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Study Dictionary - Resource
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Results 1 - 20 of 20 for "1Ki 4:1-4" (0.008 seconds)
[ebd] righteous. (1.) A son of Ahitub, of the line of Eleazer (2 Sam. 8:17; 1 Chr. 24:3), high priest in the time of David (2 Sam. 20:25) and Solomon (1 Kings 4:4). He is first mentioned as coming to take part with David at Hebron...
[isbe] ZADOK - za'-dok (tsadowq, once tsadhoq (1 Ki 1:26), similar to tsaddiq, and tsadduq, post-Biblical, meaning justus, "righteous"; Septuagint Sadok): Cheyne in Encyclopedia Biblica suggests that Zadok was a modification of a G...
[ebd] peaceful, (Heb. Shelomoh), David's second son by Bathsheba, i.e., the first after their legal marriage (2 Sam. 12). He was probably born about B.C. 1035 (1 Chr. 22:5; 29:1). He succeeded his father on the throne in early man...
[isbe] SOLOMON - sol'-o-mun (shelomoh; New Testament Solomon): I. EARLY LIFE 1. Name and Meaning 2. Sources 3. Birth and Upbringing 4. His Accession 5. Closing Days of David II. REIGN OF SOLOMON 1. His Vision 2. His Policy 3. Its R...
[nave] SOLOMON Son of David by Bathsheba, 2 Sam. 12:24; 1 Kin. 1:13, 17, 21. Named Jedidiah, by Nathan the prophet, 2 Sam. 12:24, 25. Ancestor of Joseph, Matt. 1:6. Succeeds David to the throne of Israel, 1 Kin. 1:11-48; 2:12; 1...
[ebd] ("Seraiah," 2 Sam. 8:17; "Shisha," 1 Kings 4:3), one of David's secretaries (1 Chr. 18:16).
[isbe] SHAVSHA - shav'-sha (shawsha'; in 2 Sam 20:25, Kethibh, sheya', Kere, shewa', English Versions of the Bible "Sheva," are refuted by the Septuagint; in 2 Sam 8:15-18, in other respects identical with Chronicles, "Seraiah" is ...
[smith] (nobility), the royal secretary in the reign of David, (1Â Chronicles 18:16) called also SERAIAH in (2Â Samuel 8:17) And SHEVA in (2Â Samuel 20:25) End in (1Â Kings 4:3) SHISHA.
[ebd] anciently held various important offices in the public affairs of the nation. The Hebrew word so rendered (sopher) is first used to designate the holder of some military office (Judg. 5:14; A.V., "pen of the writer;" R.V., "...
[smith] (Heb.sopherim), I. Name . -- (1) Three meanings are connected with the verb saphar , the root of sopherim -- (a) to write, (b) to set in order, (c) to count. The explanation of the word has been referred to each of these. The...
[ebd] (Heb. mazkir, i.e., "the mentioner," "rememberancer"), the office first held by Jehoshaphat in the court of David (2 Sam. 8:16), also in the court of Solomon (1 Kings 4:3). The next recorder mentioned is Joah, in the reign o...
[smith] an officer of high rank in the Jewish state, exercising the functions, not simply of an annalist, but of chancellor or president of the privy council. In David?s court the recorder appeal?s among the high officers of his hous...
[isbe] RAMOTH-GILEAD - ra'-moth-gil'-e-ad (ramoth gil'adh; Codex Vaticanus Rhemmath Galadd; Codex Alexandrinus Rhammoth, and other forms): A great and strong city East of the Jordan in the territory of Gad, which played an importan...
[ebd] originally denoted only the sea-coast of the land of Canaan inhabited by the Philistines (Ex. 15:14; Isa. 14:29, 31; Joel 3:4), and in this sense exclusively the Hebrew name Pelesheth (rendered "Philistia" in Ps. 60:8; 83:7;...
[nave] OFFICER. Civil Chosen by the people, Deut. 1:13-16; appointed by kings, 2 Sam. 8:16-18; 20:23-26; 1 Kin. 4:1-19; 9:22; Ezra 7:25. See: Government; Judge; Ruler; Serjeant. Ecclesiastical See: Priest; Levite; Apostle; Eld...
Micah, Book of
[ebd] the sixth in order of the so-called minor prophets. The superscription to this book states that the prophet exercised his office in the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. If we reckon from the beginning of Jotham's reign ...
[ebd] The Hebrews usually secured their doors by bars of wood or iron (Isa. 45:2; 1 Kings 4:3). These were the locks originally used, and were opened and shut by large keys applied through an opening in the outside (Judg. 3:24). (...
[ebd] is in Scripture very generally used to denote one invested with authority, whether extensive or limited. There were thirty-one kings in Canaan (Josh. 12:9, 24), whom Joshua subdued. Adonibezek subdued seventy kings (Judg. 1:...
