Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 1 Kings 4:6 (NET)


- 1Ki 4:1-19 -- Solomon's Royal Court and Administrators
Bible Dictionary

[nave] TAX Poll, Ex. 30:11-16; 38:26; Neh. 10:32; Luke 2:1. Jesus pays, Matt. 17:24-27. Land, Gen. 41:34, 48; 2 Kin. 23:35. Land mortgaged for, Neh. 5:3, 4. Priests exempted from, Gen. 47:26; Ezra 7:24. Paid in grain, Amos 5:1...
[ebd] a tax imposed by a king on his subjects (2 Sam. 20:24; 1 Kings 4:6; Rom. 13:6). In Matt. 17:24-27 the word denotes the temple rate (the "didrachma," the "half-shekel," as rendered by the R.V.) which was required to be paid f...
[isbe] TRIBUTE - trib'-ut (mac, "tribute," really meaning "forced laborers," "labor gang" (1 Ki 4:6; 9:15,21); also "forced service," "serfdom"; possibly "forced payment" is meant in Est 10:1; the idea contained in the modern word ...
[ebd] peaceful, (Heb. Shelomoh), David's second son by Bathsheba, i.e., the first after their legal marriage (2 Sam. 12). He was probably born about B.C. 1035 (1 Chr. 22:5; 29:1). He succeeded his father on the throne in early man...
[nave] SOLOMON Son of David by Bathsheba, 2 Sam. 12:24; 1 Kin. 1:13, 17, 21. Named Jedidiah, by Nathan the prophet, 2 Sam. 12:24, 25. Ancestor of Joseph, Matt. 1:6. Succeeds David to the throne of Israel, 1 Kin. 1:11-48; 2:12; 1...
[isbe] RAMOTH-GILEAD - ra'-moth-gil'-e-ad (ramoth gil'adh; Codex Vaticanus Rhemmath Galadd; Codex Alexandrinus Rhammoth, and other forms): A great and strong city East of the Jordan in the territory of Gad, which played an importan...
[nave] OFFICER. Civil Chosen by the people, Deut. 1:13-16; appointed by kings, 2 Sam. 8:16-18; 20:23-26; 1 Kin. 4:1-19; 9:22; Ezra 7:25. See: Government; Judge; Ruler; Serjeant. Ecclesiastical See: Priest; Levite; Apostle; Eld...
Micah, Book of
[ebd] the sixth in order of the so-called minor prophets. The superscription to this book states that the prophet exercised his office in the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. If we reckon from the beginning of Jotham's reign ...
[ebd] (1 Kings 4:6, R.V.; 5:13), forced service. The service of tributaries was often thus exacted by kings. Solomon raised a "great levy" of 30,000 men, about two per cent. of the population, to work for him by courses on Lebanon...
[nave] KING Called King of kings, Ezra 7:12; Ezek. 26:7; Dan. 2:37. Divinely authorized, Deut. 17:15; 1 Sam. 9:16, 17; 16:12; 1 Chr. 22:10; 2 Chr. 2:11, 12; Prov. 8:15; Dan. 2:21, 37; 4:17; 5:20; Hos. 8:4; 13:11. How chosen: By d...
[isbe] KING; KINGDOM - king'-dum: I. KING 1. Etymology and Definition 2. Earliest Kings 3. Biblical Signification of the Title II. KINGDOM 1. Israel's Theocracy 2. Period of Judges 3. Establishment of the Monarchy 4. Appointment of...
[ebd] is exalted. (1.) The son of Tou, king of Hamath, sent by his father to congratulate David on his victory over Hadarezer, king of Syria (1 Chr. 18:10; called Joram 2 Sam. 8:10). (2.) The fifth son of Joktan, the founder of an...
[nave] HADORAM 1. Descendant of Shem, Gen. 10:27; 1 Chr. 1:21. 2. Son of Ton, or Toi, 1 Chr. 18:10. Called Joram, 2 Sam. 8:10. 3. Chief officer of the tribute under Rehoboam, 2 Chr. 10:18. Probably identical with Adoniram of 1 ...
[isbe] HORSE - hors: 1. Names: The common names are (1) cuc, and (2) hippos. (3) The word parash, "horseman," occurs often, and in several cases is translated "horse" or "warhorse" (Isa 28:28; Ezek 27:14; Joel 2:4 the Revised Versi...
[ebd] (1.) Heb. nagid, a prominent, conspicuous person, whatever his capacity: as, chief of the royal palace (2 Chr. 28:7; comp. 1 Kings 4:6), chief of the temple (1 Chr. 9:11; Jer. 20:1), the leader of the Aaronites (1 Chr. 12:27...
[isbe] GOVERNMENT - guv'-ern-ment: The government of the Hebrews varied at different periods, of which we may distinguish seven: (1) the nomadic period, from the Exodus to the entrance into Palestine; (2) the period of transition f...
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 1-7 - je-na-al'-o-ji, jen-a-al'-o-ji: 1. Definition 2. Biblical References 3. Importance of Genealogies 4. Their Historical Value 5. Principles of Interpretation 6. Principles of Compilation 7. Sources 8. Principa...
[isbe] ELIAKIM - e-li'-a-kim ('elyaqim; Eliakeim, "God sets up"): (1) The son of Hilkiah who succeeded Shebna as gorvernor of the palace and "grand vizier" under Hezekiah (Isa 22:20). The functions of his office are seen from the o...
[isbe] DEER - der ('ayyal, feminine 'ayyalah, and 'ayyeleth (compare Arabic, 'ayyal and 'iyal, "deer" and 'ayil, "ram," and Latin caper and capra, "goat," caprea, capreolus, "wild goat," "chamois," or "roe deer"); yachmur (compare ...
[nave] CABINET, heads of departments in government. David's, 2 Sam. 8:15-18; 15:12; 20:23-26; 1 Chr. 27:32-34; Solomon's, 1 Kin. 4:1-7; Hezekiah's, Isa. 36:3; Artaxerxes', Ezra 7:14. See: Counselor; Minister, Prime.
[ebd] brother of song = singer, the officer who was "over the household" of Solomon (1 Kings 4:6).
[isbe] AHISHAR - a-hish'-ar ('achishar, "my brother has sung"): Mentioned in Solomon's list of heads of departments as "over the household" (1 Ki 4:6).
[smith] the controller of Solomon?s household. (1Â Kings 4:6)
[nave] AHISHAR, son of Solomon's household officers, 1 Kin. 4:6.
[ebd] (Adoram, 1 Kings 12:18), the son of Abda, was "over the tribute," i.e., the levy or forced labour. He was stoned to death by the people of Israel (1 Kings 4:6; 5:14)
[isbe] ADONIRAM - ad-o-ni'-ram ('adhoniram, "my lord is exalted"): An official of Solomon (1 Ki 4:6; 5:14). Near the close of the reign of David, and at the opening of the reign of Rehoboam, the same office was held by Adoram (2 Sa...
[smith] (lord of heights), (1Â Kings 4:6) by an unusual contraction ADORAM, (2Â Samuel 20:24) and 1Kin 12:18 Also HADORAM, (2Â Chronicles 10:18) chief receiver of the tribute during the reigns of David, (2Â Samuel 20:24) Solo...
[nave] ADONIRAM, called also Adoram, a tax collector, 2 Sam. 20:24; 1 Kin. 4:6; 5:14; 12:18.
[ebd] servant. (1.) The father of Adoniram, whom Solomon set over the tribute (1 Kings 4:6); i.e., the forced labour (R.V., "levy"). (2.) A Levite of the family of Jeduthun (Neh. 11:17), also called Obadiah (1 Chr. 9:16).
[isbe] ABDA - ab'-da (`abhda', perhaps, by abbreviation, "servant of Yahweh"): (1) The father of Adoniram, King Solomon's superintendent of forced labor (1 Ki 4:6). (2) A Levite mentioned in the statistical note in Neh (11:17). Thi...
[smith] Father of Adoniram. (1Â Kings 4:6) Son of Shammua, (Nehemiah 11:17) called Obadiah in (1Â Chronicles 9:16)
[nave] ABDA, father of Adoniram, 1 Kin. 4:6.

