Advanced Commentary
Texts -- 2 Chronicles 24:26-27 (NET)


- 2Ch 24:1-27 -- Joash's Reign
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] gift. (1.) One of David's valiant men (1 Chr. 11:41), the descendant of Ahlai, of the "children of Sheshan" (2:31). (2.) A descendant of Tahath (7:21). (3.) The son of Shemath. He conspired against Joash, king of Judah, and ...
[smith] (gift). Son of Nathan son of Attai, son of Ahlai Sheshan?s daughter, (1Â Chronicles 2:31-37) and hence called son of Ahlai. (1Â Chronicles 11:41) (B.C. 1046.) He was one of David?s mighty men but none of his deeds have b...
[nave] ZABAD 1. Son of Nathan, 1 Chr. 2:36, 37. 2. An Ephraimite, 1 Chr. 7:21. 3. One of David's valiant men, 1 Chr. 11:41. 4. An assassin of King Joash, 2 Chr. 24:26; 25:3, 4. Called Jozachar in 2 Kin. 12:21. 5. Three Israeli...
[isbe] TREASURY, (OF TEMPLE) - trezh'-ur-i ('otsar, usually; ganzakh, 1 Ch 28:11; gazophulakion, korbanas): 1. Origin of the Treasury: The need of a "treasury" in connection with the house of Yahweh would early be felt for the rece...
[isbe] SHIMRITH - shim'-rith (shimrith, "guard," feminine): A Moabitess, the mother of Jehozabad, one of those that conspired against King Joash (2 Ch 24:26). Elsewhere (2 Ki 12:21) Jehozabad is described as the son of SHOMER (whic...
[smith] (feminine of Shimri, vigilant), a Moabitess, mother of Jehozabad, one of the assassins of King Joash. (2Â Chronicles 24:26) In (2Â Kings 12:21) she is called SHOMER. (B.C. 839.)
[nave] SHIMRITH, a Moabite woman. Mother of Jehozabad, murderer of King Joash, 2 Chr. 24:26. Called Shomer, 2 Kin. 12:21.
[isbe] SHIMEATH - shim'-e-ath (shim`ath, or shim`ath; the Septuagint in 2 Kings, Iemouath, Codex Vaticanus in 2 Chronicles, Sama, Codex Alexandrinus Samath, Lucian, Samaath): Father of Jozacar (2 Ki 12:21 (22)), one of the murderer...
[nave] SHIMEATH, mother of an assassin of King Joash, 2 Kin. 12:21; 2 Chr. 24:26.
[ebd] watchman. (1.) The mother of Jehozabad, who murdered Joash (2 Kings 12:21); called also Shimrith, a Moabitess (2 Chr. 24:26). (2.) A man of Asher (1 Chr. 7:32); called also Shamer (34).
[smith] (keeper). An Asherite, (1Â Chronicles 7:32) also called Shamer. ver. (1Â Chronicles 7:34) The father (mother ?) of Jehozabad who slew King Joash. (2Â Kings 12:21) In the parallel passage in (2Â Chronicles 24:26) the ...
[nave] REVIVALS. Religious Zech. 8:20-23. Prayer for, Hab. 3:2. Prophecies concerning, Isa. 32:15; Joel 2:28; Mic. 4:1-8; Hab. 3:2. Instances of Under Joshua, Josh. 5:2-9; Samuel, 1 Sam. 7:1-6; Elijah, 1 Kin. 18:17-40; Jehoas...
[isbe] PRIEST, HIGH - (ha-kohen, ho hiereus; ha-kohen ha-mashiach, ho hiereus ho christos; ha-kohen ha-gadhol, ho hiereus ho megas; kohen ha-ro'sh, ho hiereus hegoumenos; New Testament archiereus): I. INSTITUTION OF THE HIGH-PRIEST...
[isbe] OLD PROPHET, THE - (nabhi' 'echadh zaqen, "an old prophet" (1 Ki 13:11), ha-nabhi' ha-zaqen, "the old prophet" (1 Ki 13:29)): 1. The Narrative: The narrative of 1 Ki 13:11-32, in which the old prophet is mentioned, is part o...
[isbe] MOABITESS - mo'-ab-it-es, mo-ab-i'-tes (mo'abhiyah): A woman, or in plural women, of Moab. The term is applied to Ruth (1:22; 2:2,6,21; 4:5,10); to some of Solomon's wives (1 Ki 11:1); and to Shimrith, whose son shared in th...
[isbe] MIDRASH - mid'-rash (midhrash): The Hebrew word corresponding to the King James Version "story" and the Revised Version (British and American) "commentary" in 2 Ch 13:22; 24:27. A midrash is properly a story developed for pu...
[ebd] Jehovah-remembered, one of the two servants who assassinated Jehoash, the king of Judah, in Millo (2 Kings 12:21). He is called also Zabad (2 Chr. 24:26).
