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Texts -- 2 Timothy 2:15 (NET)

2:15 Make every effort to present yourself before God as a proven worker who does not need to be ashamed , teaching the message of truth accurately .



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  • [2Ti 2:15] To The Work
  • [2Ti 2:15] Workman Of God


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Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • The trust of the wise son (vv. 5-6) comes from heeding sound teaching (vv. 1-4), and it leads to confident obedience (vv. 7-9)."Teaching"(v. 1, Heb. torah) means "law"or, more fundamentally, "direction."Here the context sugge...
  • These warnings also occur in other contexts of Jesus' ministry (cf. Matt. 10:17-22; Luke 12:11-12). Jesus evidently voiced them more than once.Mark stressed the idea of persecution by recording the Greek word paradidomithree ...
  • Jesus next addressed those in His audience who had expressed some faith Him (v. 30).8:31 The mark of a true disciple is continuation in the instructions of his or her teacher. A disciple is by definition a learner, not necess...
  • Paul had previously written to Timothy explaining that the local church is a supporting pedestal for God's truth (1 Tim. 3:15). He had said that the purpose of the local church is the proclamation of God's truth in the world....
  • I. Salutation 1:1-2II. Thanksgiving for faithful fellow workers 1:3-18A. Timothy's past faithfulness 1:3-7B. Charges to remain loyal 1:8-141. Exhortation to be courageous 1:8-122. Exhortation to guard the gospel 1:13-14C. Exa...
  • 2:1 Paul's charge in this verse is a general one. Specific responsibilities follow. On the basis of what he had already written Paul urged his son (Gr. teknon, lit. child, an affectionate term) to let Christ's grace empower h...
  • 2:14 This verse is transitional. Timothy was to keep reminding his "faithful men"of the things Paul had just brought back to his own recollection (i.e., vv. 3-13, but especially vv. 11-13).Furthermore, he should warn them aga...
  • 2:22 Paul urged Timothy to run away from the attractive desires that appeal especially to the young. In view of the context he was probably thinking of the desire to argue, to develop a unique theology, to make a reputation f...
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