Advanced Commentary

Texts -- 2 Chronicles 12:1-5 (NET)

12:1 After Rehoboam’s rule was established and solidified , he and all Israel rejected the law of the Lord . 12:2 Because they were unfaithful to the Lord , in King Rehoboam’s fifth year , King Shishak of Egypt attacked Jerusalem . 12:3 He had 1,200 chariots , 60,000 horsemen , and an innumerable number of soldiers who accompanied him from Egypt , including Libyans , Sukkites , and Cushites . 12:4 He captured the fortified cities of Judah and marched against Jerusalem . 12:5 Shemaiah the prophet visited Rehoboam and the leaders of Judah who were assembled in Jerusalem because of Shishak . He said to them, “This is what the Lord says : ‘You have rejected me, so I have rejected you and will hand you over to Shishak .’”



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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

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