Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Deuteronomy 1:1 (NET)


- Deu 1:1-5 -- The Covenant Setting
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] (1.) Heb. midhbar, denoting not a barren desert but a district or region suitable for pasturing sheep and cattle (Ps. 65:12; Isa. 42:11; Jer. 23:10; Joel 1:19; 2:22); an uncultivated place. This word is used of the wildernes...
[ebd] lime, a place in the wilderness of Sinai (Deut. 1:1), now identified with Tafyleh or Tufileh, on the west side of the Edomitish mountains.
[isbe] TOPHEL - to'-fel (tophel; Tophol): This name is found in a passage with many difficulties (Dt 1:1). The verse ostensibly makes clearer the position occupied by the camp of Israel where Moses addressed the people, by referenc...
[smith] (mortar), (1:1) has been identified with Tufileh on a wady of the same name running north of Bozra toward the southeast corner of the Dead Sea.
[nave] TOPHEL, a place in the wilderness of Sinai, Deut. 1:1.
[ebd] (Deut. 1:1, R.V.; marg., "some ancient versions have the Red Sea," as in the A.V.). Some identify it with Suphah (Num. 21:14, marg., A.V.) as probably the name of a place. Others identify it with es-Sufah = Maaleh-acrabbim (...
[isbe] SUPH - soof (cuph; plesion tes eruthras (thalasses); the King James Version Red Sea): As the verse stands, the place where Moses addressed the children of Israel is indicated as "beyond the Jordan in the wilderness, in the A...
[nave] SUPH Deut. 1:1
[isbe] SUPHAH - soo'-fa (suphah, for wahebh becuphah; Septuagint reads ten Zoob ephlogise; the King James Version Rea Sea): Suphah is the region in which Vaheb is situated (Nu 21:14). It is probably identical with Suph of Dt 1:1. T...
[isbe] SEA - se (yam; thalassa; in Acts 27:5 pelagos): The Mediterranean is called ha-yam ha-gadhol, "the great sea" (Nu 34:6; Josh 1:4; Ezek 47:10, etc.); ha-yam ha-'acharon, "the hinder," or "western sea" (Dt 11:24; 34:2; Joel 2:...
[ebd] (1.) Heb. 'abel (Judg. 11:33), a "grassy plain" or "meadow." Instead of "plains of the vineyards," as in the Authorized Version, the Revised Version has "Abel-cheramim" (q.v.), comp. Judg. 11:22; 2 Chr. 16:4. (2.) Heb. 'elon...
[isbe] PLAIN OF MOAB - In Dt 1:1; 2:8, "plain" is translated in the Revised Version (British and American) "Arabah," and explained, "the deep valley running North and South of the Dead Sea." It was here that Moses delivered his las...
[isbe] PARAN, EL-PARAN - pa'-ran, (pa'ran, 'el-pa'ran; Pharan): (1) El-paran (Gen 14:6) was the point farthest South reached by the kings. Septuagint renders 'el by terebinthos, and reads, "unto the terebinth of Paran." The evidenc...
[ebd] drawn (or Egypt. mesu, "son;" hence Rameses, royal son). On the invitation of Pharaoh (Gen. 45:17-25), Jacob and his sons went down into Egypt. This immigration took place probably about 350 years before the birth of Moses. ...
[isbe] LIBNAH - lib'-na (libhnah "whiteness," "transparency," "pavement" (compare Ex 24:10 where libhnath, is translated "paved work" or a "compact foundation"); Lebna): (1) A desert camp of the Israelites between Rimmon-perez and ...
[ebd] white. (1.) The son of Bethuel, who was the son of Nahor, Abraham's brother. He lived at Haran in Mesopotamia. His sister Rebekah was Isaac's wife (Gen. 24). Jacob, one of the sons of this marriage, fled to the house of Laba...
[smith] (white). Son of Bethuel, brother of Rebekah and father of Leah and Rachel. (B.C. about 1860-1740.) The elder branch of the family remained at Haran, Mesopotamia, when Abraham removed to the land of Canaan, and it is there th...
[isbe] HAZEROTH - ha-ze'-roth, haz'-er-oth (chatseroth, "enclosures"): A camp of the Israelites, the 3rd from Sinai (Nu 11:35; 12:16; 33:17; Dt 1:1). It is identified with `Ain Chadrah ("spring of the enclosure"), 30 miles Northeas...
[smith] (villages), (Numbers 11:35; 12:16; 33:17; 1:1) a station of the Israelites in the desert, and perhaps recognizable in the Arabic Ain Hudhera , forty miles northeast of Sinai.
