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Study Dictionary - Resource
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Results 1 - 20 of 20 for "Neh 12:1-28" (0.029 seconds)
[isbe] ZERUBBABEL - ze-rub'-a-bel (zerubbabhel, probably a transliteration of the Babylonian name Zeru-Babili, "seed of Babylon"; Zorobabel): 1. Name: Is commonly called the son of Shealtiel (Ezr 3:2,8; 5:2; Neh 12:1; Hag 1:1,12,14...
[nave] ZERUBBABEL, called also Sheshbazzar. Directs the rebuilding of the altar and temple after his return from captivity in Babylon, Ezra 3:2-8; 4:2, 3; 5:2, 14-16; Hag. 1:12-14. Leads the emancipated Jews back from Babylon, Ezra...
[nave] PRIEST. Before Moses Melchizedek, Gen. 14:18; Heb. 5:6, 10, 11; 6:20; 7:1-21. Jethro, Ex. 2:16. Priests in Israel before the giving of the law, Ex. 19:22, 24. Called angel, Eccl. 5:6. Mosaic Ex. 28:1-4; 29:9, 44; Num....
[isbe] PRIESTS AND LEVITES - (kohen, "priest"; nothing is definitely known as to the origin of the word; Lewi, "Levite," on which see LEVI): I. DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE HISTORY 1. The Old View 2. The Graf-Wellhausen View 3. Mediating...
[ebd] comforted by Jehovah. (1.) Ezra 2:2; Neh. 7:7. (2.) Neh. 3:16. (3.) The son of Hachaliah (Neh. 1:1), and probably of the tribe of Judah. His family must have belonged to Jerusalem (Neh. 2:3). He was one of the "Jews of the d...
[isbe] NEHEMIAH - ne-he-mi'-a, ne-hem-i'-a (nechemyah, "comforted of Yah"): 1. Family 2. Youth 3. King's Cupbearer 4. Governor of Judea 5. Death LITERATURE Nehemiah, the son of Hacaliah, is the Jewish patriot whose life is recorded...
[nave] NEHEMIAH 1. Son of Hachaliah, Neh. 1:1. Cupbearer of Artaxerxes, Neh. 1:11; 2:1. Is grieved over the desolation of his country, Neh. 1. Is sent by the king to rebuild Jerusalem, Neh. 2:1-8. Register of the people whom he...
[ebd] befriended. (1.) One of the chief Gadites in Bashan in the time of Jotham (1 Chr. 5:13). (2.) Grandfather of Shaphan, "the scribe," in the reign of Josiah (2 Kings 22:3). (3.) A priest, father of Hilkiah (1 Chr. 9:11; Neh. 1...
[isbe] MESHULLAM - me-shul'-am (meshullam, "resigned" or "devoted"; compare Arabic Muslim; Mesollam): An Old Testament name very common in post-exilic times. (1) The grandfather of Shaphan (2 Ki 22:3). (2) A son of Zerubbabel (1 Ch...
[smith] (friend). Ancestor of Shaphan the scribe. (2Â Kings 22:3) The son of Zerubbabel. (1Â Chronicles 3:19) A Gadite in the reign of Jotham king of Judah. (1Â Chronicles 5:13) A Benjamite, of the sons of Elpaal. (1Â Chroni...
[nave] MESHULLAM 1. Grandfather of Shaphan, 2 Kin. 22:3. 2. A son of Zerubbabel, 1 Chr. 3:19. 3. A Gadite of Bashan, 1 Chr. 5:13. 4. Three Benjamites, 1 Chr. 8:17; 9:7, 8. 5. An Aaronite, 1 Chr. 9:11; Neh. 11:11. 6. A priest, ...
[nave] LEVITES The descendants of Levi. Set apart as ministers of religion, Num. 1:47-54; 3:6-16; 16:9; 26:57-62; Deut. 10:8; 1 Chr. 15:2. Substituted in the place of the firstborn, Num. 3:12, 41-45; 8:14, 16-18; 18:6. Religious ...
[smith] that is, "the gift of Jehovah, " the eldest son of King Saul. (B.C. about 1095-1056.) He was a man of great strength and activity. (2Â Samuel 1:23) He was also famous as a warrior, (1Â Chronicles 12:2) as is shown by the ...
[nave] JONATHAN 1. A Levite of Bethlehem, who becomes a priest for Micah; accepts idolatry; joins the Danites, Judg. 17:7-13; 18:1-30. 2. Son of Saul, 1 Sam. 14:49. Victory of, over the Philistine garrison of Geba, 1 Sam. 13:3, 4...
[ebd] (whom Jehovah favours) = Jehoiada. (1.) Neh. 3:6. (2.) One of the high priests (12:10, 11, 22).
[isbe] JOIADA - joi'-a-da (yoyadha`, "Yahweh knows"; compare JEHOIADA): (1) A repairer of the Jerusalem walls (Neh 3:6); the King James Version "Jehoiada." (2) Son of Eliashib the high priest (Neh 12:10,11,22; 13:28).
[nave] JOIADA, son and successor of Eliashib in the high priesthood, Neh. 12:10, 11, 22; 13:28.
[isbe] JOHANAN - jo-ha'-nan (yochanan, "Yahweh has been gracious"; Ioanan; compare JEHOHANAN): (1) Son of Kareah, and one of "the captains of the forces who were in the fields" (i.e. probably guerrilla bands), who allied with Gedal...
