Advanced Commentary
Texts -- Numbers 6:3 (NET)


- Num 6:1-8 -- The Nazirite Vow
Bible Dictionary

[ebd] The common Hebrew word for wine is yayin, from a root meaning "to boil up," "to be in a ferment." Others derive it from a root meaning "to tread out," and hence the juice of the grape trodden out. The Greek word for wine is ...
[nave] WINE Made from grapes, Gen. 40:11; 49:11; Isa. 25:6; Jer. 40:10, 12; from pomegranates, Song 8:2. Kept in jars, Jer. 13:12; 48:12; in skins, Josh. 9:4, 13; Job 32:19; Matt. 9:17; Luke 5:37, 38; in bottles, Josh. 9:4, 13; Jo...
[isbe] WINE; WINE PRESS - win, win'-pres: I. Terms. 1. Wine: (1) (~yayin), apparently from a non-Tsere root allied to Greek oinos, Latin vinum, etc. This is the usual word for "wine" and is found 141 times in Massoretic Text. (2) c...
[isbe] VINEGAR - vin'-e-ger (chomets; oxos): Vinegar, whose use as a condiment (Ruth 2:14) needs no comment, is formed when a saccharine fluid passes through a fermentation that produces acetic acid. In the ancient world vinegar wa...
[nave] VINEGAR, a sour wine. Forbidden to Nazirites, Num. 6:3. Used with food, Ruth 2:14; Psa. 69:21; Prov. 10:26; 25:20. Offered to Christ on the cross, Matt. 27:34, 48; John 19:29, with Mark 15:23.
[ebd] of the sun, the son of Manoah, born at Zorah. The narrative of his life is given in Judg. 13-16. He was a "Nazarite unto God" from his birth, the first Nazarite mentioned in Scripture (Judg. 13:3-5; comp. Num. 6:1-21). The f...
[isbe] RAISINS - ra'-z'-nz: (1) cimmuqim; staphides, translated "dried grapes," Nu 6:3; mentioned in all other references as a portable food for a march or journey. Abigail supplied David with "a hundred clusters of raisins," among...
[nave] PROHIBITION, of the use of intoxicating liquors. To priests on duty, Lev. 10:9. To Nazirites, Num. 6:3, 4. See: Abstinence, Total; Commandments; Drunkeess.
[isbe] NAZIRITE - naz'-i-rit (nazir, connected with nadhar, "to vow"; nazeir, nazeiraios, as also various words indicating "holiness" or "devotion"; the King James Version, Nazarite): 1. Antiquity and Origin 2. Conditions of the Vo...
[nave] NAZIRITE Law concerning, Num. 6:1-21; Judg. 13:5. Character of, Lam. 4:7; Amos 2:11, 12. Instances of Samson, Judg. 13:5, 7; 16:17. Samuel, 1 Sam. 1:11. Rechabites, Jer. 35. John the Baptist, Matt. 11:18; Luke 1:15; 7:...
[ebd] (Heb. form Nazirite), the name of such Israelites as took on them the vow prescribed in Num. 6:2-21. The word denotes generally one who is separated from others and consecrated to God. Although there is no mention of any Naz...
[smith] more properly Naz?irite (one separated), one of either sex who was bound by a vow of a peculiar kind to be set apart from others for the service of God. The obligation was either for life or for a defined time. There is no no...
[ebd] (1.) Heb. seor (Ex. 12:15, 19; 13:7; Lev. 2:11), the remnant of dough from the preceding baking which had fermented and become acid. (2.) Heb. hamets, properly "ferment." In Num. 6:3, "vinegar of wine" is more correctly "fer...
John the Baptist
[ebd] the "forerunner of our Lord." We have but fragmentary and imperfect accounts of him in the Gospels. He was of priestly descent. His father, Zacharias, was a priest of the course of Abia (1 Chr. 24:10), and his mother, Elisab...
[isbe] HAIR - har (se`ar, sa`ar, Aramaic se`ar, and their derivatives; thrix, gen. case trichos, kome): 1. Hair Fashions: Hair was worn in different fashions by the Orientals of Biblical times, and not always in the same way among ...
