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Study Dictionary - Resource
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Results 1 - 20 of 20 for "1Ch 7:1-14" (0.013 seconds)
[ebd] the Lord is my strength. (1.) The son of Bukki, and a descendant of Aaron (1 Chr. 6:5, 51; Ezra 7:4). (2.) A grandson of Issachar (1 Chr. 7:2, 3). (3.) A son of Bela, and grandson of Benjamin (1 Chr. 7:7). (4.) A Benjamite, ...
[isbe] UZZI - uz'-i ('uzzi, perhaps "my strength"): (1) A descendant of Aaron and high priest, unknown apart from these sources (1 Ch 6:5,6,51 (Hebrew 5:31,32; 6:36); Ezr 7:4). (2) An eponym of a family of Issachar (1 Ch 7:2,3). (3...
[smith] (strong). Son of Bukki and father of Zerahiah, in the line of the high priests. (1Â Chronicles 6:5,61; Ezra 7:4) Though Uzzi was the lineal ancestor of Zadok, it does not appear that he was ever high priest. He must have b...
[nave] UZZI 1. A priest. Son of Bukki, 1 Chr. 6:5, 6, 51; Ezra 7:4. 2. Grandson of Issachar, 1 Chr. 7:2, 3. 3. Grandson of Benjamin, 1 Chr. 7:7. 4. Son of Michri, 1 Chr. 9:8. 5. An overseer of the Levites, Neh. 11:22. 6. A pri...
[ebd] descendants of Tola (Num. 26:23; 1 Chr. 7:1, 2).
[isbe] TOLA - to'-la (tola`, "worm" or "scarlet stuff"): (1) One of the four sons of Issachar (Gen 46:13; 1 Ch 7:1), mentioned among those who journeyed to Egypt with Jacob (Gen 46:8 f), and in the census taken by Moses and Eleazar...
[smith] The first-born of Issachar and ancestor of the Tolaiters. (Genesis 46:13; Numbers 26:23; 1Â Chronicles 7:1,2) (B.C. about 1700.) Judge of Israel after Abimelech. (Judges 10:1,2) He is described as "the son of Puah the son ...
[nave] TOLA 1. Son of Issachar, Gen. 46:13; Num. 26:23; 1 Chr. 7:1, 2. 2. A judge of Israel, Judg. 10:1, 2.
[nave] POLYGAMY Forbidden, Deut. 17:17; Lev. 18:18; Mal. 2:14, 15; Matt. 19:4, 5; Mark 10:2-8; 1 Tim. 3:2, 12; Tit. 1:6. Authorized, 2 Sam. 12:8. Tolerated, Ex. 21:10; 1 Sam. 1:2; 2 Chr. 24:3. Practiced, Job 27:15; by Lamech, Ge...
[isbe] PEDIGREE - ped'-i-gre (hithyalledh, "to show one's birth"): The English word "pedigree" occurs only once in the Bible, according to the concordance. In Nu 1:18, it is said: "They declared their pedigrees"; that is, they enro...
[ebd] consoler, a Christian teacher at Antioch. Nothing else is known of him beyond what is stated in Acts 13:1, where he is spoken of as having been brought up with (Gr. syntrophos; rendered in R.V. "foster brother" of) Herod, i....
[ebd] sold. (1.) Manasseh's oldest son (Josh. 17:1), or probably his only son (see 1 Chr. 7:14, 15; comp. Num. 26:29-33; Josh. 13:31). His descendants are referred to under the name of Machirites, being the offspring of Gilead (Nu...
[smith] (sold). The eldest son, (Joshua 17:1) of the patriarch Manasseh by an Aramite or Syrian concubine. (1Â Chronicles 7:14) At the time of the conquest the family of Machir had become very powerful, and a large part of the cou...
[ebd] heights. (1.) One of the sons of Bela (1 Chr. 7:7). (2.) 1 Chr. 24:30, a Merarite Levite. (3.) A Benjamite slinger who joined David at Ziklag (1 Chr. 12:5). (4.) A Levitical musician under Heman his father (1 Chr. 25:4). (5....
[isbe] JERIMOTH - jer'-i-moth (see JEREMOTH, (c)): (1) A Benjamite (1 Ch 7:7). (2) A Benjamite who joined David at Ziklag, or perhaps a Judean (1 Ch 12:5 (Hebrew 6)). (3) In 1 Ch 24:30 = JEREMOTH, (4) (which see). (4) A Levite musi...
[smith] (heights). Son or descendant of Bela. (1Â Chronicles 7:7) He is perhaps the same as who joined David at Ziklag. (1Â Chronicles 12:5) (B.C. 1055.) A son of Beecher, (1Â Chronicles 7:8) and head of a Benjamite house. Son...
[nave] JERIMOTH Called also Jeremoth. 1. Son of Bela, 1 Chr. 7:7. 2. Son of Becher, 1 Chr. 7:8. 3. A defecting Israelite, who denounced Saul and joined David at Ziklag, 1 Chr. 12:5. 4. Son of Mushi, 1 Chr. 23:23; 24:30. 5. Son ...
[ebd] known by God. (1.) One of the sons of Benjamin, whose descendants numbered 17,200 warriors (1 Chr. 7:6, 10, 11). (2.) A Shimrite, one of David's bodyguard (1 Chr. 11:45). Probably same as in 12:20. (3.) A Korhite of the fami...