[smith] (whom Jehovah has remembered), one of the murderers of Joash king of Judah. (2Â Kings 12:21) The writer of the Chronicles, (2Â Chronicles 24:26) calls him ZABAD. (B.C. 837.)
[nave] JOZACHAR One of the two servants of Joash, king of Judah, who killed him in Millo, 2 Kin. 12:21. Called Zabad, 2 Chr. 24:26.
[nave] JOASH 1. Son of Becher, 1 Chr. 7:8. 2. Keeper of the stores of oil, 1 Chr. 27:28. 3. Father of Gideon, Judg. 6:11, 29, 31; 7:14; 8:13, 29-32. 4. Son of Ahab, king of Israel, 1 Kin. 22:26; 2 Chr. 18:25. 5. Called also Jeh...
[isbe] JEHOZABAD - je-hoz'-a-bad (yehozabhadh, "Yahweh has bestowed"): (1) A servant of King Jehoash of Judah. According to 2 Ki 12:21 (22), he was a son of Shomer, but 2 Ch 24:26 makes him "son of Shimrith the Moabitess." (2) A Ko...
[smith] (whom Jehovah gave). A Korhite Levite, second son of Obed-edom, and one of the porters of the south gate of the temple and of the storehouse there in the time of David. (1Â Chronicles 26:4,15) compared with Nehe 12:25 (B.C...
[nave] JEHOZABAD 1. Son of Shomer, and one of the assassins of King Jehoash, 2 Kin. 12:21; 2 Chr. 24:26. 2. Son of Obed-edom, 1 Chr. 26:4. 3. A Benjamite chief who commanded one hundred and eighty thousand men, 2 Chr. 17:18.
[isbe] JOZACAR - joz'-a-kar, jo-za'-kar (yozakhar, "Yahweh has remembered"; the King James Version Jozachar): Servant and murderer (with Jehozabad)of Joash, king of Judah (2 Ki 12:21 (Hebrew 22)); called "Zabad" in 2 Ch 24:26. Many...
[nave] ISRAEL 1. A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 2 Kin. 17:34; Hos. 12:3, 4. 2. A name of the Christ in prophecy, Isa. 49:3. 3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation. Called also Israelites, and Hebrews, Gen. 4...
[isbe] COMMENTARY - kom'-en-ta-ri (midhrash, "an investigation," from darash, "to search," "inquire," "explore"; the King James Version "story"): "The commentary of the prophet Iddo" (2 Ch 13:22), "the commentary of the book of the...
[ebd] The two books were originally one. They bore the title in the Massoretic Hebrew Dibre hayyamim, i.e., "Acts of the Days." This title was rendered by Jerome in his Latin version "Chronicon," and hence "Chronicles." In the Sep...
[isbe] CHRONICLES, BOOKS OF - kron'-i-k'-ls (dibhere ha-yamim, "The Words of the Days"; Septuagint paraleipomenon: 1. The Name 2. The Position of Chronicles in the Old Testament 3. Two Books, or One? 4. The Contents 5. Sources Bibl...
[nave] BOOK Genealogies kept in, Gen. 5:1. Law of Moses written in, Num. 5:23; Deut. 17:18; 31:9, 24, 26; 2 Kin. 22:8. Topography of Palestine, recorded in, Josh. 18:9. Chronicles of the times kept in: By Jasher, Josh. 10:13; 2 ...
[isbe] AMMONITESS - am-on-i'-tes, a-mon'-i-tes (`ammonith): A woman of the Ammonites, Naamah, the mother of Rehoboam (1 Ki 14:21,31; 2 Ch 12:13; 24:26).


- The missing books you refer to in the KJV are most likely the apocryphal books which are generally not found in any Protestant translation (NASB, NAS, NIV, RSV, etc.). The Protestant church generally does not believe these bo...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The Book of Samuel covers the period of Israel's history bracketed by Samuel's conception and the end of David's reign. David turned the kingdom over to Solomon in 971 B.C.3David reigned for 40 and one-half years (2 Sam. 2:11...
Even though 1 and 2 Chronicles give one continuous story the emphasis in 2 Chronicles is different from that in 1 Chronicles. In 1 Chronicles the emphasis is the importance of the temple in national life. However in 2 Chronic...
(Continued from notes on 1 Chronicles)III. The reign of Solomon chs. 1-9A. Solomon's wisdom and prosperity ch. 1B. The building of the temple 2:1-5:11. Preparations for building the temple ch. 22. The temple proper 3:1-93. Th...
Joash's life, as the writer narrated it, proves again the principles that Chronicles stresses. God was faithful to His promise to provide rulers over His people from David's descendants. Each king's success depended on his su...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
In these verses we have, first, the specification of another form of hypocrisy, consisting in building the prophets' tombs, and disavowing the fathers' murder of them. Honouring dead prophets was right; but honouring dead one...