[smith] (gift or grace of God). Son of Azariah and grandson of Ahimaaz the son of Zadok, and father of Azariah, 3. (1Â Chronicles 6:9,10) Authorized Version. Son of Elioenai, the son of Neariah, the son of Shemaiah, in the line of...
[nave] JOHANAN 1. A Jewish captain, 2 Kin. 25:22-24. Warns Gedaliah against Ishmael, Jer. 40:13-16. Ishmael defeated by, Jer. 41:11-15. Sought prayers of Jeremiah, Jer. 42:2, 3. Disobeyed Jeremiah and took him to Egypt, Jer. 43...
[ebd] (1.) Head of the ninth priestly order (Ezra 2:36); called also Jeshuah (1 Chr. 24:11). (2.) A Levite appointed by Hezekiah to distribute offerings in the priestly cities (2 Chr. 31:15). (3.) Ezra 2:6; Neh. 7:11. (4.) Ezra 2:...
[smith] (a saviour), another form of the name of Joshua of Jesus. Joshua the son of Nun. (Nehemiah 8:17) [JOSHUA] A priest in the reign of David, to whom the nine course fell by David, to whom the ninth course fell by lot. (1Â Chr...
[nave] JESHUA 1. Called also Jeshuah. A priest, head of the ninth course, 1 Chr. 24:11. Nine hundred and seventy-three of his descendants returned from Babylon, Ezra 2:36; Neh. 7:39. 2. A Levite, had charge of the tithes, 2 Chr. ...
[isbe] JEDAIAH - je-da'-ya, je-di'-a: (1) (yedha`yah, "Yah knows"): (a) A priest in Jerusalem (1 Ch 9:10; 24:7). (b) Ezr 2:36 = Neh 7:39, where "children of Jedaiah" are mentioned = "Jeddu" in 1 Esdras 5:24. (c) Jedaiah is among "t...
[nave] JEDAIAH 1. Descendant of Simeon, 1 Chr. 4:37. 2. A returned exile, Neh. 3:10. 3. A priest of the captivity, 1 Chr. 9:10; 24:7; Ezra 2:36; Neh. 7:39. 4. A priest who dwelt at Jerusalem after the return of the captivity, Ne...
[isbe] JONATHAN (1) - jon'-a-than (yehonathan, yonathan, "Yahweh has given"; Ionathan; compare JEHONATHAN): (1) (Hebrew yehonathan): The young "Levite" of Judges 17; 18 referred to by name in 18:30, where he is called "the son of G...
[isbe] JESHUA; JESHUAH - jesh'-u-a, je-shu'-a (yeshua`, "Yahweh is deliverance" or "opulence"; compare JOSHUA): (1) the King James Version "Jeshuah," head of the 9th course of priests, and possibly of "the house of Jeshua" (1 Ch 24...
[nave] ISRAEL 1. A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 2 Kin. 17:34; Hos. 12:3, 4. 2. A name of the Christ in prophecy, Isa. 49:3. 3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation. Called also Israelites, and Hebrews, Gen. 4...
[ebd] (1.) Heb. tabbah (properly a "cook," and in a secondary sense "executioner," because this office fell to the lot of the cook in Eastern countries), the bodyguard of the kings of Egypt (Gen. 37:36) and Babylon (2 Kings 25:8; ...
GENEALOGY, 8 part 2
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 - I. Primeval Genealogies (1 Chronicals 1:1-54). To show Israel's place among the nations; follows Genesis closely, omitting only the Cainites; boldly, skillfully compressed, as if the omitted facts were ...
[ebd] help. (1.) A priest among those that returned to Jerusalem under Zerubabel (Neh. 12:1). (2.) The "scribe" who led the second body of exiles that returned from Babylon to Jerusalem B.C. 459, and author of the book of Scriptur...
[isbe] EZRA - ez'-ra (Aramaic or Chaldee, `ezra', "help"; a hypocoristicon, or shortened form of Azariah, "Yahweh has helped." The Hebrew spells the name `ezrah, as in 1 Ch 4:17, or uses the Aramaic spelling of the name, as in Ezr ...
[nave] EZRA 1. A famous scribe and priest, Ezra 7:1-5, 6, 10, 21; Neh. 12:36. Appoints a fast, Ezra 8:21. Commissioned by Artaxerxes, returns to Jerusalem with a large company of Jews, Ezra 7:8. His charge to the priests, Ezra 8...
[isbe] CHRONICLES, BOOKS OF - kron'-i-k'-ls (dibhere ha-yamim, "The Words of the Days"; Septuagint paraleipomenon: 1. The Name 2. The Position of Chronicles in the Old Testament 3. Two Books, or One? 4. The Contents 5. Sources Bibl...
[ebd] (1 Chr. 26:15, 17, Authorized Version; but in Revised Version, "storehouse"), properly the house of stores for the priests. In Neh. 12:25 the Authorized Version has "thresholds," marg. "treasuries" or "assemblies;" Revised V...
[smith] (my father is Jehovah). Son and successor of Rehoboam on the throne of Judah. (1Â Kings 4:21; 2Â Chronicles 12:16) He is called ABIA, ABIAH, OR ABIJAH in Chronicles, ABIJAM in Kings. He began to reign B.C. 959, and reign...