[isbe] JEDIAEL - je-di'-a-el (yedhi`a'-el, "God makes known" (?)): (1) A "son" of Benjamin or probably of Zebulun (1 Ch 7:6,10,11). See Curtis, Chronicles, 145-49, who suggests emending the name to yachle'el, Jahleel, in agreement ...
[smith] (known of God). A chief patriarch of the tribe of Benjamin. (1Â Chronicles 7:6,11) It is usually assumed that Jediael is the same as Ashbel, (Genesis 46:21; Numbers 26:38; 1Â Chronicles 8:1) but this is not certain. Seco...
[nave] JEDIAEL 1. Son of Benjamin, 1 Chr. 7:6, 10, 11. 2. Son of Shimri, 1 Chr. 11:45. 3. A Manassite chief, who joined David at Ziklag, 1 Chr. 12:20. 4. Son of Meshelemiah, 1 Chr. 26:2.
[nave] JACOB Son of Isaac, and twin brother of Esau, Gen. 25:24-26; Josh. 24:4; 1 Chr. 1:34; Acts 7:8. Ancestor of Jesus, Matt. 1:2. Given in answer to prayer, Gen. 25:21. Obtains Esau's birthright for a some stew, Gen. 25:29-34...
[nave] ISRAEL 1. A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 2 Kin. 17:34; Hos. 12:3, 4. 2. A name of the Christ in prophecy, Isa. 49:3. 3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation. Called also Israelites, and Hebrews, Gen. 4...
[nave] GENEALOGY, Num. 1:18; 2 Chr. 12:15; Ezra 2:59; Neh. 7:5; Heb. 7:3. Of no spiritual significance, Matt. 3:9; 1 Tim. 1:4; Tit. 3:9. From Adam to Noah, Gen. 4:16-22; 5; 1 Chr. 1:1-4; Luke 3:36-38; to Abraham, Gen. 11:10-32; ...
GENEALOGY, 8 part 2
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 - I. Primeval Genealogies (1 Chronicals 1:1-54). To show Israel's place among the nations; follows Genesis closely, omitting only the Cainites; boldly, skillfully compressed, as if the omitted facts were ...
GENEALOGY, 8 part 1
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 8 part 1 - 8. Principal Genealogies and Lists: In the early genealogies the particular strata to which each has been assigned by reconstructive critics is here indicated by J, the Priestly Code (P), etc. The signs...
[isbe] BENJAMIN - ben'-ja-min (binyamin, or binyamin; Beniaein, Beniamin): 1. The Patriarch: The youngest of Jacob's sons. His mother Rachel died in giving him birth. As she felt death approaching she called him Benoni, "son of my ...
[smith] (son of the right hand, fortunate). The youngest of the children of Jacob. His birth took place on the road between Bethel and Bethlehem, near the latter, B.C. 1729. His mother, Rachel, died in the act of giving him birth, n...
[nave] BENJAMIN 1. Son of Jacob by Rachel, Gen. 35:18, 24; 46:19. Taken into Egypt, Gen. 42-45. Prophecy concerning, Gen. 49:27. Descendants of, Gen. 46:21; Num. 26:38-41. Tribe of Census of, at Sinai, Num. 1:37; in the plain ...
[isbe] BECHER - be'-ker (bekher, "the firstborn"; compare HPN, 88): (1) Son of Benjamin (Gen 46:21; 1 Ch 7:6,8). (2) Son of Ephraim whose family is called Becherites (the King James Version "Bachrites"), Nu 26:35 (1 Ch 7:20 called ...
[nave] BECHER 1. Son of Benjamin, Gen. 46:21; 1 Chr. 7:6, 8. 2. Son of Ephraim, Num. 26:35. Called Bered, 1 Chr. 7:20.
[ebd] my father is the Lord, the Greek form of Abijah, or Abijam (Matt. 1:7), instead of Abiah (1 Chr. 7:8). In Luke 1:5, the name refers to the head of the eighth of the twenty-four courses into which David divided the priests (1...
[isbe] ASHBEL; ASHBELITE - ash'-bel, ash'-bel-it ('ashbel): The gentilic name "Ashbelite" is found in Nu 26:38, second son of Benjamin (Gen 46:21). In 1 Ch 7:6-11 (6) "Jediael" ("known to God") is substituted for the heathen-soundi...
[ebd] covering. (1.) One of the nine sons of Becher, the son of Benjamin (1 Chr. 7:8). (2.) One of the sons of Jehoadah, or Jarah, son of Ahaz (1 Chr. 8:36). (3.) A sacerdotal city of Benjamin (1 Chr. 6:60), called also Almon (Jos...
[isbe] ALEMETH - al'-e-meth (`alemeth, "concealment"): (1) the Revised Version (British and American) for Alameth of the King James Version in 1 Ch 7:8. (2) Descendant of Saul and Jonathan, and son of Jehoaddah, 1 Ch 8:36, or of Ja...
[ebd] father (i.e., "possessor or worshipper") of Jehovah. (1.) 1 Chr. 7:8. (2.) 1 Chr. 2:24. (3.) The second son of Samuel (1 Sam. 8:2; 1 Chr. 6:28). His conduct, along with that of his brother, as a judge in Beer-sheba, to which...
[isbe] ABIJAH - a-bi'-ja ('abhiyah or 'abhiyahu (2 Ch 13:20,21), "my father is Yahweh," or "Yahweh is father"): The name of six or more men and two women in the Old Testament. (1) The seventh son of Becher the son of Benjamin (1 Ch...