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The Book of Samuel covers the period of Israel's history bracketed by Samuel's conception and the end of David's reign. David turned the kingdom over to Solomon in 971 B.C.3David reigned for 40 and one-half years (2 Sam. 2:11...
I. The reign of Solomon chs. 1-11A. Solomon's succession to David's throne 1:1-2:121. David's declining health 1:1-42. Adonijah's attempt to seize the throne 1:5-533. David's charge to Solomon 2:1-94. David's death 2:10-12B. ...
The Holy Spirit led the writer of Kings to give an interpretation of history, not just a chronologically sequential record of events. This is true of all the writers of the Old Testament historical books. Some of the events i...
The flowing narrative of chapters 1-2 now gives way to reports and lists that catalogue facts about Solomon's reign.The writer constructed the Solomon narrative (chs. 3-11), like so many others in the Old Testament, to draw a...
Delegation of authority is a mark of wisdom. Azariah (v. 2) was apparently Zadok's grandson (1 Chron. 6:8-9). "The priest"is a common designation for the high priest. Secretaries (v. 3) prepared official documents and records...
The writer of Kings referred to other ancient records (v. 41; cf. 14:19, 29). The Acts of Solomon was the first of these.120It is no longer extant.Solomon's long reign of 40 years (971-931 B.C.) ended with the king in decline...
Aharoni, Yohanan. "The Building Activities of David and Solomon."Israel Exploration Journal24:1(1974):13-16.Aharoni, Yohanan, and Michael Avi-Yonahl. The Macmillan Bible Atlas. Revised ed., New York: Macmillan Publishing Co.,...
The Chronicler's main interest in David's reign, as we have seen, focused on the Davidic Covenant with its promises to David and his descendants. In recounting the events of Solomon's reign he proceeded to emphasize the templ...