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Study Dictionary - Resource
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Results 1 - 20 of 20 for "Ezra 8:16" (0.007 seconds)
[ebd] Jehovah is renowned or remembered. (1.) A prophet of Judah, the eleventh of the twelve minor prophets. Like Ezekiel, he was of priestly extraction. He describes himself (1:1) as "the son of Berechiah." In Ezra 5:1 and 6:14 h...
[smith] The eleventh in order of the twelve minor prophets. He is called in his prophecy the son of Berechiah and the grandson of Iddo, whereas in the book of Ezra, (Ezra 5:1; 6:14) he is said to have been the son of Iddo. It is nat...
[nave] ZECHARIAH 1. A Reubenite, 1 Chr. 5:7. 2. Three Levites in the days of David, 1 Chr. 9:21; 15:18, 20, 24; 16:5; 26:2, 14. 3. A Benjamite, 1 Chr. 9:37. Called Zacher in 1 Chr. 8:31. 4. Two Kohathites, 1 Chr. 24:25; 2 Chr. ...
[isbe] SHEMAIAH - she-ma'-ya, she-mi'-a (shema`yah (in 2 Ch 11:2; 17:8; 31:15; 35:9; Jer 26:20; 29:24; 36:12, shema`yahu), "Jahveh hears"): The name is most frequently borne by priests, Levites and prophets. (1) Codex Vaticanus Sam...
[smith] (heard by Jehovah). A prophet in the reign of Rehoboam. (1Â Kings 12:22; 2Â Chronicles 11:2) (B.C. 972.) He wrote a chronicle containing the events of Rehoboam?s reign. (2Â Chronicles 12:5,15) The son of Shechaniah, am...
[nave] SHEMAIAH 1. A prophet in the time of Rehoboam. Prevents Rehoboam from war with Jeroboam, 1 Kin. 12:22-24; 2 Chr. 11:2-4. Prophesies the punishment of Rehoboam by Shishak, king of Egypt, 2 Chr. 12:5, 7. Writes chronicles, 2...
[isbe] SAMAIAS - sa-ma'-yas (Samaias): (1) One of the "captains over thousands" prominent at the Passover of Josiah (1 Esdras 1:9) = "Shemaiah" in 2 Ch 35:9. (2) One of the heads of families of the sons of Adonikam who returned wit...
[isbe] NATHAN (2) - (1) A prophet (2 Sam 7; Ps 51, title). See preceding article. (2) A son of King David (2 Sam 5:14; 1 Ch 3:5; 14:4). (3) Father of Igal, one of David's heroes (2 Sam 23:36). In 1 Ch 11:38, we have "Joel the broth...
[ebd] given. (1.) A prophet in the reigns of David and Solomon (2 Chr. 9:29). He is first spoken of in connection with the arrangements David made for the building of the temple (2 Sam. 7:2, 3, 17), and next appears as the reprove...
[smith] (a giver). An eminent Hebrew prophet in the reigns of David and Solomon. (B.C. 1015.) He first appears in the consultation with David about the building of the temple. (2Â Samuel 7:2,3,17) He next comes forward as the repr...
[isbe] MESHULLAM - me-shul'-am (meshullam, "resigned" or "devoted"; compare Arabic Muslim; Mesollam): An Old Testament name very common in post-exilic times. (1) The grandfather of Shaphan (2 Ki 22:3). (2) A son of Zerubbabel (1 Ch...
[smith] (friend). Ancestor of Shaphan the scribe. (2Â Kings 22:3) The son of Zerubbabel. (1Â Chronicles 3:19) A Gadite in the reign of Jotham king of Judah. (1Â Chronicles 5:13) A Benjamite, of the sons of Elpaal. (1Â Chroni...
[nave] MESHULLAM 1. Grandfather of Shaphan, 2 Kin. 22:3. 2. A son of Zerubbabel, 1 Chr. 3:19. 3. A Gadite of Bashan, 1 Chr. 5:13. 4. Three Benjamites, 1 Chr. 8:17; 9:7, 8. 5. An Aaronite, 1 Chr. 9:11; Neh. 11:11. 6. A priest, ...
