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Study Dictionary - Resource
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Results 1 - 20 of 20 for "1Sa 27:1-6" (0.009 seconds)
[ebd] a town in the Negeb, or south country of Judah (Josh. 15:31), in the possession of the Philistines when David fled to Gath from Ziph with all his followers. Achish, the king, assigned him Ziklag as his place of residence. Th...
[isbe] ZIKLAG - zik'-lag (tsiqelagh, tsiqelagh (2 Sam 1:1), tsiqelagh (1 Ch 12:1,20); usually in the Septuagint Sekelak, or Sikelag): A town assigned (Josh 19:5; 1 Ch 4:30) to Simeon, but in Josh 15:31 named, between Hornah and Mad...
[smith] (winding), a place which possesses a special interest from its having been the residence and the private property of David. It is first mentioned in the catalogue of the towns of Judah in (Joshua 15:31) and occurs, in the sam...
[nave] ZIKLAG A city within the territory allotted to the tribe of Judah, Josh. 15:31. Reallotted to the tribe of Simeon, Josh. 19:5. David dwells at, 1 Sam. 27:5, 6; 2 Sam. 1:1; 1 Chr. 12:1. Amalekites destroy, 1 Sam. 30. Inha...
[ebd] Practised by the Ishmaelites (Gen. 16:12), the Chaldeans and Sabeans (Job 1:15, 17), and the men of Shechem (Judg. 9:25. See also 1 Sam. 27:6-10; 30; Hos. 4:2; 6:9). Robbers infested Judea in our Lord's time (Luke 10:30; Joh...
[isbe] PHILISTINES - fi-lis'-tinz, fil'-is-tinz, fil'-is-tinz (pelishtim; Phulistieim, allophuloi): I. OLD TESTAMENT NOTICES 1. Race and Origin 2. Religion 3. Individual Philistines Mentioned 4. Title of Ruler and Circumcision 5. H...
[nave] PHILISTINES Descendants of Mizraim, Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12; Jer. 47:4; Amos 9:7. Called Cherethites, 1 Sam. 30:14-16; Ezek. 25:16; Zeph. 2:5; Casluhim, Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12; Caphtorim, Jer. 47:4; Amos 9:7. Territory of...
[ebd] compressed, the father of Achish, king of Gath (1 Sam. 27:2). Called also Maachah (1 Kings 2:39).
[isbe] MAOCH - ma'-ok (ma`okh, "oppressed," "bruised"): The same as Maacah (1 Ki 2:39). The father of that Achish, king of Gath, with whom David and his 600 sojourned under fear of Saul's treachery (1 Sam 27:2).
[smith] (oppression) the father of Achish king of Gath, with whom David took refuge. (1Â Samuel 27:2)
[nave] MAOCH 1 Sam. 27:2
[ebd] oppression, a small Syrian kingdom near Geshur, east of the Hauran, the district of Batanea (Josh. 13:13; 2 Sam. 10:6,8; 1 Chr. 19:7). (2.) A daughter of Talmai, king of the old native population of Geshur. She became one of...
[nave] MAACHAH 1. Son of Nahor, Gen. 22:24. 2. Called also Maacah. Mother of Absalom, 2 Sam. 3:3; 1 Chr. 3:2. 3. Called also Maoch. Father of Achish, 1 Sam. 27:2; 1 Kin. 2:39. 4. Called also Michaiah. Mother of Abijam and grandm...
[ebd] God scatters. (1.) A town of Issachar (Josh. 19:18), where the kings of Israel often resided (1 Kings 18:45; 21:1; 2 Kings 9:30). Here Elijah met Ahab, Jehu, and Bidkar; and here Jehu executed his dreadful commission against...
[isbe] JEZREEL - jez'-re-el, jez'-rel (yizre`e'l, "God soweth"): (1) A city on the border of the territory of Issachar (Josh 19:18). 1. Territory: It is named with Chesulloth and Shunem (modern Iksal and Solam). It remained loyal t...
[smith] A city situated in the plain of the same name between Gilboa and Little Hermon, now generally called Esdraelon. [ESDRAELON] It appears in (Joshua 19:18) but its historical importance dates from the reign of Ahab, B.C. 918-89...
[nave] JEZREEL 1. A city in the S. of Judah, Josh. 15:56; 1 Sam. 25:43; 27:3; 29:1, 11. 2. A city of Issachar, Josh. 19:18; 2 Sam. 2:9. Ahab's residence in, 1 Kin. 18:45, 46; 21:1. Naboth's vineyard in, 1 Kin. 21:1. Joram's res...
[isbe] JUDAH, TERRITORY OF - (yehudhah): I. GEOGRAPHICAL DATA 1. The Natural Boundaries 2. The Natural Divisions of Judah (1) The Maritime Plain (2) The Shephelah (3) The Hill Country of Judah II. THE TRIBE OF JUDAH AND ITS TERRITO...
[isbe] JEZREELITESS - jez'-re-el-it-es, jez'-rel-it-es (yizre`e'lith, "of Jezreel," feminine): Applied to Ahinoam, one of David's first two wives, a native of Jezreel in Judah (1 Sam 27:3; 30:5; 2 Sam 2:2; 3:2; 1 Ch 3:1).
[smith] a woman of Jezreel. (1Â Samuel 27:3; 30:5; 2Â Samuel 2:2; 3:2; 1Â Chronicles 3:1)
[ebd] near; timely; or, with the Lord. (1.) A Benjamite, one of David's thirty heroes (2 Sam. 23:29). (2.) A native of Gath, a Philistine, who had apparently the command of the six hundred heroes who formed David's band during his...
