Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Nehemiah 12:12 (NET)


- Neh 12:1-26 -- The Priests and the Levites Who Returned to Jerusalem
Bible Dictionary

[nave] ZERUBBABEL, called also Sheshbazzar. Directs the rebuilding of the altar and temple after his return from captivity in Babylon, Ezra 3:2-8; 4:2, 3; 5:2, 14-16; Hag. 1:12-14. Leads the emancipated Jews back from Babylon, Ezra...
[ebd] soldier of Jehovah. (1.) The father of Joab (1 Chr. 4:13, 14). (2.) The grandfather of Jehu (1 Chr. 4:35). (3.) One of David's scribes or secretaries (2 Sam. 8:17). (4.) A Netophathite (Jer. 40:8), a chief priest of the time...
[smith] The king?s scribe or secretary in the reign of David. (2Â Samuel 8:17) (B.C. 1043.) The high priest in the reign of Zedekiah. (2Â Kings 25:18; 1Â Chronicles 6:14; Jeremiah 52:24) (B.C. 594.) The son of Tanhumeth the Ne...
[nave] SERAIAH 1. Called also Sheva, Shisha, and Shavsha. David's scribe, 2 Sam. 8:17; 20:25; 1 Kin. 4:3; 1 Chr. 18:16. 2. Chief priest at time of taking of Jerusalem, 2 Kin. 25:18. Father of Ezra, Ezra 7:1. Slain by Nebuchadne...
[ebd] comforted by Jehovah. (1.) Ezra 2:2; Neh. 7:7. (2.) Neh. 3:16. (3.) The son of Hachaliah (Neh. 1:1), and probably of the tribe of Judah. His family must have belonged to Jerusalem (Neh. 2:3). He was one of the "Jews of the d...
[nave] NEHEMIAH 1. Son of Hachaliah, Neh. 1:1. Cupbearer of Artaxerxes, Neh. 1:11; 2:1. Is grieved over the desolation of his country, Neh. 1. Is sent by the king to rebuild Jerusalem, Neh. 2:1-8. Register of the people whom he...
[ebd] resistance, a chief priest, a contemporary of the high priest Joiakim (Neh. 12:12).
[isbe] MERAIAH - me-ra'-ya, me-ri'-a (merayah, "contumacious"): A priest in the time of Joiakim son of Jeshua, and head of the priestly house of Seraiah to which Ezra belonged (Neh 12:12; compare Ezr 7:1).
[nave] MERAIAH, a priest, Neh. 12:12.
[nave] LEVITES The descendants of Levi. Set apart as ministers of religion, Num. 1:47-54; 3:6-16; 16:9; 26:57-62; Deut. 10:8; 1 Chr. 15:2. Substituted in the place of the firstborn, Num. 3:12, 41-45; 8:14, 16-18; 18:6. Religious ...
[ebd] (whom Jehovah has set up) = Jehoiakim, a high priest, the son and successor of Jeshua (Neh. 12:10, 12, 26).
[isbe] JOIAKIM - joi'-a-kim (yoyaqim, "Yahweh raises up"; compare JEHOIAKIM; JOKIM): Son of Jeshua and father of Eliashib, the high priest (Neh 12:10,12,26).
[nave] JOIAKIM, a high priest, Neh. 12:10, 12, 26.
[smith] Seven other persons bearing the same name as the prophet are mentioned in the Old Testament:-- Jeremiah of Libnah, father of Hamutal wife of Josiah. (2Â Kings 23:31) (B.C. before 632.) 2,3,4. Three warriors --two of the tr...
[smith] (whom Jehovah gave), a name of which John is the contraction. A Korhite Levite, one of the doorkeepers to the tabernacle. (1Â Chronicles 26:3) comp. 1Chr 25:1 (B.C. 1014.) One of the principal men of Judah under King Jehos...
[nave] ISRAEL 1. A name given to Jacob, Gen. 32:24-32; 2 Kin. 17:34; Hos. 12:3, 4. 2. A name of the Christ in prophecy, Isa. 49:3. 3. A name given to the descendants of Jacob, a nation. Called also Israelites, and Hebrews, Gen. 4...
[ebd] Jehovah has given. (1.) A chief of the tribe of Benjamin (1 Chr. 8:24). (2.) One of the sons of Heman (1 Chr. 25:4,23). (3.) One of Uzziah's military officers (2 Chr. 26:11). (4.) Grandfather of the captain who arrested Jere...
[isbe] HANANIAH - han-a-ni'-a (chananyahu, chananyah; Ananias; also with aspirate, "Yahweh hath been gracious"): This was a common name in Israel for many centuries. (1) A Benjamite (1 Ch 8:24). (2) A captain of Uzziah's army (2 Ch...
