Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Mark 6:40 (NET)


- Mar 6:30-44 -- The Feeding of the Five Thousand
Bible Dictionary

[nave] SIMON 1. See: Peter. 2. One of the twelve apostles. Called The Canaanite, Matt. 10:4; Mark 3:18; Zelotes, Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13. 3. A brother of Jesus, Matt. 13:55; Mark 6;3. 4. A leper. Jesus dines with, Matt. 26:6; Mark ...
[isbe] RANKS - ranks (prasid, "a square plot of ground," "a garden-bed"): "They sat down in ranks" (Mk 6:40); the several reclining ranks formed, as it were, separate plots or "garden-beds."
[nave] MIRACLES. Index of Sub-topics Catalog of, and Supernatural Events, Of Jesus, in Chronological Order, Of the Disciples of Jesus; Convincing Effect of; Design of; Miraculous Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Miscellany of Minor Sub-...
[isbe] MARK, THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO, 2 - VI. Sources and Integrity. We have seen that, according to the testimony of the Fathers, Peter's preaching and teaching are at least the main source, and that many features of the Gospel su...
[isbe] LORD'S SUPPER; (EUCHARIST) - u'-ka-rist GENERAL || I. DEFINITION II. NEW TESTAMENT SOURCES 1. Textual Considerations 2. Narratives Compared (1) Mark (2) Matthew (3) Pauline (4) Luke 3. Other Pauline Data III. PREPARATION FO...
Jesus, The Christ
[nave] JESUS, THE CHRIST. Index of Sub-topics History of; Miscellaneous Facts Concerning; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to; Ascension of; Atonement by; Attributes of; Compassion of; Confessing; Creator; Death of; Design of His...
[isbe] JESUS CHRIST, 4C2 - Second Period--After the Mission of the Twelve till the Departure from Galilee I. From the Death of the Baptist till the Discourse on Bread of Life. 1. The Murder of the Baptist and Herod's Alarms: (Matth...
[smith] (house of fish) of Galilee, (John 12:21) a city which was the native place of Andrew, Peter and Philip, (John 1:44; 12:21) in the land of Gennesareth, (Mark 6:46) comp. Mark 6:53 And therefore on the west side of the lake. By...


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- Some scholars believe that cave 7 contains some NT manuscripts, though 1 John is not among them. The fragments are in Greek, but only by rather creative and ingenious extrapolations can one make them a part of the NT. The bes...
- Of course it's OK to read the KJV along with other translations! I would hope that you never give up reading the KJV. Nothing is quite like it. On the other hand, most people have trouble with the archaic language. Ironical...
Sermon Illustrations


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
I. Introduction 1:1-13A. The title of the book 1:1B. Jesus' preparation for ministry 1:2-131. The ministry of John the Baptist 1:2-82. The baptism of Jesus 1:9-113. The temptation of Jesus 1:12-13II. The Servant's early Galil...
Mark omitted Jesus' year of early Judean ministry (John 1:15-4:42), as did the other Synoptic evangelists. He began his account of Jesus' ministry of service in Galilee, northern Israel (1:14-6:6a). Because of increasing oppo...
This pericope introduces Jesus' continuing ministry in Galilee following the religious leaders' decision to kill Him (cf. 1:14-15; 2:13). It provides much more detail than the parallel account in Matthew.3:7-8 The sea to whic...
Even though Jesus gave ample evidence that He was more than a mere man (4:35-5:43) those who knew Him best on the physical plane still refused to believe in Him (6:1-6a). This refusal led Jesus to turn increasingly from the m...
The increasing hostility of Israel's religious leaders and the rejection of the multitudes (3:7-6:6a) led Jesus to concentrate on training His disciples increasingly. This section of Mark's Gospel shows how Jesus did that. Wh...
This is another of Mark's "sandwich"or chiastic sections. The main event is Jesus' sending the Twelve on a preaching and healing mission that extended His own ministry. Within this story, between their departing and their ret...
Mark's account of this miracle plays an important role in his Gospel. The unusually long introduction provides the setting for this miracle. It stresses Jesus' humanity, and the miracle itself demonstrates His deity. Mark lat...
Jesus continued His response to the critics by focusing on the particular practice that they had objected to (v. 5). The question of what constituted defilement was very important. The Jews had wandered far from God's will in...
The disciples had not yet understood the lessons that Jesus sought to teach them. Mark constructed his Gospel to show that in His discipleship training Jesus repeated lessons to train them. One writer noticed the following re...
This miracle repeated the lesson of the feeding of the 5,000 for the disciples who had not learned what they should have from the former miracle (vv. 17-21).1878:1-3 Jesus and His disciples were still in the Decapolis region ...
This is only the second incident that all four evangelists recorded, the other being the feeding of the 5,000 (cf. 6:30-44). This fact reflects its importance. Mark's account of this event gives much detail indicating its eye...
Adams, J. McKee. Biblical Backgrounds. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1965.Alexander, Joseph Addison. The Gospel According to Mark. 1881. Reprint ed. London: Banner of Truth, 1960.Alexander, William M. Demonic Possession in the N...
Expositions Of Holy Scripture (Maclaren)
Mark 1-9
And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told Him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught. 31. And He said unto them, Come ye yourselves a part into a desert place, and rest a while:...