Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 1 Samuel 5:6 (NET)


- 1Sa 5:1-12 -- The Ark Causes Trouble for the Philistines
Bible Dictionary

[nave] TUMOR, a morbid swelling, 1 Sam. 5:6, 9, 12; 6:4, 5, 11, 17. See: Boil; Hemorrhoids.
[isbe] SHEPHELAH - shef-e'-la (ha-shephelah; sephela, saphela): 1. Name and References: The word denotes "lowland," and is variously rendered in the King James Version. It is "vale" in Dt 1:7; Josh 10:40; 1 Ki 10:27; 2 Ch 1:15; Jer...
[nave] PHILISTINES Descendants of Mizraim, Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12; Jer. 47:4; Amos 9:7. Called Cherethites, 1 Sam. 30:14-16; Ezek. 25:16; Zeph. 2:5; Casluhim, Gen. 10:14; 1 Chr. 1:12; Caphtorim, Jer. 47:4; Amos 9:7. Territory of...
[isbe] PLAGUE - plag (negha`, makkah, maggephah; mastix, plege): This word which occurs more than 120 times is applied, like pestilence, to such sudden outbursts of disease as are regarded in the light of divine visitations. It is ...
[nave] HEMORRHOIDS, a disease with which the Philistines were afflicted, 1 Sam. 5:6, 12; 6:4; 5:11; Deut. 28:27. See: Disease; Tumor.
[nave] HANDS Laying on of hands, Heb. 6:2; in consecration, Gen. 48:14; Ex. 29:10, 15, 19; Lev. 1:4; 3:2, 8, 13; 4:15, 24, 33; 16:21; in ordaining the Levites, Num. 8:10, 11; Joshua, Num. 27:18-23; Deut. 34:9; Timothy, 1 Tim. 4:14;...
[ebd] or Emerods, bleeding piles known to the ancient Romans as mariscae, but more probably malignant boils of an infectious and fatal character. With this loathsome and infectious disease the men of Ashdod were smitten by the han...
[isbe] HEAVY; HEAVINESS - hev'-i, hev'-i-nes (kabhedh, de'aghah; lupe): 1. Literal: Heavy (heave, to lift) is used literally with respect to material things, as the translation of kobhedh, "heaviness" (Prov 27:3, "a stone is heavy"...
[isbe] EMERODS - em'-er-odz `ophalim, techorim): These words are used in the account of the plague which broke out among the Philistines while the captive Ark of the Covenant was in their land. `Ophalim literally means rounded emin...
[smith] (28:27; 1Â Samuel 5:6,9,12; 6:4,5,11) Probably hemorrhiodal tumors , or bleeding piles, are intended. These are very common in Syria at present, Oriental habits of want of exercise and improper food, producing derangement o...
[ebd] little fish; diminutive from dag = a fish, the fish-god; the national god of the Philistines (Judg. 16:23). This idol had the body of a fish with the head and hands of a man. It was an Assyrio-Babylonian deity, the worship o...
[smith] (a fish), apparently the masculine, (1Â Samuel 5:3,4) correlative of Atargatis, was the national god of the Philistines. The most famous temples of Dagon were at Gaza, (Judges 16:21-30) and Ashdod. (1Â Samuel 5:5,6; 1Â ...
[nave] DAGON An idol of the Philistines, Judg. 16:23; 1 Sam. 5. Temple of, 1 Chr. 10:10.
[nave] BOIL, a tumor. Plague of Egyptians, Ex. 9:9, 10; Deut. 28:27, 35; of the Philistines, 1 Sam. 5:6, 9; 1 Sam. 6:5. Of Hezekiah, healed, 2 Kin. 20:7; Isa. 38:21. Of Job, Job 2:7, 8. Levitical ceremonies prescribed for, Lev. 1...
[nave] ASHDOD A city of the Philistines, Josh. 13:3; 1 Sam. 6:17; Amos 3:9. Anakim inhabit, Josh. 11:22. Assigned to Judah, Josh. 15:47. Dagon's temple in, in which was deposited the ark, 1 Sam. 5. Conquest of, by Uzziah, 2 Chr...


- The Ark of the Covenant was definitely real and was a part of the tabernacle, being placed in the Holy of Holies behind the curtain. I will include articles below from three Bible Dictionaries that will give you some informat...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Statements in the Book of Samuel imply that someone who had witnessed at least some of the events recorded wrote it. However the original writer must have written most of it after Samuel's death (i.e., -1 Sam. 25-2 Sam. 24) a...
I. Eli and Samuel chs. 1-3A. The change from barrenness to fertility 1:1-2:101. Hannah's condition 1:1-82. Hannah's vow 1:9-183. Hannah's obedience 1:19-284. Hannah's song 2:1-10B. The contrast between Samuel and Eli's sons 2...
Most serious students of 1 Samuel have noted the writer's emphasis on the ark of the covenant beginning here in the text. Critical scholars have long argued that 4:1b-7:1 and 2 Samuel 6 are the only remaining fragments of an ...
A new subject comes to the forefront in this section and continues to be a significant motif throughout the rest of Samuel. It is the ark of the covenant. The writer drew attention to the ark in this chapter by mentioning it ...
The primary purpose of this chapter, I believe, is to demonstrate the superiority of Yahweh over Dagon, the fertility god of the Philistines.655:1-5 Having captured the ark the Philistines brought it from Ebenezer to their ma...
Not all the people who later assembled to see the ark were as careful as those from Bethshemesh, however. The Mosaic Law specified that no one was to look into the ark or that person would die (Num. 4:5, 20; cf. 2 Sam. 6:6-7)...
God used a humble weapon to give His people a great victory in response to one person's faith. This is another instance of God bringing blessing to and through a person who committed himself to simply believing and obeying Go...
Ackroyd, Peter R. The First Book of Samuel. Cambridge Bible Commentary on the New English Bible series. Cambridge, Eng.: University Press, 1971._____. "The Verb Love--'Aheb in the David-Jonathan Narratives--A Footnote."Vetus ...
This section develops the ideas that preceded by unfolding the characteristics of Yahweh that His people needed to appreciate in view of the shocking news that their new Moses would be Cyrus. It opens with an emphasis on God ...