[isbe] MOSOLLAMUS - mo-sol'-a-mus: (1) the King James Version "Mosollam" (Mosollamos), one of the three "assessors" appointed to the two commissioners in the inquiry made about "strange wives" (1 Esdras 9:14) = "Meshullam" in Ezr 1...
[isbe] MAASMAS - ma-as'-mas, ma'-as-mas (Maasmas; Swete reads Maasman; the King James Version Masman, 1 Esdras 8:43): Corresponds to "Shemaiah" in Ezr 8:16.
[isbe] LION - li'-un: (1) Occurring most often in the Old Testament is 'aryeh, plural 'ardyoth. Another form, 'ari, plural 'arayim, is found less often. 1. Names: Compare 'ari'el, "Ariel" (Ezr 8:16; Isa 29:1,2,7); char'el, "upper a...
[isbe] LAW IN THE OLD TESTAMENT - || I. TERMS USED 1. Torah ("Law") 2. Synonyms of Torah (1) Mitswah ("Command") (2) `Edhah ("Witness," "Testimony") (3) MishpaTim ("Judgments") (4) Chuqqim ("Statutes") (5) Piqqudhim ("Precepts") II...
[ebd] (whom Jehovah defends) = Jehoiarib. (1.) The founder of one of the courses of the priests (Neh. 11:10). (2.) Neh. 11:5; a descendant of Judah. (3.) Neh. 12:6. (4.) Ezra 8:16, a "man of understanding" whom Ezra sent to "bring...
[isbe] JOIARIB - joi'-a-rib (yoyaribh, "Yahweh pleads" or "contends"; compare JEHOIARIB): (1) A "teacher" of Ezra's time (Ezr 8:16). (2) A Judahite (Neh 11:5). (3) In Neh 11:10; 12:6,19 = JEHOIARIB (which see).
[smith] (whom Jehovah defends.) A layman who returned form Babylon with Ezra. (Ezra 8:16) (B.C. 459.) The founder of one of the courses of priests, elsewhere called in full JEHOIARIB. (Nehemiah 12:6,19) A Shilonite --i.e. probably a...
[nave] JOIARIB 1. A returned exile, Ezra 8:16. 2. A descendant of Judah, Neh. 11:5. 3. A priest who returned from Babylon, Neh. 12:6, 19. 4. See: Jehoiarib.
[ebd] an adversary. (1.) A son of Simeon (1 Chr. 4:24). (2.) One of the chiefs sent by Ezra to bring up the priests to Jerusalem (Ezra 8:16). (3.) Ezra 10:18.
[isbe] JARIB - ja'-rib, jar'-ib (yaribh, "he contends," or "takes (our) part," or "conducts (our) case"): (1) In 1 Ch 4:24, a "son" (clan) of Simeon = "Jachin" of Gen 46:10; Ex 6:15; Nu 26:12. (2)In Ezr 8:16, one of the "chief men"...
[smith] (adversary). Named in the list of (1Â Chronicles 4:24) only, as a son of Simeon. Perhaps the same as JACHIN. Genesis46; Exod 6; Numb 26. One of the "chief men" who accompanied Ezra on his journey from Babylon to Jerusalem....
[nave] JARIB 1. Son of Simeon, 1 Chr. 4:24. 2. A chief among the captivity, Ezra 8:16. 3. A priest who married an idolatrous wife, Ezra 10:18.
[isbe] JORIBUS - jor'i-bus (Ioribos; the King James Version, Joribas): (1) In 1 Esdras 8:44, called "Jarib" in Ezr 8:16. (2) In 1 Esdras 9:19, called "Jarib" in Ezr 10:18.