[nave] FRATERNITY. Gen. 13:8; Deut. 15:7-15; Psa. 22:22; Psa. 133:1-3; Zech. 11:14; Mal. 2:10; Matt. 5:22-24; Matt. 18:15-18, 21, 22, 35; Matt. 23:8; Matt. 25:40; John 13:34 John 15:12. John 20:17; Rom. 12:10; 1 Cor. 6:1-8; 1 Cor....
[isbe] FOOD - food: I. VEGETABLE FOODS 1. Primitive Habits 2. Cereals 3. Leguminous Plants 4. Food of Trees II. ANIMAL FOOD LITERATURE In a previous article (see BREAD) it has been shown that in the Bible "bread" usually stands for...
[nave] FOOD. Articles of Milk, Gen. 49:12; Prov. 27:27; butter, Deut. 32:14; 2 Sam. 17:29; cheese, 1 Sam. 17:18; Job 10:10; bread, Gen. 18:5; 1 Sam. 17:17; parched grain, Ruth 2:14; 1 Sam. 17:17; flesh, 2 Sam. 6:19; Prov. 9:2; fi...
Fermented Drink
[nave] FERMENTED DRINK Lev. 10:9; Num. 6:3; 28:7; Deut. 14:26; 29:6; Judg. 13:4, 7, 14; 1 Sam. 1:15; Psa. 69:12; Prov. 20:1; 31:4, 6; Isa. 5:11, 22; 24:9; 28:7; 29:9; 56:12; Mic. 2:11; Luke 1:15 See: Alcohol.
[isbe] FRESH - Adj.: The translation of hadhash, "new," "fresh" (Job 29:20, "My glory is fresh in me"); of leshadh, "sap," "moisture" (Nu 11:8, of the manna, "as the taste of fresh oil," the Revised Version, margin "cakes baked wit...
[isbe] DRUNKENNESS - drunk'-'-n-nes (raweh, shikkaron, shethi; methe): I. Its Prevalance. The Bible affords ample proof that excessive drinking of intoxicants was a common vice among the Hebrews, as among other ancient peoples. Thi...
[isbe] DRINK, STRONG - (shekhar; sikera; from shakhar, "to be or become drunk"; probably from the same root as sugar, saccharine): With the exception of Nu 28:7, "strong drink" is always coupled with "wine." The two terms are commo...
Abstinence, Total
[nave] ABSTINENCE, TOTAL. From Intoxicating Beverages Lev. 10:8-10; Num. 6:3, 4; Judg. 13:4, 13-14; Esth. 1:8; Prov. 23:20, 31, 32; Prov. 31:4; Jer. 35:6-8, 14; Luke 1:15 See: Temperance. Instances of Israelites in the wilderne...

Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable)
To formulate a statement that summarizes the teaching of this book it will be helpful to identify some of the major revelations in Numbers. These constitute the unique values of the book.The first major value of Numbers is th...
I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-101. The first census and the organization of the people chs. 1-42. Commands and rituals t...
The location of this blessing in this context indicates that one of the priest's central tasks was to be a source of blessing for God's people.61This blessing, like the preceding Nazirite legislation, deals with the purificat...
The revelation of ordinances and instructions designed to enhance the spiritual sanctification of the Israelites as they journeyed on to the Promised Land ends with chapter 6. The narrative of events that transpired just befo...
The Angel of the Lord again appeared (cf. 6:11). This time He announced to a barren Danite woman that she would bear a son (cf. Gen. 16:11; Luke 1:26-38). Samson's birth by a barren woman indicated God's supernatural provisio...
1:8-9 Zechariah was serving God faithfully by discharging some temple function as a member of his priestly division. There were so many priests then that the great privilege of offering incense on the golden incense altar in ...
Paul had attempted to reach the province of Asia earlier (16:6). Now the Lord permitted him to go there but from the west rather than from the east. Luke recorded his initial contact in Ephesus in this section to set the scen...