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Study Dictionary - Resource
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Results 1 - 20 of 200 for "Act 19:1-39" (0.037 seconds)
[ebd] is used to denote Proconsular Asia, a Roman province which embraced the western parts of Asia Minor, and of which Ephesus was the capital, in Acts 2:9; 6:9; 16:6; 19:10,22; 20:4, 16, 18, etc., and probably Asia Minor in Acts...
[isbe] ASIA - a'-shi-a (Asia): A Roman province embracing the greater part of western Asia Minor, including the older countries of Mysia, Lydia, Caria, and a part of Phrygia, also several of the independent coast cities, the Troad,...
[smith] (orient). The passages in the New Testament where this word occurs are the following; (Acts 2:9; 6:9; 16:6; 19:10,22,26,27; 20:4,16,18; 21:27; 27:2; Romans 16:5; 1Â Corinthians 16:19; 2Â Corinthians 1:8; 2Â Timothy 1:15...
[nave] ASIA Inhabitants of, in Jerusalem, at Pentecost, Acts 2:9; 21:27; 24:18. Paul and Silas forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach in, Acts 16:6. Gospel preached in, by Paul, Acts 19; 20:4. Paul leaves, Acts 20:16. Churches ...
[ebd] the capital of proconsular Asia, which was the western part of Asia Minor. It was colonized principally from Athens. In the time of the Romans it bore the title of "the first and greatest metropolis of Asia." It was distingu...
[smith] (permitted), the capital of the Roman province of Asia, and an illustrious city in the district of Ionia, nearly opposite the island of Samos. Buildings. --Conspicuous at the head of the harbor of Ephesus was the great temple...
[nave] EPHESUS Paul visits and preaches in, Acts 18:19-21; 19; 20:16-38. Apollos visits and preaches in, Acts 18:18-28. Sceva's sons attempt to expel a demon in, Acts 19:13-16. Timothy directed by Paul to remain at, 1 Tim. 1:3. ...
[isbe] GALATIANS, EPISTLE TO THE - || I. THE AUTHORSHIP 1. Position of the Dutch School 2. Early Testimony II. THE MATTER OF THE EPISTLE A) Summary of Contents 1. Outline 2. Personal History (Galatians 1:11 through 2:21 (4:12-20; 6...
[nave] REASONING With God, Job 13:3, 17-28. God reasons with men, Ex. 4:11; 20:5, 11; Isa. 1:18; 5:3, 4; 43:26; Hos. 4:1; Mic. 6:2. Natural understanding, Dan. 4:36. To be applied to religion, 1 Cor. 10:15; 1 Pet. 3:15. Not a s...
[isbe] LAODICEANS, EPISTLE TO THE - la-od-i-se'-anz, (en te Laodikeon ekklesia .... ten ek Laodikias, "in the church of the Laodiceans .... the epistle from Laodicea," Col 4:16): I. EXPLANATIONS OF PAUL'S STATEMENT 1. Written by th...
[isbe] LYDIA (1) - lid'-i-a (Ludia): An important country in the western part of Asia Minor bounded on the North by Mysia, on the East by Phrygia, on the South by Caria, and on the West by the Aegean Sea. Its surface is rugged, but...
[isbe] PASTORAL EPISTLES - pas'-tor-al, I. GENUINENESS 1. External Evidence 2. Genuineness Questioned II. ALLEGED DIFFICULTIES AGAINST PAULINE AUTHORSHIP 1. Relative to Paul's Experiences (1) Data in 1 Timothy (2) Data in 2 Timothy...
[nave] PAUL Called also Saul, Acts 8:1; 9:1; 13:9. Of the tribe of Benjamin, Rom. 11:1; Phil. 3:5. Personal appearance of, 2 Cor. 10:1, 10; 11:6. Born in Tarsus, Acts 9:11; 21:39; 22:3. Educated at Jerusalem in the school of Ga...
[isbe] PAUL, THE APOSTLE, 5 - V. Work. 1. Adjustment: There was evidently a tumult in Paul's soul. He had undergone a revolution, both intellectual and spiritual. Before he proceeded farther it was wise to think through the most im...
[ebd] in New Testament times, was a Roman province lying north of Greece. It was governed by a propraetor with the title of proconsul. Paul was summoned by the vision of the "man of Macedonia" to preach the gospel there (Acts 16:9...
[isbe] MACEDONIA - mas-e-do'-ni-a (Makedonia, ethnic Makedon,): I. THE MACEDONIAN PEOPLE AND LAND II. HISTORY OF MACEDONIA 1. Philip and Alexander 2. Roman Intervention 3. Roman Conquest 4. Macedonia a Roman Province 5. Later Histo...
[nave] MACEDONIA A country in southeastern Europe. Paul has a vision concerning, Acts 16:9; preaches in, at Philippi, Acts 16:12; revisits, Acts 20:1-6; 2 Cor. 2:13; 7:5. Church at, sends contributions to the poor in Jerusalem, Ro...