[ebd] a wine-vat, one of the five royal cities of the Philistines (Josh. 13:3) on which the ark brought calamity (1 Sam. 5:8, 9; 6:17). It was famous also as being the birthplace or residence of Goliath (1 Sam. 17:4). David fled f...
[nave] GATH One of the five chief cities of the Philistines, Josh. 13:3; 1 Sam. 6:17; Amos 6:2; Mic. 1:10. Anakim, a race of giants, inhabitants of, Josh. 11:22. Goliath dwelt in, 1 Sam. 17:4; 1 Chr. 20:5-8. Obed-edom belonged t...
[ebd] beloved, the eighth and youngest son of Jesse, a citizen of Bethlehem. His father seems to have been a man in humble life. His mother's name is not recorded. Some think she was the Nahash of 2 Sam. 17:25. As to his personal ...
[isbe] DAVID - da'-vid (dawidh, or dawidh, "beloved"; Daueid, also in New Testament, Dauid, Dabid; see Thayer's Lexicon): I. NAME AND GENEALOGY II. EARLY YEARS 1. Shepherd 2. Slinger 3. Harpist 4. Poet 5. Psalmist 6. Tribesman III....
[nave] DAVID 1. King of Israel. Genealogy of, Ruth 4:18-22; 1 Sam. 16:11; 17:12; 1 Chr. 2:3-15; Matt. 1:1-6; Luke 3:31-38. A shepherd, 1 Sam. 16:11. Kills a lion and a bear, 1 Sam. 17:34-36. Anointed king, while a youth, by the ...
[ebd] a park; generally with the article, "the park." (1.) A prominent headland of Central Palestine, consisting of several connected hills extending from the plain of Esdraelon to the sea, a distance of some 12 miles or more. At ...
[isbe] CARMELITESS - kar'-mel-it-es, kar-mel-i'-tes (karmelith; Karmelia): A name applied only to Abigail, the wife of Nabal, and subsequently of David, a native of Carmel in Judah (1 Sam 27:3; 1 Ch 3:1).
[isbe] CARMELITE - kar'-mel-it (karmeli; Karmelios, Karmelites): A native of the Judean Carmel. Those who are thus named are Nabal, the husband of Abigail (1 Sam 30:5, etc.), and Hezro (the King James Version Hezrai), one of David'...
[ebd] brother of pleasantness = pleasant. (1.) The daughter of Ahimaaz, and wife of Saul (1 Sam. 14:50). (2.) A Jezreelitess, the first wife of David (1 Sam. 25:43; 27:3). She was the mother of Amnon (2 Sam. 3:2). (See 1 Sam. 30:5...
[isbe] AHINOAM - a-hi-no'-am, a-hin'-o-am ('achino`am, "my brother is pleasantness"): (1) Daughter of Ahimaaz, and wife of King Saul (1 Sam 14:50). (2) The woman from Jezreel whom David married after Saul gave Michal to another hus...
[smith] (brother of grace , i.e. gracious). The daughter of Ahimaaz and wife of Saul. (1Â Samuel 14:50) (B.C. about 1090.) A native of Jezreel who was married to David during his wandering life. (1Â Samuel 25:43) (B.C. 1060.) Sh...
[nave] AHINOAM 1. Wife of king Saul, 1 Sam. 14:50. 2. Wife of king David, 1 Sam. 25:43; 27:3; 30:5, 18; 2 Sam. 3:2.
[ebd] angry, perhaps only a general title of royalty applicable to the Philistine kings. (1.) The king with whom David sought refuge when he fled from Saul (1 Sam. 21:10-15). He is called Abimelech in the superscription of Ps. 34....
[isbe] ACHISH - a'-kish ('akhish): King of the city of Gath in the days of David. His father's name is given as Maoch (1 Sam 27:2), and Maacah (1 Ki 2:39). David sought the protection of Achish when he first fled from Saul, and jus...
[nave] ACHISH King of the Philistines, called also Abimelech. David escapes to, 1 Sam. 21:10-15; 27; 28:1, 2; 29; 1 Kin. 2:39, 40.
[ebd] father (i.e., "leader") of the dance, or "of joy." (1.) The sister of David, and wife of Jether an Ishmaelite (1 Chr. 2:16,17). She was the mother of Amasa (2 Sam. 17:25). (2.) The wife of the churlish Nabal, who dwelt in th...
[nave] ABIGAIL 1. Nabal's wife. Her wisdom and tact, and marriage to David, 1 Sam. 25; 27:3; 2 Sam. 2:2. Mother of Chileab by David, 2 Sam. 3:3; 1 Chr. 3:1. Taken captive and rescued by David, 1 Sam. 30:1-18. 2. Sister of David,...
[isbe] ALLIANCE - a-li'-ans. 1. In the Patriarchal Stories: Frequent references are made to alliances between the patriarchs and foreigners. Abraham is reported to have had "confederates" among the chiefs of the Canaanites (Gen 14:...
[isbe] ABIMELECH - a-bim'-e-lek ('abhimelekh, "father of a king"): A name borne by five Old Testament persons. (1) The name of two kings of Philistia; the first was a contemporary of Abraham, the second, probably son of the former,...
[isbe] ABIGAIL; ABIGAL - ab'-i-gal, ab'-i-gal ('abhighayil, or 'abhighal, three times, or 'abhughayil, once, or 'abhighayil, once; "father," or "cause of joy"): (1) The wife of Nabal, a rich shepherd of southern Judea, whose home w...