[nave] KING Called King of kings, Ezra 7:12; Ezek. 26:7; Dan. 2:37. Divinely authorized, Deut. 17:15; 1 Sam. 9:16, 17; 16:12; 1 Chr. 22:10; 2 Chr. 2:11, 12; Prov. 8:15; Dan. 2:21, 37; 4:17; 5:20; Hos. 8:4; 13:11. How chosen: By d...
[isbe] HORSE - hors: 1. Names: The common names are (1) cuc, and (2) hippos. (3) The word parash, "horseman," occurs often, and in several cases is translated "horse" or "warhorse" (Isa 28:28; Ezek 27:14; Joel 2:4 the Revised Versi...
[isbe] GOVERNMENT - guv'-ern-ment: The government of the Hebrews varied at different periods, of which we may distinguish seven: (1) the nomadic period, from the Exodus to the entrance into Palestine; (2) the period of transition f...
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 1-7 - je-na-al'-o-ji, jen-a-al'-o-ji: 1. Definition 2. Biblical References 3. Importance of Genealogies 4. Their Historical Value 5. Principles of Interpretation 6. Principles of Compilation 7. Sources 8. Principa...
[isbe] DEER - der ('ayyal, feminine 'ayyalah, and 'ayyeleth (compare Arabic, 'ayyal and 'iyal, "deer" and 'ayil, "ram," and Latin caper and capra, "goat," caprea, capreolus, "wild goat," "chamois," or "roe deer"); yachmur (compare ...
[nave] CABINET, heads of departments in government. David's, 2 Sam. 8:15-18; 15:12; 20:23-26; 1 Chr. 27:32-34; Solomon's, 1 Kin. 4:1-7; Hezekiah's, Isa. 36:3; Artaxerxes', Ezra 7:14. See: Counselor; Minister, Prime.
[ebd] whom Jehovah helps. (1.) Son of Ethan, of the tribe of Judah (1 Chr. 2:8). (2.) Son of Ahimaaz, who succeeded his grandfather Zadok as high priest (1 Chr. 6:9; 1 Kings 4:2) in the days of Solomon. He officiated at the consec...
[isbe] AZARIAH - az-a-ri'-a `azaryahu and `azaryah, "Yahweh has helped"): (1) King of Judah. See UZZIAH. (2) A Judahite of the house of Ethan the Wise (1 Ch 2:8). (3) The son of Jehu, descended from an Egyptian through the daughter...
[smith] (whom the Lord helps) a common name in Hebrew, and especially in the families of the priests of the line of Eleazar, whose name has precisely the same meaning as Azariah. It is nearly identical, and is often confounded, with ...
[nave] AZARIAH 1. Son of Ethan, 1 Chr. 2:8. 2. Son of Jehu, 1 Chr. 2:38, 39. 3. Son of Zadok, 1 Kin. 4:2; perhaps identical with No. 6, below. 4. Captain of Solomon's guards, 1 Kin. 4:5. 5. A prophet, called Oded, 2 Chr. 15:1; ...
[ebd] brother (i.e., "friend") of Jehovah. (1.) One of the sons of Bela (1 Chr. 8:7, R.V.). In A.V. called "Ahiah." (2.) One of the five sons of Jerahmeel, who was great-grandson of Judah (1 Chr. 2:25). (3.) Son of Ahitub (1 Sam. ...
[isbe] AHIJAH - a-hi'-ja ('achiyah or 'achiyahu, "brother of Yahweh," "my brother is Yahweh," "Yah is brother." In the King James Version the name sometimes appears as Ahiah): (1) One of the sons of Jerahmeel the great-grandson of ...
[nave] AHIJAH, called also Ahiah. 1. Son of Bela, 1 Chr. 8:7. 2. Son of Jerahmeel, 1 Chr. 2:25. 3. A priest in Shiloh, probably identical with Ahimelech, mentioned in 1 Sam. 22:11. Was priest in Saul's reign, 1 Sam. 14:3, 18. S...
[isbe] AHIAH - a-hi'-a: A variant in the King James Version (1 Sam 14:3,18; 1 Ki 4:3; 1 Ch 8:7) for AHIJAH, which see. Also in the Revised Version (British and American) (Neh 10:26).
[nave] AHIAH 1. Grandson of Phinehas, 1 Sam. 14:3, 18. 2. One of Solomon's scribes, 1 Kin. 4:3. 3. A Benjamite, 1 Chr. 8:7.
[ebd] father of abundance, or my father excels, the son of Ahimelech the high priest. He was the tenth high priest, and the fourth in descent from Eli. When his father was slain with the priests of Nob, he escaped, and bearing wit...
[isbe] ABIATHAR - a-bi'-a-thar, ab-i-a'-thar ('ebhyathar, "father of super-excellence," or, "the super-excellent one is father." With changed phraseology these are the explanations commonly given, though "a father remains" would be...
[nave] ABIATHAR 1. High priest. Called Ahimelech in 2 Sam. 8:17; 1 Chr. 24:3, 6, 31, and Abimelech, 1 Chr. 18:16. Son of Ahimelech, 1 Sam. 22:20. Escapes to David from the vengeance of Saul, who killed the priests in the city of ...