Advanced Commentary

Texts -- Joshua 19:1-20 (NET)

Simeon’s Tribal Lands
19:1 The second lot belonged to the tribe of Simeon by its clans . 19:2 Their assigned land included Beer Sheba , Moladah , 19:3 Hazar Shual , Balah , Ezem , 19:4 Eltolad , Bethul , Hormah , 19:5 Ziklag , Beth Marcaboth , Hazar Susah , 19:6 Beth Lebaoth , and Sharuhen – a total of thirteen cities and their towns , 19:7 Ain , Rimmon , Ether , and Ashan – a total of four cities and their towns , 19:8 as well as all the towns around these cities as far as Baalath Beer (Ramah of the Negev ). This was the land assigned to the tribe of Simeon by its clans . 19:9 Simeon’s assigned land was taken from Judah’s allotted portion , for Judah’s territory was too large for them ; so Simeon was assigned land within Judah.
Zebulun’s Tribal Lands
19:10 The third lot belonged to the tribe of Zebulun by its clans . The border of their territory extended to Sarid . 19:11 Their border went up westward to Maralah and touched Dabbesheth and the valley near Jokneam . 19:12 From Sarid it turned eastward to the territory of Kisloth Tabor , extended to Daberath , and went up to Japhia . 19:13 From there it crossed eastward to Gath Hepher and Eth Kazin and extended to Rimmon , turning toward Neah . 19:14 It then turned on the north to Hannathon and ended at the Valley of Iphtah El . 19:15 Their territory included Kattah , Nahalal , Shimron , Idalah , and Bethlehem ; in all they had twelve cities and their towns . 19:16 This was the land assigned to the tribe of Zebulun by its clans , including these cities and their towns .
Issachar’s Tribal Lands
19:17 The fourth lot belonged to the tribe of Issachar by its clans . 19:18 Their assigned land included Jezreel , Kesulloth , Shunem , 19:19 Hapharaim , Shion , Anaharath , 19:20 Rabbith , Kishion , Ebez ,



Bible Dictionary




Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)

  • Jacob blessed all 12 of his sons and foretold what would become of each of them and their descendants. He disqualified Reuben, Simeon, and Levi from leadership and gave that blessing to Judah. He granted the double portion to...
  • I. The conquest of the land chs. 1-12A. Preparations for entering Canaan chs. 1-21. God's charge to Joshua 1:1-92. Joshua's charge to Israel 1:10-183. The spying out of Jericho ch. 2B. Entrance into the land 3:1-5:121. Passag...
  • In one sense verses 1-9 are a preamble to the whole book. They contain the basic principles that were to guide Joshua and Israel so they could obtain all that God had promised their forefathers.1:1 The first word of the book ...
  • The writer identified 31 kings in the order in which Joshua defeated them."Many of the same names appear in the Amarna letters, thus confirming the historicity of our text."158"The description was not complete. Shechem is not...
  • Chapters 13-24 describe how Joshua divided the land and the results of that division. Many if not all the Israelite tribes did not conquer or control all the land allotted to them (15:63; 16:10; 17:12-13). The record of the a...
  • After the process of assigning land to the three tribes mentioned above, Israel's attention turned to relocating the tabernacle in a more central location (v. 1). God undoubtedly made the choice of Shiloh (lit. rest; cf. Deut...
  • Simeon's lot fell within the southern portion of the inheritance of Judah because Judah's portion proved too large for that tribe (v. 9). Simeon received certain towns within Judah's territory. In this way God fulfilled Jacob...
  • Zebulun's territory lay north of the plain of Jezreel that marked Manasseh's northern border and southwest of the hills of Naphtali. On the northwest its neighbor was Asher and on the southeast Issachar. Zebulun's land was ve...
  • The writer did not give the boundaries of Issachar in as much detail as the preceding tribes. The Jordan River on the east, the borders of Manasseh on its south and southwest, Zebulun on its northwest, and Naphtali on its nor...
  • Israel's leaders completed this division of the land at Shiloh, the new location of the tabernacle."The gift of the land brought blessings not only to the nation as a whole and to the individual tribes. It also brought blessi...
  • These verses conclude the account of the division of the land proper (chs. 13-21; cf. 1:2-6; 11:23). They bind the two parts of the second half of the book together. They form a theological conclusion to the entire book up to...
  • The main part of the second half of the Book of Joshua dealing with the division of the land ends with the appointment of the Levitical cities (chs. 13-21). The rest of the book deals with settlement in the land (chs. 22-24)....
  • The Book of Samuel covers the period of Israel's history bracketed by Samuel's conception and the end of David's reign. David turned the kingdom over to Solomon in 971 B.C.3David reigned for 40 and one-half years (2 Sam. 2:11...
  • As the book begins, the young woman and young man have already met and "fallen in love."In verses 2-4a the girl voices her desire for her boyfriend's physical affection."It is significant to this work that the girl speaks fir...
  • This is the sixth and last message that Ezekiel received from the Lord the night before the refugees reached the exiles with the message that Jerusalem had fallen (cf. 33:21-22). It too deals with God's plans for Israel in th...
  • The tribe of Dan was to receive the northernmost section of the Promised Land. The order of tribes from north to south, north of the sacred district, was Dan, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben and Judah--seven tribal...
  • Jonah is the fifth of the Minor Prophets (the Book of the Twelve) in our English Bibles. It is unique among the Latter Prophets (Isaiah through Malachi) in that it is almost completely narrative similar to the histories of El...
  • This section introduces another ruler of Israel who, in contrast to Zedekiah, his foil, would effectively lead God's people."This royal oracle is obviously intended to be the central peak of the range of oracles in chs. 4 and...
  • The focus now changes from physical to spiritual deliverance (cf. Deut. 30:1-10).12:10 The Lord also promised to pour out on the Davidic rulers and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, representing all the Israelites, a spirit of re...
  • 2:1-2 When did the Magi visit Jesus in Bethlehem?74There are several factors that point to a time about a year after Jesus' birth. First, Matthew described Jesus as a "child"(Gr. paidion, v. 11), not an "infant"(Gr. brephos, ...
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