Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Micah 7:4 (NET)


- Mic 7:1-7 -- Micah Laments Judah's Sin
Bible Dictionary

[nave] WICKED Compared with: Abominable branches, Isa. 14:19; ashes under the feet, Mal. 4:3; bad fishes, Matt. 13:48; beasts, Psa. 49:12; 2 Pet. 2:12; the blind, Zeph. 1:17; Matt. 15:14; bronze and iron, Jer. 6:28; Ezek. 22:18; br...
[isbe] VISITATION - viz-i-ta'-shun, vis-(pequddah; episkope): In Biblical writings, the divine investigation or inspection of men's character and deeds with a view to apportioning to them their due lot, whether of reward or of chas...
[ebd] (1.) Heb. hedek (Prov. 15:19), rendered "brier" in Micah 7:4. Some thorny plant, of the Solanum family, suitable for hedges. This is probably the so-called "apple of Sodom," which grows very abundantly in the Jordan valley. ...
[nave] THORN The ground cursed with, Gen. 3:18. Used as an awl, Job 41:2; for fuel, Psa. 58:9; 118:12; Eccl. 7:6. Hedges formed of, Hos. 2:6; Mic. 7:4. Crown of, mockingly put on Jesus' head, Matt. 27:29; Mark 15:17; John 19:2, ...
[isbe] THORN IN THE FLESH - thorn (skolops te sarki): Paul thus characterizes some bodily ailment which afflicted him and impaired his usefulness (2 Cor 12:7). The data are insufficient to enable us to ascertain its real nature, an...
[nave] SIN. Index of Sub-Topics Miscellany of Minor Sub-Topics; Unclassified Scriptures Relating to, Defining, and Illustrating; Confession of; Consequences of, Entailed Upon Children; Conviction of; Forgiveness of; Fruits of; Kn...
[nave] RULERS Appointed and removed by God. See: Government, God in. Chastised, Dan. 4. See: Nation. Monarchical, See: Kings. Patriarchal, Gen. 27:29, 37. Instances of Nimrod, Gen. 10:8-10. Abraham, Gen. 14:13-24; 17:6; 21:2...
[nave] MICAH 1. An Ephraimite. His robbery and idolatry, Judg. 17:18. 2. Head of a family of Reuben, 1 Chr. 5:5. 3. Called also Micha. Son of Mephibosheth, 2 Sam. 9:12; 1 Chr. 8:34, 35; 9:40, 41. 4. Called also Michah. A Kohathi...
[isbe] HEDGE - hej: (1) mecukhah, "a thorn hedge," only in Mic 7:4.; mesukkah, "a hedge" (Isa 5:5); mesukhath chadheq, "a hedge of thorns" (Prov 15:19). (2) gadher, and geherah, translated "hedges" in the Revised Version (British a...
[nave] HEDGE A fence, Job 1:10; Isa. 5:5; Jer. 49:3; Lam. 3:7; Ezek. 13:5; 22:30; Hos. 2:6; Mic. 7:4; Mark 12:1; of thorns, Prov. 15:19. People sheltered in, Luke 14:23. See: Fence.
[nave] DESPONDENCY. Num. 17:12, 13; Deut. 28:65-67; Job 3:1-26; Job 17:13-16; Psa. 31:22; Psa. 77:7-9; Prov. 13:12; Isa. 2:19; Jer. 2:25; Jer. 8:20; Jer. 18:12; Lam. 3:1-21; Lam. 5:22; Hos. 10:8; Jonah 2:2-4; Mic. 7:1-7; Matt. 24:...
Depravity of Mankind
[nave] DEPRAVITY OF MANKIND Gen. 6:5-8, 11-13; Gen. 8:21; Deut. 32:10; Job 4:17-19; Job 9:2, 3, 20, 29-31; Job 11:12; Job 14:4; Job 15:14-16; Job 25:4-6; Psa. 5:9; Psa. 14:1-3 Psa. 53:1-3. Psa. 51:5; Psa. 58:1-5; Psa. 94:11; Psa. 1...
[ebd] This word occurs frequently, and is the translation of several different terms. (1.) Micah 7:4, it denotes a species of thorn shrub used for hedges. In Prov. 15:19 the word is rendered "thorn" (Heb. hedek, "stinging"), suppo...
[ebd] (Heb. tappuah, meaning "fragrance"). Probably the apricot or quince is intended by the word, as Palestine was too hot for the growth of apples proper. It is enumerated among the most valuable trees of Palestine (Joel 1:12), ...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
Critics of the book have tried to prove that it is the product of several writers or editors (redactors). The reason for this view is its lack of apparent coherence. Chapters 4-7 have become the target of most critical attack...
I. Heading 1:1II. The first oracle: Israel's impending judgment and future restoration 1:2-2:13A. The judgment coming on Israel 1:2-7B. Lamentation over the coming judgment 1:8-161. Micah's personal response 1:8-92. Micah's c...
This is the first of three messages that compose the Book of Micah (cf. chs. 3-5; 6-7). In each one, promises of restoration follow predictions of ruin....
One of the events that would occur before the realization of these great promises of blessing was Israel's exile, but the burden of this pericope is also future restoration.4:9 Micah, speaking for the Lord, addressed the Jews...
The writer recorded a third round of messages that first announce judgment on the Israelites for their sins (ch. 6) and then promise future restoration (ch. 7)....
This section is an individual lament similar to many of the psalms (cf. 1:8-16).7:1 Micah bewailed his own disappointment with Israel's situation. He compared himself to Israel's fruit pickers and grape gatherers who felt gre...
This final section of the book is also in the form of a lament (cf. vv. 1-7). While Micah spoke as an individual, he spoke for the faithful remnant of Israelites in his day. His sentiments would have been theirs. Thus the lam...
The Triumphal Entry happened on Monday. The cursing of the fig tree took place on Tuesday, and the disciples' mention of its withering followed on Wednesday (cf. Mark 11:1-14).78021:18-19 Jesus passed the lone fig tree somewh...
These warnings also occur in other contexts of Jesus' ministry (cf. Matt. 10:17-22; Luke 12:11-12). Jesus evidently voiced them more than once.Mark stressed the idea of persecution by recording the Greek word paradidomithree ...