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all | search for verses that contains all of the search words. | "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish AND bread in minimum 1 bible version |
phrase | search for verses that contains all of the search phrase. | "fish bread" will search for verses that contains "fish bread" in minimum 1 bible version |
at least one | search for verses that contains any of the search words. | "fish bread" will search for verses that contains fish OR bread in minumum 1 bible version |
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start | search for verses that contains words that start with the search words. | "fis" will search for verses that contains words start with "fis", the result will be "fish", "fishing", "fisherman", etc |
similar | search for verses that contains words that similar in spelling to the search words. | "fish" will search verses that contain words which has similar spelling with fish. The result: "dish",etc |
displaying | set the max displaying in one page. | "20" will set displaying max to 20 per page |
range | set searching range. | "All Bible", "Old Testament", "New Testament" |
Study Dictionary - Resource
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Verse References
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Results 1 - 20 of 120 for "Rev 2:1-21" (0.035 seconds)
Jesus, The Christ
[nave] JESUS, THE CHRIST. Index of Sub-topics History of; Miscellaneous Facts Concerning; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Ascension of; Atonement by; Attributes of; Compassion of; Confessing; Creator; Death of; Design of His...
[isbe] REVELATION OF JOHN - I. TITLE AND GENERAL CHARACTER OF BOOK 1. Title 2. Uniqueness and Reality of Visions II. CANONICITY AND AUTHORSHIP 1. Patristic Testimony 2. Testimony of Book Itself 3. Objections to Johannine Authorship...
[ebd] Derived probably from the Greek kuriakon (i.e., "the Lord's house"), which was used by ancient authors for the place of worship. In the New Testament it is the translation of the Greek word ecclesia, which is synonymous with...
[nave] CHURCH, the collective body of believers. Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics Called in the O.T., The Congregation, Ex. 12:3, 6, 19, 47; 16:1, 2, 9, 10, 22; Lev. 4:13, 15; 10:17; 24:14. Called in the N.T., Church, Matt. 16:18; ...
[isbe] NICOLAITANS - nik-o-la'-i-tanz Nikolaitai): 1. The Sect: A sect or party of evil influence in early Christianity, especially in the 7 churches of Asia. Their doctrine was similar to that of Balaam, "who taught Balak to cast ...
[smith] (followers of Nicolas), a sect mentioned in (Revelation 2:6,15) whose deeds were strongly condemned. They may have been identical with those who held the doctrine of Balaam. They seem to have held that it was lawful to eat th...
[nave] NICOLAITANS, Rev. 2:6, 15.
[ebd] a city of Asia Minor, on the borders of Lydia and Mysia. Its modern name is Ak-hissar, i.e., "white castle." Here was one of the seven churches (Rev. 1:11; 2:18-28). Lydia, the seller of purple, or rather of cloth dyed with ...
[isbe] THYATIRA - thi-a-ti'-ra (Thuateira): Thyatira was a wealthy town in the northern part of Lydia of the Roman province of Asia, on the river Lycus. It stood so near to the borders of Mysia, that some of the early writers have ...
[smith] a city on the Lycus, founded by Seleucus Nicator, lay to the left of the road from Pergamos to Sardis, 27 miles from the latter city, and on the very confines of Mysia and Ionia, so as to be sometimes reckoned within the one ...
[nave] THYATIRA Home of Lydia, a convert of Paul, Acts 16:14. John given a message for, Rev. 1:11; 2:18, 24.
[isbe] PERSECUTION - pur-se-ku'-shun (@diogmos] (Mt 13:21; Mk 4:17; 10:30; Acts 8:1; 13:50; Rom 8:35; 2 Cor 12:10; 2 Thess 1:4; 2 Tim 3:11)): 1. Persecution in Old Testament Times 2. Between the Testaments 3. Foretold by Christ 4. ...
[nave] PERSECUTION See also Intolerance; Bigotry. Of Jesus Gen. 3:15; Psa. 2:1-5; Psa. 22:1, 2, 6-8, 11-21; Psa. 69:7-9, 20, 21, 26 vs. 1-21.; Psa. 109:25; Isa. 49:7; Isa. 50:6; Isa. 52:14; Isa. 53:2-5, 7-10; Mic. 5:1; Matt. 2:13...
[ebd] myrrh, an ancient city of Ionia, on the western coast of Asia Minor, about 40 miles to the north of Ephesus. It is now the chief city of Anatolia, having a mixed population of about 200,000, of whom about one-third are profe...
[smith] (myrrh), a city of Asia Minor, situated on the AEgean Sea, 40 miles north of Ephesus. Allusion is made to it in (Revelation 2:8-11) It was founded by Alexander the Great, and was situated twenty shades (2 1/2 miles) from the ...