[smith] (gift of God). One of the fourteen sons of Heman, and chief of the sixteenth course of singers. (1Â Chronicles 25:4,5,23) (B.C. 1014.) A general in the army of King Uzziah. (2Â Chronicles 26:11) Father of Zedekiah, in th...
[nave] HANANIAH 1. Son of Heman, 1 Chr. 25:4, 23. 2. A captain of Uzziah's army, 2 Chr. 26:11. 3. Father of Zedekiah, Jer. 36:12. 4. A prophet of Gibeon who uttered false prophecies in the temple during the reign of Zedekiah, Je...
GENEALOGY, 8 part 2
[isbe] GENEALOGY, 8 part 2 - I. Primeval Genealogies (1 Chronicals 1:1-54). To show Israel's place among the nations; follows Genesis closely, omitting only the Cainites; boldly, skillfully compressed, as if the omitted facts were ...
[ebd] help. (1.) A priest among those that returned to Jerusalem under Zerubabel (Neh. 12:1). (2.) The "scribe" who led the second body of exiles that returned from Babylon to Jerusalem B.C. 459, and author of the book of Scriptur...
[isbe] DARIUS - da-ri'-us: The name of three or four kings mentioned in the Old Testament. In the original Persian it is spelled "Darayavaush"; in Babylonian, usually "Dariamush"; in Susian(?), "Tariyamaush"; in Egyptian "Antaryuas...
Chief Priests
[nave] CHIEF PRIESTS 2 Kin. 25:18; 1 Chr. 27:5; 2 Chr. 19:11; 24:11; 26:20; 31:10; Ezra 7:5; Neh. 12:7, 12; Jer. 52:24; Matt. 2:4; 16:21; 20:18; 21:15, 23, 45; 26:3, 14, 47; 27:1, 41, 62; 28:11; Mark 2:26; 8:31; 10:33; 11:18; 14:1,...
[isbe] ADNA - ad'-na (`adhna', "pleasure"; Aidaine): (1) An Israelite in Ezra's time who, having married a foreign wife, divorced her. He belonged to Pahath-moab (Ezr 10:30). (2) A priest of the family of Harum, during the high-pri...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
The Book of Samuel covers the period of Israel's history bracketed by Samuel's conception and the end of David's reign. David turned the kingdom over to Solomon in 971 B.C.3David reigned for 40 and one-half years (2 Sam. 2:11...
The years of history the book covers are 445-431 B.C. or perhaps a few years after that.In 445 B.C. (the twentieth year of Artaxerxes' reign, 1:1) Nehemiah learned of the conditions in Jerusalem that led him to request permis...
I. The fortification of Jerusalem chs. 1-7A. The return under Nehemiah chs. 1-21. The news concerning Jerusalem 1:1-32. The response of Nehemiah 1:4-113. The request of Nehemiah 2:1-84. The return to Jerusalem 2:9-20B. The re...
"The first seven chapters of Nehemiah as well as 12:31-13:31 are written in the first person. This, as well as all or part of Neh 11 and the rest of Neh 12, constitutes what is called the Nehemiah Memoirs. As such it offers a...
One writer viewed chapters 8-13 (really 7:73-13:37) as the third part of the tripartite structure of Ezra-Nehemiah. Ezra 1:1-4 deals with "potentiality,"the decree to the community to build God's house. Ezra 1:5--Nehemiah 7:7...
The names in verses 2-8 are those of the heads of 21 priestly families (cf. 12:12-21). Verses 9-13 record the names of 17 Levites. Then the writer gave the names of 44 heads of other leading families (vv. 14-27)....
When the exiles returned to the Promised Land, living in Jerusalem was not an attractive prospect because the city lay in ruins. However with the rebuilding of the temple and the walls the capital became a more desirable plac...
The priests and Levites were the most important people who returned from exile because they reestablished worship in the land. Verses 1-7 give the names of 22 leaders among them who had returned in 537 B.C. with Zerubbabel an...
The Book of Nehemiah records the fortification of Jerusalem and the restoration of the Jews, two essential steps that were necessary to reestablish God's people in His will and in their land.Nehemiah continued the good work t...
Zechariah's inspired preaching began in the eighth month of 520 B.C. (1:1). His eight night visions followed three months later in 520 B.C. (1:7), when he was a young man (2:4). He delivered the messages in chapters 7-8 in 51...
Zechariah began ministering among the Jews who had returned from captivity in Babylon (i.e., the restoration community) two months after Haggai began preaching (1:1; 7:1; cf. Neh. 12:10-16; Hag. 1:1). In a sense, Zechariah's ...