Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 1 Corinthians 7:33 (NET)


- 1Co 7:25-40 -- Remaining Unmarried
Bible Dictionary

[nave] ZEAL, Religious Josh. 24:15, 16; 2 Sam. 24:24, 25; 1 Kin. 9:4; 1 Kin. 15:14; 1 Chr. 29:17; 2 Chr. 15:15; 2 Chr. 19:3; Ezra 7:23; Job 16:19; Psa. 42:1, 2; Psa. 60:4; Psa. 96:2, 3, 10; Psa. 119:139; Prov. 11:30; Eccl. 9:10; ...
[nave] WIFE Called Desire of the Eyes, Ezek. 24:16. Help, Gen. 2:18, 20. Fruitful Vine, Psa. 128:3. The judgment denounced against Eve, Gen. 3:16. Relation of, to husband, Gen. 2:18, 23, 24; 1 Cor. 11:3-12. Domestic duties of,...
[nave] VIRGIN Proofs of, Deut. 22:13-21. Dowry of, Ex. 22:17. Character of, to be protected, Deut. 22:17-21, 23, 24. Betrothal of, a quasi marriage, Deut. 22:23, 24. Distinguishing apparel of, 2 Sam. 13:18. Priests might marry...
[nave] STOICISM A Grecian philosophy, inculcating doctrines of severe morality, self-denials, and inconvenient services. Scripture analogies to: John the Baptist wears camel's hair with a diet of locusts and wild honey, Matt. 3:4; ...
Revelation of Christ
[ebd] the second advent of Christ. Three different Greek words are used by the apostles to express this, (1) apokalupsis (1 Cor. 1;7; 2 Thess. 1:7; 1 Pet. 1:7, 13); (2) parousia (Matt. 24:3, 27; 1 Thess. 2:19; James 5:7, 8); (3) e...
[nave] MARRIAGE In family blood lines, Abraham and Sarah, Gen. 11:29; 12:13; 20:3, 9-16. Isaac and Rebekah, Gen. 24:3, 4, 67; 28:2. Jacob and his wives, Gen. 29:15-30; see below, in the elaborated text. Levirate (the brother requ...
[nave] HUSBAND. Gen. 2:23, 24 Matt. 19:5; Mark 10:7. Num. 5:11-31; Deut. 22:13-21; Deut. 24:5; Prov. 5:15-19; Eccl. 9:9; Mal. 2:14-16; 1 Cor. 7:3, 5; 1 Cor. 7:14, 16, 33; 1 Cor. 11:3; Eph. 5:22-33; Col. 3:18, 19; 1 Tim. 5:8; 1 Pet...
[isbe] EUNUCH - u'-nuk (caric; spadon; eunouchos): Primarily and literally, a eunuch is an emasculated man (Dt 23:1). The Hebrew word caric seems, however, to have acquired a figurative meaning, which is reflected in English Versio...
[nave] CELIBACY. Matt. 19:10-12; 1 Cor. 7:1, 2, 7-9, 25, 26, 32-40; 1 Cor. 9:5; 1 Tim. 4:1-3; Rev. 14:1, 4 with vs. 2-5.
[isbe] CARE; CAREFULNESS; CAREFUL - kar, kar'-fool-ness, kar'-fool: The English word "care" has such a variety of meanings, and so many Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible are translated by this English expression and its compounds...
[nave] ANXIETY. Worldly Psa. 39:6; Psa. 127:2; Eccl. 4:8; Matt. 6:25-34; Matt. 13:22 Mark 4:19; Luke 8:14. Luke 14:18-20; Luke 21:34; 1 Cor. 7:32, 33; Phil. 4:6; 2 Tim. 2:4 See: Carnal Mindedness; Riches; Trouble; Worldliness. R...

