Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Nehemiah 3:7 (NET)


- Neh 3:1-32 -- The Names of the Builders
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] (Heb. kiss'e), a royal chair or seat of dignity (Deut. 17:18; 2 Sam. 7:13; Ps. 45:6); an elevated seat with a canopy and hangings, which cover it. It denotes the seat of the high priest in 1 Sam. 1:9; 4:13, and of a provinci...
[isbe] THRONE - thron. (kicce', a "seat" in 2 Ki 4:10; a "royal seat" in Jon 3:6; thronos): Usually the symbol of kingly power and dignity. Solomon's throne was noted for its splendor and magnificence (1 Ki 10:18-20; compare 2 Ch 9...
[nave] NEHEMIAH 1. Son of Hachaliah, Neh. 1:1. Cupbearer of Artaxerxes, Neh. 1:11; 2:1. Is grieved over the desolation of his country, Neh. 1. Is sent by the king to rebuild Jerusalem, Neh. 2:1-8. Register of the people whom he...
[smith] and Miz?peh (a watch-tower), the name of several places in Palestine. The earliest of all, in order of the narrative, is the heap of stones piled up by Jacob and Laban, (Genesis 31:48) on Mount Gilead, ver. (Genesis 31:25) t...
[nave] MIZPAH 1. A city allotted to Benjamin, Josh. 18:26. The Israelites assemble at, Judg. 20:1-3; and decree the penalty to be visited upon the Benjamites for their maltreatment of the Levite's concubine, Judg. 20:10. Assemble...
[isbe] MERONOTHITE - me-ron'-thit, me-ro'-no-thit (meronothi, root meaning "fertility"): The designation of two persons in the Old Testament: (1) Jehdeiah, who was in charge of the royal asses under David (1 Ch 27:30). (2) Jadon wh...
[nave] MERONOTHITE 1 Chr. 27:30; Neh. 3:7
[isbe] MELATIAH - mel-a-ti'-a (melatyah, "Yah's deliverance"): A Gibeonite who assisted in building the wall of Jerusalem under Nehemiah (Neh 3:7).
[smith] (Jehovah delivers), a Gibeonite who assisted in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:7)
[nave] MELATIAH, a Gibeonite who assisted in repairing the wall of Jerusalem, Neh. 3:7.
[smith] that is, the native of the place called probably Meronoth, of which, however, no further traces have yet been discovered. The Meronothites are named in the Bible-- Jehdeiah, (1 Chronicles 27:30) Jadon, (Nehemiah 3:7)
[isbe] MACCABEES, BOOKS OF, 1-2 - mak'-a-bez, I. 1 MACCABEES 1. Name 2. Canonicity 3. Contents 4. Historicity 5. Author's Standpoint and Aim 6. Date 7. Sources 8. Original Language 9. Text and Versions LITERATURE II. 2 MACCABEES 1....
[nave] LIBERALITY. Ex. 22:29, 30 Ex. 13:2, 12. Ex. 23:15 Ex. 34:20. Ex. 25:1-8; Ex. 35:4-29; Ex. 36:3-6; Ex. 38:8; Lev. 19:5 Lev. 22:29; Num. 35:8. Deut. 12:11, 12, 17-19; Deut. 14:27-29; Deut. 15:7-18; Deut. 16:10, 17; Deut. 18:1...
[nave] JERUSALEM Called Jebus, Josh. 18:28; Judg. 19:10; Zion, 1 Kin. 8:1; Zech. 9:13; City of David, 2 Sam. 5:7; Isa. 22:9; Salem, Gen. 14:18; Psa. 76:2; Ariel, Isa. 29:1; City of God, Psa. 46:4; City of the Great King, Psa. 48:2;...
[ebd] judge, a Meronothite who assisted in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (Neh. 3:7).
[isbe] JADON - ja'-don (yadhon, perhaps "he will judge" or "plead"): One who helped to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem in company with the men of Gibeon and of Mizpah (Neh 3:7). He is called the "Meronothite," and another Meronothite...
[smith] (judge), the Meronothite, who assisted to repair the wall of Jerusalem. (Nehemiah 3:7) (B.C. 446.)
[nave] JADON Neh. 3:7
[isbe] JERUSALEM, 2 - IV. General Topography of Jerusalem. From the foregoing description of the "natural site," it will be seen that we have to deal with 5 natural subdivisions or hills, two on the western and three on the eastern...
[nave] ISRAEL 1. A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 2 Kin. 17:34; Hos. 12:3, 4. 2. A name of the Christ in prophecy, Isa. 49:3. 3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation. Called also Israelites, and Hebrews, Gen. 4...
[ebd] (1.) Heb. nagid, a prominent, conspicuous person, whatever his capacity: as, chief of the royal palace (2 Chr. 28:7; comp. 1 Kings 4:6), chief of the temple (1 Chr. 9:11; Jer. 20:1), the leader of the Aaronites (1 Chr. 12:27...
[smith] In the Authorized Version this one English word is the representative of no less than ten Hebrew and four Greek words. The chief of a tribe or family. A ruler in his capacity of lawgiver and dispenser of justice. A ruler con...
GENEALOGY, 8 part 2
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 - I. Primeval Genealogies (1 Chronicals 1:1-54). To show Israel's place among the nations; follows Genesis closely, omitting only the Cainites; boldly, skillfully compressed, as if the omitted facts were ...
[isbe] DISPERSION, THE - dis-pur'-shun, (diaspora): 1. Golah and Dispersion 2. Purpose of Dispersion 3. Causes of Dispersion 4. Extent of Dispersion 5. The Eastern Dispersion 6. The Egyptian Dispersion 7. Testimony of Aramaic Papyr...
[nave] COUNTRY. Love of Judg. 5:1-31; 2 Sam. 10:12; Neh. 1:1-11; Neh. 2:1-20 chapters 3-6.Neh. 5:1-18; Psa. 137:1-6 The Jews held church and country as one, therefore See: Church, Love for. See also Patriotism.


Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The Book of Samuel covers the period of Israel's history bracketed by Samuel's conception and the end of David's reign. David turned the kingdom over to Solomon in 971 B.C.3David reigned for 40 and one-half years (2 Sam. 2:11...
The years of history the book covers are 445-431 B.C. or perhaps a few years after that.In 445 B.C. (the twentieth year of Artaxerxes' reign, 1:1) Nehemiah learned of the conditions in Jerusalem that led him to request permis...
I. The fortification of Jerusalem chs. 1-7A. The return under Nehemiah chs. 1-21. The news concerning Jerusalem 1:1-32. The response of Nehemiah 1:4-113. The request of Nehemiah 2:1-84. The return to Jerusalem 2:9-20B. The re...
The builders finished the walls only 52 days after construction had begun (v. 15). "Elul"is late August and early September. Israel's enemies viewed their rapid progress as evidence that God had helped the workers (v. 16)."Th...