GENEALOGY, 8 part 2
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 - I. Primeval Genealogies (1 Chronicals 1:1-54). To show Israel's place among the nations; follows Genesis closely, omitting only the Cainites; boldly, skillfully compressed, as if the omitted facts were ...
[ebd] whom God has given. (1.) An inhabitant of Jerusalem, the father of Nehushta, who was the mother of king Jehoiachin (2 Kings 24:8). Probably the same who tried to prevent Jehoiakim from burning the roll of Jeremiah's propheci...
[isbe] ELNATHAN - el-na'-than ('elnathan, "God has given"): (1) The grandfather of Jehoiachin (2 Ki 24:8). (2) A courtier of Jehoiakim; he was one of those sent to Egypt to bring back the prophet Uriah (Jer 26:22), and one of those...
[nave] ELNATHAN 1. Father of Nehushta, the mother of king Jehoiachin, 2 Kin. 24:8; Jer. 26:22; 36:12, 25. 2. Name of three Levites in the time of Ezra, Ezra 8:16.
[ebd] God his help. (1.) "Of Damascus," the "steward" (R.V., "possessor") of Abraham's house (Gen. 15:2, 3). It was probably he who headed the embassy sent by Abraham to the old home of his family in Padan-aram to seek a wife for ...
[isbe] ELIEZER - el-i-e'-zer, e-li-e'-zer ('eli`ezer; Eliezer, "God is help"): (1) The chief servant of Abram (Gen 15:2); the American Standard Revised Version "Eliezer of Damascus," the English Revised Version "Dammesek Eliezer." ...
[nave] ELIEZER 1. Abraham's servant, Gen. 15:2; 24. 2. Son of Becher, 1 Chr. 7:8. 3. Son of Moses, Ex. 18:4; 1 Chr. 23:15, 17. 4. A priest, 1 Chr. 15:24. 5. Son of Zichri, 1 Chr. 27:16. 6. A prophet, 2 Chr. 20:37. 7. Son of J...
[ebd] help. (1.) A priest among those that returned to Jerusalem under Zerubabel (Neh. 12:1). (2.) The "scribe" who led the second body of exiles that returned from Babylon to Jerusalem B.C. 459, and author of the book of Scriptur...
[isbe] EZRA - ez'-ra (Aramaic or Chaldee, `ezra', "help"; a hypocoristicon, or shortened form of Azariah, "Yahweh has helped." The Hebrew spells the name `ezrah, as in 1 Ch 4:17, or uses the Aramaic spelling of the name, as in Ezr ...
[isbe] ENNATAN - en'-a-tan (Ennatan; the King James Version Eunatan (a misprint)): One of Ezra's messengers to fetch Levites for the temple service (1 Esdras 8:44); called "Elnathan" in Ezr 8:16.
[ebd] the lion of God. (1.) One of the chief men sent by Ezra to procure Levites for the sanctuary (Ezra 8:16). (2.) A symbolic name for Jerusalem (Isa. 29:1, 2, 7) as "victorious under God," and in Ezek. 43:15, 16, for the altar ...
[isbe] ARIEL - a'-ri-el ('ariy'el or 'ari'el, "lioness of God"): But the word occurs in Ezek 43:15,16, and is there translated in the Revised Version (British and American) "ALTAR HEARTH." (1) According to the Revised Version (Brit...
[smith] (lion of God). One of the "chief men" who under Ezra directed the caravan which he led back from Babylon to Jerusalem. (Ezra 8:16) (B.C. 459.) The word occurs also in reference to two Moabites slain by Benaiah. (2Â Samuel ...
[nave] ARIEL 1. A messenger from Ezra to Iddo, Ezra 8:16. 2. A symbolical name for Jerusalem, Isa. 29:1, 2, 7.
[isbe] ALNATHAN - al'-na-than (Alnathan, "God has given," the Revised Version (British and American) ELNATHAN): Apocryphal name of a person (1 Esdras 8:44) corresponding to Elnathan of Ezr 8:16. He was one of the learned men summon...