[nave] SMYRNA, a city on the Aegean coast of Asia Minor. One of the "seven churches'' in, Rev. 1:11; 2:8.
[nave] MINISTER, a sacred teacher. Index of Sub-topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-topics; Call of; Character and Qualifications of; Charge Delivered to; Courage of; Duties of; Duties of the Church to; Emoluments of; Faithful, Instanc...
[ebd] the chief city of Mysia, in Asia Minor. One of the "seven churches" was planted here (Rev. 1:11; 2:17). It was noted for its wickedness, insomuch that our Lord says "Satan's seat" was there. The church of Pergamos was rebuke...
[smith] (in Revised Version Pergamum) (height, elevation), a city of Mysia, about 3 miles to the north of the river Caicus, and 20 miles from its present mouth. It was the residence of a dynasty of Greek princes founded after the tim...
[smith] The disciple thus named was the son of one of those mixed marriages which, though condemned by stricter Jewish opinion were yet not uncommon in the later periods of Jewish history. The father?s name is unknown; he was a Greek...
[nave] EPHESUS Paul visits and preaches in, Acts 18:19-21; 19; 20:16-38. Apollos visits and preaches in, Acts 18:18-28. Sceva's sons attempt to expel a demon in, Acts 19:13-16. Timothy directed by Paul to remain at, 1 Tim. 1:3. ...
[nave] DECISION. Deut. 30:19; Josh. 23:8. Josh. 24:15; 1 Sam. 12:20; 1 Kin. 18:21; Psa. 37:34; Psa. 69:13; Prov. 4:25-27; Isa. 50:7; Matt. 24:13 Mark 13:13; Matt. 10:22. Matt. 25:23; Luke 7:23 Matt. 11:6. John 8:31; John 15:4, 5, ...
[nave] BACKSLIDERS. Lev. 26:14-42; Deut. 4:9; Deut. 8:11-14; Deut. 28:58, 59, 63 vs. 15-68;; 1 Kin. 9:6-9; Deut. 29:18 vs. 18-28.; Deut. 32:15-30; Josh. 24:27 vs. 20-27.; 2 Chr. 15:2-4; Ezra 8:22; Job 34:26, 27; Psa. 44:20, 21; Ps...
[nave] LUKEWARMNESS. Figurative Jer. 9:3. Ezek. 13:5; Ezek. 16:30; Hos. 6:4; Hos. 10:2; Hag. 1:2 vs. 4-11;; Hag. 2:15, 16. Matt. 26:41; Rev. 2:4; Rev. 3:2, 15, 16 See: Backsliders; Blindness, Spiritual. Instances of The Reubeni...
[isbe] GNOSTICISM - nos'-ti-siz'-m: I. GENERAL DEFINITION II. SOURCES OF GNOSTICISM 1. Alexandrian Philosophy 2. Zoroastrianism III. NATURE OF GNOSTICISM Chief Points IV. GNOSTICISM IN THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1. Colossians 2. 1 Corint...
[isbe] PHILIPPI - fi-lip'-i (Philippoi, ethnic Philippesios, Phil 4:15): 1. Position and Name: A city of Macedonia, situated in 41ø 5' North latitude and 24ø 16' East longitude. It lay on the Egnatian Road, 33 Roman miles fro...
Angel of the Churches
[nave] ANGEL OF THE CHURCHES. Rev. 1:20; 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14.
[nave] RIGHTEOUS. Index of Sub-Topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics; Contrasted with the Wicked; Described; Promises to, Expressed or Implied. Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics Compared with: The sun, Judg. 5:31; Matt. 13:43; sta...
[nave] PERSEVERANCE. 1 Chr. 16:11; Job 17:9; Psa. 37:24, 28; Psa. 73:24; Psa. 138:8; Prov. 4:18; Jer. 32:40; Hos. 12:6; Matt. 24:13 Matt. 10:22; Mark 13:13. Mark 4:3-8; Luke 10:42; Luke 22:31, 32; John 6:37, 39, 40; John 8:31, 32;...
[ebd] a Persian word (pardes), properly meaning a "pleasure-ground" or "park" or "king's garden." (See EDEN.) It came in course of time to be used as a name for the world of happiness and rest hereafter (Luke 23:43; 2 Cor. 12:4; R...
[isbe] PARADISE - par'-a-dis (pardec; paradeisos): 1. Origin and Meaning: A word probably of Persian origin meaning a royal park. See GARDEN. The word occurs in the Hebrew Scriptures but 3 times: Song 4:13, where it is translated "...
[smith] This is a word of Persian origin, and is used in the Septuagint as the translation of Eden. It means "an orchard of pleasure and fruits," a "garden" or "pleasure ground," something like an English park. It is applied figurati...
[nave] PARADISE, the place of the glorified spirits, Luke 23:43; 2 Cor. 12:4; Rev. 2:7. See: Eden.