[nave] HAZEROTH, a station in the travels of the children of Israel, Num. 11:34; 12:16; 33:17, 18; Deut. 1:1.
[ebd] the great deliverance wrought for the children of Isreal when they were brought out of the land of Egypt with "a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm" (Ex 12:51; Deut. 26:8; Ps 114; 136), about B.C. 1490, and four hundre...
[ebd] region of gold, a place in the desert of Sinai, on the western shore of the Elanitic gulf (Deut. 1:1). It is now called Dehab.
[smith] (region of gold), a place in the Arabian desert, mentioned (1:1) is identified with Dahab , a cape on the western shore of the Gulf of Akabah.
[nave] DIZAHAB Deut. 1:1
[isbe] DI-ZAHAB - di'-za-hab, diz'-a-hab di-za-habh; Septuagint Katachrusea, literally, "abounding in gold"): The name occurs in a list apparently intended to fix definitely the situation of the camp of Israel in the plains of Moab...
[isbe] DEUTERONOMY - du-ter-on'-o-mi: 1. Name 2. What Deuteronomy Is 3. Analysis 4. Ruling Ideas 5. Unity 6. Authorship 7. Deuteronomy Spoken Twice 8. Deuteronomy's Influence in Israel's History 9. The Critical Theory LITERATURE 1....
[smith] --which means "the repetition of the law" --consists chiefly of three discourses delivered by Moses shortly before his death. Subjoined to these discourses are the Song of Moses the Blessing of Moses, and the story of his dea...
[isbe] CHAMPAIGN - sham-pan', sham'-pan (`arabhah, biq`ah): A champaign is a flat open country, and the word occurs in Dt 11:30 the King James Version (the Revised Version (British and American) "the Arabah") as a translation of `a...
[ebd] This word is used of flocks or herds of grazing animals (Ex. 22:5; Num. 20:4, 8, 11; Ps. 78:48); of beasts of burden (Gen. 45:17); of eatable beasts (Prov. 9:2); and of swift beasts or dromedaries (Isa. 60:6). In the New Tes...
[ebd] when used with reference to Jordan, signifies in the writings of Moses the west side of the river, as he wrote on the east bank (Gen. 50:10, 11; Deut. 1:1, 5; 3:8, 20; 4:46); but in the writings of Joshua, after he had cross...
[isbe] BEYOND - be-yond': Found in the Hebrew only in its application to space and time, and for these ideas three words are employed: hale'ah (Gen 35:21) = "to the distance"; `abhar = "to go beyond" "to cross" derivative `ebher (C...
[isbe] ARABAH - ar'-a-ba, a-ra'-ba ha-`arabhah, "the Arabah"): This word indicates in general a barren district, but is specifically applied in whole or in part to the depression of the Jordan valley, extending from Mount Hermon to...


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The title of this book in the Hebrew Bible was its first two words, elleh haddebarim, which translate into English as "these are the words"(1:1). Ancient Near Eastern suzerainty treaties began with exactly the same words.1So ...
I. Introduction: the covenant setting 1:1-5II. Moses' first major address: a review of God's faithfulness 1:6-4:40A. God's past dealings with Israel 1:6-3:291. God's guidance from Sinai to Kadesh 1:6-462. The march from Kades...
This brief section places the events that follow in their geographical and chronological setting. It introduces the occasion for the covenant, the parties involved, and other information necessary to identify the document and...
Moses began his recital of Israel's history at Horeb because this is where Yahweh adopted the nation by making the Mosaic Covenant with her. The trip from Egypt to Sinai was only preparation for the giving of the covenant. Th...
These verses are similar to 1:4-5. They summarize and introduce with historical references what follows. In a larger sense these verses summarize all of chapters 1-3. This is narration about Moses, not a discourse by Moses."T...
"From a literary standpoint Deut 9:1-10:11 is a travel narrative much like Deut 1:6-3:29, with which, in fact, it shares much in common. For example, both are introduced (1:1-5; 9:1-6) and concluded (3:29; 10:11) by a setting...
Chapter 29 verse 1 is the last verse of chapter 28 in the Hebrew Bible. Moses probably intended it to be a summary statement of what precedes rather than an introduction to what follows. The renewed Mosaic covenant to which M...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
The image is the same as in Deut. 1. already referred to. It recurs also in (Isaiah 46:3-4),'Even to hoar hairs will I carry you, and I have made and I will bear, yea, I will carry, and will deliver'; and in (Hosea 11:3), I t...