[ebd] so called by the Romans; called Artemis by the Greeks, the "great" goddess worshipped among heathen nations under various modifications. Her most noted temple was that at Ephesus. It was built outside the city walls, and was...
[smith] This Latin word, properly denoting a Roman divinity, is the representative of the Greek Artemus , the tutelary goddess of the Ephesians, who plays so important a part in the narrative of Acts 19. The Ephesian Diana was, howev...
[nave] DIANA, goddess of the Ephesians, Acts 19:24, 27, 28, 35.
[ebd] (1.) A silversmith at Ephesus, whose chief occupation was to make "silver shrines for Diana" (q.v.), Acts 19:24,i.e., models either of the temple of Diana or of the statue of the goddess. This trade brought to him and his fe...
[smith] (belonging to Ceres). A maker of silver shrines of Artemis at Ephesus. (Acts 19:24) (about A.D. 52). These were small models of the great temple of the Ephesian Artemis, with her statue, which it was customary to carry on jo...
[nave] DEMETRIUS 1. A silversmith, noted for raising a riot, Acts 19:24-38. 2. A Christian mentioned in 3 John 12.
[ebd] an implement, a Jew, chief of the priests at Ephesus (Acts 19:13-16); i.e., the head of one of the twenty-four courses of the house of Levi. He had seven sons, who "took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the...
[isbe] SCEVA - se'-va (Skeua): A Jew, a chief priest, resident in Ephesus, whose seven sons were exorcists (Acts 19:14 ff). Ewald regards the name as being Hebrew shekhabhyah. He was not an officiating priest, as there were only sy...
[smith] a Jew residing at Ephesus at the time of St. Paul?s second visit to that town. (Acts 19:14-16) (A.D. 52.)
[nave] SCEVA, a Jew of Ephesus, Acts 19:13-17.
[smith] It is well known that ablution or bathing was common in most ancient nations as a preparation for prayers and sacrifice or as expiatory of sin. In warm countries this connection is probably even closer than in colder climates...
[nave] BAPTISM. John's Matt. 3:5-8, 11, 13-16 Mark 1:8-10; Luke 3:7, 8; John 10:40. Matt. 21:25 Mark 11:30; Luke 20:4. Mark 1:4, 5; Luke 3:12, 21; Luke 7:29, 30; John 1:25, 26, 28, 31, 33; John 3:23; Acts 1:5, 22; Acts 10:37; Act...
[nave] MOB, at Thessalonica, Acts 17:5; Jerusalem, Acts 21:28, 30; Ephesus, Acts 19:29-40.
[nave] PRUDENCE. Job 34:3, 4; Psa. 39:1; Psa. 112:5; Prov. 6:1, 2; Prov. 8:12; Prov. 11:13, 15, 29; Prov. 12:8, 23; Prov. 13:16; Prov. 14:8, 15, 16, 18; Prov. 15:5, 22; Prov. 16:20, 21; Prov. 17:2, 18; Prov. 18:15, 16; Prov. 19:2;...
[ebd] a Jew "born at Alexandria," a man well versed in the Scriptures and eloquent (Acts 18:24; R.V., "learned"). He came to Ephesus (about A.D. 49), where he spake "boldly" in the synagogue (18:26), although he did not know as ye...
[isbe] APOLLOS - a-pol'-os (Apollos, the short form of Apollonius): Apollos was a Jew of Alexandrian race (Acts 18:24) who reached Ephesus in the summer of 54 AD, while Paul was on his third missionary journey, and there he "spake ...
[smith] (given by Apollo) a Jew from Alexandria, eloquent (which may also mean learned) and mighty in the Scriptures; one instructed in the way of the Lord, according to the imperfect view of the disciples of John the Baptist, (Acts ...
[nave] APOLLOS An eloquent Christian convert at Corinth, Acts 18:24-28; 19:1; 1 Cor. 1:12; 3:4-7. Refuses to return to Rome, 1 Cor. 16:12. Paul writes Titus about, Tit. 3:13.
[nave] MIRACLES. Index of Sub-topics Catalog of, and Supernatural Events, Of Jesus, in Chronological Order, Of the Disciples of Jesus; Convincing Effect of; Design of; Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Miscellany of Minor Sub-...
[isbe] CHARM - charm: Definition.--The word charm is derived from the Latin carmen, "a song," and denotes strictly what is sung; then it comes to mean a magical formula chanted or recited with a view to certain desired results. Cha...
[isbe] JOHN THE BAPTIST - (Ioanes): I. SOURCES II. PARENTAGE III. EARLY LIFE IV. MINISTRY 1. The Scene 2. His First Appearance 3. His Dress and Manner 4. His Message 5. His Severity V. BAPTISM 1. Significance (1) Lustrations Requir...
[smith] was of the priestly race by both parents, for his father, Zacharias, was himself a priest of the course of Abia or Abijah, (1Â Chronicles 24:10) and Elisabeth was of the daughters of Aaron. (Luke 1:5) His birth was foretold...