> [walk.]
Colossians 1:15
image <1504> [the image.]
invisible <517> [the invisible.]
firstborn <4416> [the firstborn.]
all <3956> [of every.]