Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Deuteronomy >  Exposition >  V. PREPARATIONS FOR RENEWING THE COVENANT 27:1--29:1 > 
D. The curses that follow disobedience to general stipulations 28:15-68 
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In this section Moses identified about four times as many curses as he had listed previous blessings (vv. 1-14). The lists of curses in other ancient Near Eastern treaty texts typically were longer than the lists of blessings.305The reason was probably to stress the seriousness of violating the covenant by describing the consequences in detail.306Israel was entering a very dangerous environment in Canaan and needed strong warnings against yielding to the temptations she would encounter (cf. Gen. 3:14-19).

28:15-19 Note that after a general statement (v. 15; cf. vv. 1-2) the six formal curses (vv. 16-19) correspond almost exactly to the six blessings (vv. 3-6). The exposition follows in verses 20-68 (cf. vv. 7-14). We can divide it into five sections of increasingly severe disciplinary measures.

28Z:20-24 In the first view of God's discipline Moses explained various forms in which Israel would suffer punishment.

28:26-37 In the second view the outlook is worse. Israel would suffer physical distresses, and her enemies would plunder and oppress her. As freedom from Egypt came to epitomize God's grace, so return to Egyptian conditions represented His judgment (v. 27).

28:38-46 In the third view Moses saw Israel's potential fate as a rejection by God from covenant fellowship (though not partnership).

28:47-57 The fourth view pictures Israel invaded, conquered, and brutalized by her enemies.

28:58-68 The fifth view shows Israel deprived of all the benefits she had formerly enjoyed (cf. 6:21-23; 26:5-9). This section deals with disease and disasters in the land (vv. 58-63) and deportation from the land (vv. 64-68). Both parts picture a reversal of Exodus blessings.

In the later history of Israel the punishments God predicted here took place very literally when the people disobeyed His law. What Moses described in verses 32-36 happened in the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. Verses 52-57 found fulfillment then as well as in the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and Israel in A.D. 70. Verses 64-68 have taken place during the Roman invasion of A.D. 70, in the Middle Ages, the Russian pogroms, Nazi Germany, and the present day.

God designed these blessings and curses to persuade His people to obey His covenant with them. Stronger proof of the blessing of obedience and the blasting of disobedience is hardly imaginable. God's will was, and is, very clear and simple: obey His Word.

This section of Deuteronomy (chs. 27-28) is one of the most important ones in Scripture because it records the two options open to Israel as she entered the Promised Land. Obedience to the revealed Word of God would result in blessing, but disobedience would result in blasting. Scholars who do not believe in supernatural prophecy have said that it would have been impossible for Moses to have written these words. They say the subsequent history of Israel so accurately fulfilled these warnings that someone must have written them much later, perhaps after the Babylonian captivity. The books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings take pains to point out how God fulfilled what Moses said here in Israel's later history.307

"For understanding and explaining Israel's history as recorded throughout the Old Testament, there are perhaps no more important chapters than Deuteronomy 28-30."308

The purpose of the whole ceremony Moses described here was to impress the Israelites with the importance and solemnity of entering into covenant relationship with Yahweh. This ceremony was to be a formal occasion that the Canaanites as well as the Israelites would perceive as a covenant renewal ritual.

"When the Greeks invaded Palestine in 332 B.C., the Samaritans sought and obtained permission from the Greeks to build a temple on Mt. Gerizim. This temple was later destroyed and replaced by a Roman temple, but the Samaritans have observed their sacred festivals, including the Passover, on Mt. Gerizim ever since."309

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