- The following sections on Matthew 19:11-12 are from The Bible Knowledge Commentary and The Wycliffe Bible Commentary. From The Wycliffe Bible Commentary: 1) Teaching on Divorce. 19:1-12. 1. Beyond Jordan. From the Greek...
- The meaning of the passage is fairly straightforward. The apostle is giving advice to the single, whom he refers to as the unmarried and the widows. It is, he states, good or advisable for them to remain in their single state...
- Conservative Bible students and scholars come to very different positions on the matter of divorce and remarriage. This naturally makes the matter even tougher, but this is the reality of what we face. On the one hand some be...
- As you know, 1 Timothy 3 is a highly debated passage and one that is somewhat emotional for many people, partly because of the longstanding tradition that it means "married only once." First, I'll give you the comments on thi...
- Paul's point in 1 Timothy 3:2 is not that a man must be married, but that if he is, then he must meet the requirements of this passagehe must manage his own household well. Literally, the Greek text says, "a one woman man," i...
- The Bible does not give us a definite answer regarding the state of little children who are too young to understand the gospel and trust in Christ, but based on certain principles of Scripture, many believe (and I am one of t...
- I think all Christians would agree that God's ideal for marriage is "one man and one woman, living together in marriage until parted by death." We see this emphasized by our Lord in Matthew 19:3-12. As strict as the Pharisee...
- I wish I could tell you that your circumstance is new, and one that I've not seen or heard of before. Unfortunately, it is becoming more and more common. The first thing I would say is that even if your husband has homosexua...
- I have served as a pastor-teacher and elder at a local church in the Dallas area for over 28 years. I am also a part of the staff. And, I might add, the father of five daughters -- now grown -- two of which were bor...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
God blessed David and his kingdom because David had honored God by seeking to bring the ark into Jerusalem. The Chronicler recorded three instances of divine blessing in this chapter.First, God gave David favor in the eyes of...
This is another incident involving women who became disciples of Jesus (cf. 8:1-3; et al.). Like the parable of the good Samaritan it shows Jesus overcoming prejudice. As the former parable illustrated the meaning of the seco...
Corinth had a long history stretching back into the Bronze Age (before 1200 B.C.).1In Paul's day it was a Roman colony and the capital of the province of Achaia. The population consisted of Roman citizens who had migrated fro...
A phrase in 1:2 suggests the theme of this great epistle. That phrase is "the church of God which is at Corinth."Two entities are in view in this phrase and these are the two entities with which the whole epistle deals. They ...
I. Introduction 1:1-9A. Salutation 1:1-3B. Thanksgiving 1:4-9II. Conditions reported to Paul 1:10-6:20A. Divisions in the church 1:10-4:211. The manifestation of the problem 1:10-172. The gospel as a contradiction to human wi...
The first subject with which he dealt was marriage. He began with some general comments (vv. 1-7) and then dealt with specific situations."The transition from chapter 6 to chapter 7 illustrates the necessity Paul was under of...
In view of the verses in this section it seems that the question the Corinthians had asked Paul was whether an engaged girl should get married or remain single. One might understand verses 17-24 as saying no unmarried person ...
Paul next called his readers to take a different view of their relationship to the world since they lived in distressing times and the form of the world was passing away. We, too, need this view of the world since we also liv...
This section concludes Paul's entire teaching on marriage in this chapter. However it contains problems related to the meaning of "virgin"as is clear from the three different interpretations in the NASB, the NIV, and the NEB....
Most of the Corinthians had been following Paul's instructions regarding women's head coverings so he commended them (v. 2), but he could not approve their practice at the Lord's Supper. They needed to make some major changes...
Paul had been dealing with matters related to worship since 8:1. He had forbidden the Corinthians from participating in temple meals but had allowed eating marketplace meat under certain circumstances (8:1-11:1). Then he deal...
Adams, Jay. Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible. Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1980.Andrews, J. N. "May Women Speak in Meeting?"Review and Herald. January 2, 1879. Reprinted in Advent...
A. Paul affirms the personal equality of man and woman in the new creation by stating that in Christ there is "neither male nor female"(Gal. 3:28).A woman obtains salvation by faith exactly as a man does (Eph. 2:8-9; 1 Pet. 1...